The article deals with modern concepts of health and its components; the factors determining the health of students, the ways of its preservation and strengthening are analyzed based on the fulfillment of the norms and requirements of the physical culture and sports complex of the GTO –RWD(READINESS TO WORK AND DEFENSE). The authors proceeded from the assumption that: - any correctly and rationally organized physical culture and sports activity creates prerequisites for orienting students towards a healthy lifestyle both directly in the process of the activity itself and indirectly through the impact of specific but not constant conditions in which it is carried out. - physical training and sports activities do not simply extend the range of motor skills and abilities, not only increases the efficiency and adaptability of the body of student youth, its academic effectiveness, but also, in fact, forms a degree of physical improvement that provides a need for a healthy lifestyle and promotes the productivity of any kind of educational and professional activities of students; - the educational function of physical culture and sports aimed at orienting students towards a healthy lifestyle, by preparing and fulfilling the norms and requirements of the GTO's physical culture and sports complex, is more represented in the system of training sessions and sports work, where pedagogical guidance is provided for professional, physical and mental improvement of student youth.
Keywords: Healthy lifestyleskillshealth-saving behaviourphysical culture and sport
The most important problems
The limited nature of modern scientific knowledge that reveals the content, means and methods of orienting students towards a healthy lifestyle in the process of physical culture and sports, the fulfillment of the norms and requirements of the physical culture and sports complex of the GTO, has determined the focus of this article. The content and specificity of students' activities in the implementation of the standards and requirements of the physical culture and sports complex of the GTO in the university allow them to orient them to many aspects of a healthy lifestyle, not only from the information, but also from the emotional point of view.
One of the most important problems hampering the self-organization of a healthy lifestyle of students is the lack of proper scientific, theoretical and methodological justification, as well as the practical use of physical culture and sports to develop a stable orientation toward health-saving behaviour among students (Vengerova, Lyuik, & Piskun, 2016).
Higher school the task of radical physiologically grounded organization
The intensification of mental work, the change in the social rhythm of students 'life, put before the higher school the task of radical physiologically grounded organization of the training regime, which makes it possible to raise the level of students' knowledge at optimal physiological costs, preserve health and high efficiency, educate students of higher educational institutions skills and health-saving behaviour.
In connection with the above, during the work the main attention was paid to the solution of the following research questions:
definition of methods that develop the students' value consciousness;
formation of practical skills and habits of health-saving behaviour;
study of the possibilities of introducing health-saving technologies of training and training into the practice of physical culture and sports.
In addition, the article presents the world outlook aspects of a healthy life style of students using the means of physical culture, the formation of a stable orientation toward health-saving behaviour, the foundations of rational nutrition and topical environmental problems among students.
The pedagogical possibilities of upbringing of skills and habits of health-saving behaviour in the process of physical training and sports are justified (Schegolev & Novoseltsev, 2015).
Proceeding from the foregoing, the purpose of this study was to determine the pedagogical possibilities of educating university students in the skills and habits of health-saving behaviour in the process of physical education and sports.
To solve the set tasks, the research used the generally accepted methods of obtaining information, primarily of a literary and exploratory nature.
Including: collection, theoretical analysis and synthesis of available in domestic and foreign sources of documents and other materials. The reliability of the results of the study was provided by the integrated application of methods of structural-functional, comparative and pedagogical analysis (Bolotin, Shchegolev, & Bakayev, 2014).
Problem Statement
The current Federal Law
The main provisions of the current Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sport in the Russian Federation" consider physical culture and sport as one of the means of effectively solving the social and economic problems of society, preventing diseases, promoting health, supporting high mental and physical efficiency, educating patriotism, youth to work and to defend the motherland.
All this, in the context of the system of educational institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, makes it necessary to rethink the educational and recreational possibilities of physical culture and sport in accordance with the tasks of professional training and the personal interests of students (Bolotin, Shchegolev, & Bakayev, 2014).
One of the real and effective ways to solve this problem can be the way of active implementation of the main provisions of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2014, No. 172 "On the All-Russia Physical Culture and Sports Complex" Ready for Work and Defense "(GTO)" in the system physical education of student youth (Sushchenko, Shchegolev, & Korshunov, 2016).
Implementing health-saving technologies
In order to determine the ways of implementing health-saving technologies in the process of fulfilling by students the norms and requirements of the physical culture and sports complex of GTO, the use of other forms and physical culture and sports, a personal role of the teacher is not only to protect the health and safety of students, but also the development of their orientations, needs, skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle (Bolotin, Piskun, & Pogodin, 2017).
Research Questions
The teaching and management staff of the university.
In general, it can be noted that work in this direction requires a broader discussion and a pronounced position of the teaching and management staff of the university. It is important that teachers themselves are carriers of a sufficiently high level of health-saving motivation (Bakayev, Vasilyeva, Kalmykova, & Razinkina, 2018).
The various methodological materials.
This can be facilitated by various methodological materials, discussion of the problem at scientific and practical conferences and meetings. Of great importance is also the further work on the criteria and qualities that students need to develop in orientation to a healthy lifestyle in the process of physical culture and sports activities (Bolotin, Sushchenko, Bobrishchev, & Chunguan, 2016).
Purpose of the Study
In additional, we should know that the use of physical culture and sports in order to strengthen the health and orientation of students to a healthy lifestyle is not limited to the formation of training effects - the most important result of systematic exercise. It is also important to remember a number of health effects that are realized through other mechanisms of human life (Shchegolev, Lipovka, & Korshunov, 2016).
The regulatory and trophic effect
The most important is the regulatory and trophic effect, which, due to physical exercises of various dynamic structures, provides qualitatively different influences on the functional state of the organism and its individual systems (Bolotin, & Bakayev, 2017).
Directed impact on students of pedagogical opportunities of physical culture and sports, their compliance with the norms and requirements of the physical and sports complex of the GTO determines their health-saving behavior as an object and subject of social relations, where self-regulation and self-organization play a leading role (Shchegolev, Sivak, Kochin, & Egorov, 2016; Schyogolev, 2014).
The internal environment and the various social problems
The main scientific psychological and pedagogical idea of this approach is based on the fact that the dual task of preserving the constancy of the internal environment and the various social problems of individual behavior in the world around us are solved in the human body thanks to the multilevel organization and maintenance of the physical state through the functions of the central nervous system (Shchegolev, Sushchenko, & Piskun, 2017).
At the same time, it can be confidently asserted that physical training and sports, the fulfillment of the standards and requirements of the GTO physical culture and sports complex by students are of great importance in fostering the orientation of student youth towards a healthy lifestyle. Athletic sports activity equips students with self-regulation and self-organization in everyday activities, a consciousness of high responsibility for health-saving behavior, and forms motivation and skills of a healthy.
Research Methods
In most higher education institutions, the discipline "Physical Culture" is the only one in the curriculum of the subject, which is directly related to the strengthening of students' health, with the formation of their orientation toward health-saving behaviour (Yarchikovskaya, Kovalenko, Mironova, Tokareva, & Ustinova, 2018).
The sports work plan of the university.
In organizing the research work in accordance with the curriculum on Discipline "Physical Culture" and the sports work plan of the university, special attention was given to questions that are relevant for the formation of value orientations among students for a healthy lifestyle, and pedagogical techniques and forms of discussion search, self-evaluation work (Pogodin, Piskun, & Samorukov, 2018).
Cultural and educational functions of sports.
Such a humanitarian direction of physical culture in the university significantly enhances its cultural and educational functions. With the help of knowledge gained in the discipline "Physical Culture", students should create a holistic view of processes and phenomena occurring in living nature, more fully understand the possibilities of modern scientific methods of cognition of nature and own them at the level of performing professional functions. The information obtained when mastering the minimum required content of the program material for physical education should form the basis for understanding the healthy lifestyle of the student and provide a theoretical basis for the formation of skills and abilities for the physical self-improvement of the individual throughout life. Obligatory classes in physical education in various educational institutions, including in higher education, should form the basis for the formation of the student's physical culture (Burov, Erohina, & Fedorova, 2014; Burov, 2008; Kuznetsov, Kuraleva, & Santynov, 2008).
The efficiency of students determines the productivity of professional training of young professionals in accordance with modern requirements. Mental work of students usually takes place under relatively satisfactory environmental conditions. However, it is often accompanied by unfavourable factors, which include educational and pedagogical, weather, etc.
The workload of a university student
The workload of a university student should not exceed 36 hours per week. In fact, it exceeds this time. The total training load increases sharply in the academic and pre-exam periods, when, in addition to preparing for the current classes, students have to prepare for the next test or examination.
The workload also increases during the examination session, when about 45% of students take 8-10 hours a day, and 30% - even more.
The influence of various types of training load
Many authors, studying the changes in the functional state of students under the influence of various types of training load, come to the conclusion that the preservation of efficiency by the end of the week occurs due to the strain of physiological functions, an increase in the "physiological price" that the body pays for increased mental activity.
Most of the students experience deterioration in various functional indicators at the end of the fall semester, compared to the beginning. This is due primarily to fatigue, which changes the excitability of the central nervous system, the accuracy of work suffers, the rate of response decreases.
Based on the general principles of the scientific organization of educational systems, taking into account the features and capabilities of various forms of physical culture, a pedagogical concept was developed for orienting students toward a healthy lifestyle in the process of physical culture and sports.
The main concept
The idea of the unity of the theoretical, methodological and practical components of a healthy lifestyle was based on the construction of a system for selecting physical culture and sports to orient students toward a healthy lifestyle. Such an approach to constructing a selection system, in our opinion, creates optimal conditions for the realization of the assigned tasks on the basis of the physiological, psychic and physical components of pedagogical influence.
This concept is aimed at solving both general pedagogical tasks (educational and upbringing) and private tasks of a healthy lifestyle for future specialists:
harmonious development of the personality;
Increased motor activity, mental and physical performance;
formation of physical (somatic), psychological and moral health of students;
Development of sports-motive and applied qualities, abilities and skills;
Prevention of tobacco smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism and delinquency in the student environment;
correction of physical disorders, coordination of movements, formation of correct posture.
Conceptual approaches to the solution
Conceptual approaches to the solution of these problems can be represented in the form of three interconnected stages:
the formation of knowledge about the healthy lifestyle of students (verbal knowledge);
the formation of motivations and the need-motivational sphere of the student's personality in the healthy way of life on the basis of knowledge of it;
the transformation of knowledge into the beliefs and health-saving behaviour of the student as a need, which allows to solve the problem of the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
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30 December 2018
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Communication studies, educational equipment,educational technology, computer-aided learning (CAL), science, technology
Cite this article as:
Sushchenko, V., Schegolev, V., & Kerimov, S. (2018). Formation Of Students Healthy Lifestyle By Means Of Physical Training And Sports. In V. Chernyavskaya, & H. Kuße (Eds.), Professional Сulture of the Specialist of the Future, vol 51. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 385-391). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2018.12.02.41