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Integration Of Theoretical And Practical Teacher Training

Table 1:

Typesof problems Typical problems associated with
Root The holistic nature of the "subject of development" - the student (the future teacher) - and a powerful structure disintegrated among themselves methodological and substantive essentials of the processes of development and training which has formed over the last years
The process of establishment and development of mechanisms of integration of educational theory and practice as the leading regularity of development of the theory and methods of higher professional education, virtually dominated by disintegration trends in training and development systems
A large-scale integrative work in the system of university teacher education and lack of adequate effect of integration on the processes of training of a new teacher type, i.e. A teacher of the XXI century
The process and the result of establishment, formation and development of multivariate integrity of the future teacher and inadequate conditions of integrative-educational activity
Key The urgent need for conceptual validation of mechanisms of educational integration as a leading trend of development of modern theory of vocational education and insufficient elaboration of its fundamental positions in the system of professional teacher education
The absence of conceptual model of creation and implementation of mechanisms of integration of educational theory and practice under conditions of transformation of teacher education: the model should become an effective means of development of both integration by itself and the integration of educational theory and practice
The problems of correlation of the initial problem, shaped within the framework of either the basic or co-operative branch of science, with the problems specific to educational practice
Resulting The elements of the logical structure of integration: lack of correlation between the basic cooperating discipline (e.g. educational psychology, teaching philosophy, development theory, history of educational thought, methods of teaching the subject), defining the objective of integration and a particular integrative result
The intrastructural integration: lack of correlation between various concepts, principles, knowledge, skills, competences, etc.
The interstructural integration: lack of correlation between knowledge and skills, knowledge with the experience of creative educational activity
Autonomous The external integration: incompatibility of components of the content with certain forms of educational activity, of methods and means of training and development, etc.
The optimization of curricula: increased requirements to the professional competence of the future teacher (under the new Federal State Educational Standard) and reduction of hours in the curricula, which impede full integration of theory and practice
Non-conforming with the processes of training transformation, systems of:1) development as a process of progressive change of intellectual, spiritual, moral, cultural qualities of the future teacher;2) establishment as a form of emergence new intellectual, spiritual, moral, cultural qualities of the future teacher;3) formation as a technology of enrichment of the personality of the future teacher with new intellectual, spiritual, moral, cultural qualities
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