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Module Contents
Technologies for the prevention of alcohol and drug addiction8 hours Psychological and pedagogical basis of dependence. Age features of manifestation. Technologies for designing primary prevention programs based on GEF. Social anti-drug advertising. Media service in the school. Volunteering in the prevention of dependencies
Technologies for the Prevention of Extremism and Xenorophobia8 hours The main accents in the prevention of extremism and technology for their prevention: 1) forcible change in the fundamentals of the constitutional system and violation of the integrity of the Russian Federation. 2) the public justification of terrorism, 3) the incitement of social, national, racial or religious hatred. 4) propaganda of exclusivity, superiority and inferiority. 5) calls for extremist propaganda, 6) Nazi propaganda of paraphernalia or symbols.
"Speech technologies of involvement in destructive social practices"6 hours Speech strategies and tactics of involvement in destructive social practices and technologies for their diagnosis and prevention: 1) propaganda of cruelty and violence, 2) propaganda of suicide, 3) propaganda of drug addiction. 4) propagation of incest, 5) involvement in a religious extremist organization. 6) involvement in sects, training communities, 7) diagnosis of community content in a social network.
"Communicative Aikido10 hours Conflict communication: a verbal portrait of a communicant. Speech aggression: tactics of counteraction. Speech manipulation: recognition and reaction.
"Technologies for diagnosing and correcting the risks of the appearance of dependenciesin family".10 hours Technologies for identifying personal characteristics of children and adolescents, family relationships and child-parent relations: a package of diagnostic data with instructions.Corrective technologies: For children and teenagers. Development of emotional intelligence in the training of communication, healthy communication, as well as individual work. For parents. Analysis of intrafamily relations. Changing the destructive patterns of behavior. Working with the self-concept of parents. Development of personal and personal environment resources on the formation of more effective models of family relationships. For teachers. Conducting preventive training for the promotion of HLS. Group and individual work aimed at the prevention of emotional burnout, as well as psychological competence
Technologies for preventing Internet addiction10 hours Violation of psychological stability and harmonious development as the basis for the emergence of Internet addiction (replacement of live communication with virtual). Transformation in the communicative and emotional-volitional spheres.
Technologies for preventing suicidal behavior10 hours The weakening of willful functions, the substitution of values ​​and the depreciation of the meaning of life (which is exacerbated by extreme depressive states or when factors that the human psychological defense mechanisms fail to cope with) can lead to suicidal behavior and actions. Improvement of qualification in this part is aimed at discussion and understanding of the processes, causes and conditions of the above-mentioned risks among children and adolescents, their accompaniment.
Express diagnosis of the emotional state of adolescents prone to addiction10 hours The main indicators of the emotional and physical state of children and adolescents. Predictors and indicators for which it is not possible for a specialist to identify markers of a pathological condition.Technologies of step-by-step actions of parents and teachers in nonspecific prevention of threats of dependence in a schoolboy
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