More and more attention is paid to the development of innovations and support for various forms of entrepreneurial activity. The university is often called the place of consolidation of "talents" as the main platform for the emergence of entrepreneurial thinking and the innovative environment. However, the earlier stage of a person's life (4-11 years) is erroneously underestimated, on which the foundations of psychophysical, intellectual and socialization qualities of a person are laid. The subject of the study is the totality of socio-economic relations and categories arising in the process of sports training. The authors formulate a hypothesis that sports training can act as a tool for the development of entrepreneurial and innovative skills. The purpose of the article is the theoretical justification of the formulated hypothesis. The main results: the creative approach to solving problems within the framework of entrepreneurial and innovative activity based on the methodology of the theory of solving inventive problems of G.S. Altshuller was considered , the main metacompetence developing through physical culture and sports and their place in the paradigm of entrepreneurial and innovative thinking were presented; considered coaching work as a complex activity, combining different categories; formulated recommendations for the promotion of sports training as one of the ways to develop entrepreneurial and innovative skills. The obtained results can be used by the executive authorities of different levels for the purposes of formulating the provisions of internal social policy, also by researchers engaged in the development of areas: labor economics and sports economics.
Keywords: Entrepreneurial skillsinnovative skillssports trainingsoft competences, theory of solving research problemstrainer's work
For a long time in the domestic and foreign economic and sociological literature, the role of physical culture and sports and the role of a coach connected with them was often reduced exclusively to pedagogy and completely related to the sphere of education. With the enactment of the Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sport in the Russian Federation" of December 4, 2007, No. 329-FZ (as amended on 03.11.2015), physical culture and sport acquired the status of a separate socioeconomic sector.
In this case, according to the provisions of this law, the main functions of sports activities are manifested through their characteristics. So sport is characterized as "socio-cultural activities"; physical culture is "a part of culture that is a totality of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society for the physical and intellectual development of a person's abilities ..., social adaptation through physical education, physical training and physical development" (Kasimov, 2004, p.7), and physical education, while, is directed "to education of the person, development of physical possibilities of the person, acquisition by it abilities and knowledge in the field of physical training and sports for the purpose of formation of comprehensively developed man... "(Kasimov, 2004, p.7). Thus, the significant social significance of physical culture and sports is declared in the Russian Federation even at the legislative level.
However, in addition to the above functions, the authors focus on the prior development of a wide range of metacompetence (soft skills, soft skills - competencies) in people who have passed at least initial sports training, namely:
communication skills,
skill to work in team,
creativity, etc.
All these skills are the basis for the formation of entrepreneurial (innovative) thinking and, as a consequence, a similar style of behaviour. It is no accident that most successful businessmen and politicians actively engaged in and/or continue to engage in physical culture and sports even after attaining high positions.
Problem Statement
The problem of interaction between economy and sport is a relatively young sphere of domestic scientific interests. Moreover, there are also relatively few foreign works on this field. We can include among the representatives of the Russian scientific community, which affect the relationship between economy and sport: Kuzina, Zolotova, Kutepova, Seyranova, Galkina, Pozdeeva (Pozdeeva, Trostinskaya, Evseeva & Ivanova, 2017), etc. There is a set of research dedicated to sport management on the level of university: Razinkina, (Bakayev, Vasilyeva, Kalmykova, & Razinkina, 2018), Pogodin, (Pogodin, Piskun, & Samorukov, 2018), Chernyavskaya, (Akopova & Chernyavskaya, 2014), Bakaev, (Bolotin, Schegolev, & Bakaev, 2014). Despite the fact that in their studies they attempted to comprehensively study this problem, mainly their works were descriptive in nature and were devoted to an analysis of the existing legal framework regulating relations in the field of physical culture and sports.
Leading role in the study of the economy of sports abroad belongs to American scientists. Their experience of research on this issue has almost half a century of history and is the starting point of the publication by S. Rosenberg in 1956 of an article devoted to the market of professional players in basketball. It is necessary to note the great contribution of European scientists (Kasimov, 2004): Cairns, Jennet, Sloan examined the economic behavior of the sellers of sports services; Brun, Hermanns, Roth worked on the issues of sports sponsorship; research by Andreev and Nissan are devoted to the fundamental issues of the sports economy. Separately it is worth to note the study of Downward, in which he and his colleagues represent the sports economy as a complex system, presenting its theoretical aspects and practical examples (Downward, Dawson, & Dejonghe, 2009). The corporate component of sports and sports teams was also studied by: Zhang and Pitts (2018), Hewer (Hewer, Gannon, & Cordina, 2017), Mourão (2017), Manasis (Manasis, Avgerinou, Ntzoufras, & Reade, 2017), etc.
The issues of development of entrepreneurial (innovative) skills and competencies in their work were considered by: Medukhanova (2007), Tulzhenkova (2010), Fedorova (Ginieva & Fedorova, 2010), Platov and Kapustyan (2010) and others.
Thus, there is a wide variety of domestic and foreign research aimed at studying separately different aspects: the economics of sport, labor economics (in particular coaching), the development of entrepreneurial and innovative skills, but the hypothesis of the relationship of sports training with entrepreneurial and innovative development of society even was not logically justified, which determined the choice of the research topic.
Research Questions
The following questions for the study were formulated:
Is there a correlation between sports training and entrepreneurial and innovative development of the society.
Could physical education and sports, realized through initial sports training, create the basis for the emergence of "soft skills" necessary for the development of entrepreneurial and innovative skills in the subjects of activity.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is the theoretical justification of sports training (in particular initial sports training) as one of the ways to develop entrepreneurial and innovative personal skills.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been solved in the article:
The creative approach to solving problems within the framework of entrepreneurial and innovative activity is considered, based on the methodological basis of the theory of solving inventive problems and also the main metacompetence developing through physical culture and sports are presented and their place is represented in the paradigm of entrepreneurial and innovative thinking.
Trainer's work is considered as a complex activity that unites such categories as: sport, work, education, mentoring, etc.
Recommendations are formulated to promote initial sports training as one of the ways to develop entrepreneurial and innovative skills.
The object of research is the system of physical culture and sports of the Russian Federation.
The subject of the study is the totality of socio-economic relations and categories arising in the process of implementing the system of sports training.
Research Methods
For the purpose of considering the features of the subject of the study, let us present the definition of entrepreneurial and innovative activity.
The concept of innovation and, accordingly, innovative activity is widely interpreted in various legal and scientific literary sources. In this connection, the authors will formulate their own definition based on the systematization of opinions presented in official documents of the Russian Federation approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, by individual ministries or even having the status of law (Table
Thus, despite the official status of the sources, they do not contain a single interpretation of the term "innovation" and "innovation activity". For the purposes of this study the authors will understand the definition of innovation presented in the national standard as fully consolidating the provisions of other normative acts on this subject, reflected in Table
As for entrepreneurial activity, it is entirely regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In this regard, the following definition of entrepreneurial activity is considered to be official: "... self-directed activity aimed at the systematic acquisition of profits from the use of property, sale of goods, performance of work or services persons ... " (Civil Code of Russian Federation, part 1, issue 2)
Analyzing the presented definitions of innovative and entrepreneurial activity, it is possible to identify the following aspects, combining both types of activity:
Innovative activity can be considered in the context of two components: engineering (the creation of a new product) and entrepreneurial (the introduction of a new product in the operation of a particular enterprise).
Creation of a new product within the framework of innovation activity and minimization of risks within the framework of entrepreneurial activity requires the application of a creative approach.
Inventive and entrepreneurial activity is a purposeful activity aimed at achieving a concrete result.
Innovative and entrepreneurial activities are complex activities requiring profoundly developed special skills and "soft skills".
Therefore, the characteristics of the stakeholders, providing an algorithm for solving the tasks assigned, will be relevant, both for entrepreneurial activity and for innovation. At the same time, for the methodological basis for solving such problems, we will adopt the theory of solving inventive problems (TRIZ) by Altshuller (Altshuller & Shapiro, 1956).
So, as a key characteristic, let's consider the creative approach as providing consolidation in itself of the basic “soft skills” and competences.
Let us consider it in more detail, to determine the need for its realization “soft skills - competencies”.
The creative solution of the new task, within the framework of the creative approach, basically includes three stages, which have been given nominal names: analytical, operational and synthetic. The analytical stage is aimed at conducting analytical procedures aimed at assessing the current level of development of the object in question in order to identify the main contradiction at the current stage and to identify the cause of this contradiction. The operational stage is based on a systematic study of possible ways of eliminating the revealed cause of the contradiction. At the synthetic stage, changes are made to the remaining elements of the system, justified by the nature of the method of eliminating the revealed technical contradiction (Altshuller & Shapiro, 1956).
Thus, the realization of a creative approach to the solution of the problem requires from the subject of entrepreneurial and innovative activity not only special skills, but also a number of "soft skills - competencies"("soft skills"), the list of which is variable depending on the stages of implementation of the creative approach (Table
At the same time, we will understand the area of issues in which the person is properly informed, has the necessary knowledge and experience (Fedorov, Metelev, Soloviev, & Shlyakov, 2012). Competencies manifest themselves through personal characteristics, which are considered necessary in the performance of these duties. Competencies help to correlate individual characteristics of individual employees with the characteristics of their work.
"Soft skills" in the context of this definition can be represented as special competencies that ensure interaction between people and in this connection are not immediately represented (Downward, Dawson, & Dejonghe, 2009; Phoewhawm & Ratana, 2011).
By the competence we will understand the possession of a person with the appropriate competence, taking into account his/her personal relationship to the subject of work. Competence connects the personal qualities of a person (value - semantic orientations, knowledge, skills, abilities, abilities) and experience in a certain field of activity. In addition, competence manifests itself in the ability and readiness of the individual to implement independent variation and design actions when it is necessary to solve various problems of behavioral and practical character (Fedorov, Metelev, Soloviev, & Shlyakov, 2012).
As it can be seen from the Table
According to the research, competences can be developed through physical culture and sports (including in the framework of initial sports training), the main subject of which is the coach and coaching work, as the activity directed not only to the development of special physical characteristics of the athlete, but also key metacompetence, in particular through the implementation of aspects of educational, educational and mentoring activities.
Coaching, of course, refers to work. First, the coach's actions are characterized by expediency and social significance: sports victories in the international arena demonstrate the potential and strength of the state. Secondly, the labor market in the field of physical culture and sports is the reproduction of labor, which is a necessary condition for the existence of such labor. And, finally, the activity of the trainer is “multifaceted, includes socio-economic, organizational-technical and moral-personal aspects” (Sapozhnikova, 2016, p.14).
At the same time, under the coach's work, within the stated specificity of the subject of research - sports training - we will understand the expedient socially significant work of a professionally trained sports qualified person, ensuring the set of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society for the physical and intellectual development of a person's abilities early age.
Revealing some of the provisions of the author's definition of coaching , it is worth noting that the functional of the coach's work due to its complex socially significant content includes: a research component related to the actualization of knowledge in the existing teaching methods (at least once every four years to undergo professional development) , ensuring the development of curricula and methodological recommendations, as well as analysis of the dynamics of development of wards and the identification of their reserves in sports growth; current coaching work related to the provision of the training session and the training process in the framework of the duties stipulated by the Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sport in the Russian Federation" and solving organizational issues and building a communication, motivation, control and encouragement system. Moreover, the setting of "non-sports" skills requires the coach to be a mentor and tutor, providing young athletes with a basic set of values and skills in teamwork, goal-setting, planning, self-discipline, etc. (Almazova, Khalyapina, & Popova, 2017).
The characteristics of coaching work presented above affect its content and character. At the same time, the content of the coaching work depends on the functional, the techniques used and the technologies for conducting the training process, as well as the results of the subject of labor and, in this connection, can change dynamically. The nature of coaching is determined by a number of factors that characterize the conditions for professional and career growth, physical and psychological tension, prevailing budgetary financing, seasonality and cyclicality associated with the specificity of training activities for targeted sporting events (Bagirova & Sapozhnikova, 2015).
At the same time, the results of coaching work go far beyond the achievement of certain qualification indicators within the stages of the development of the athlete (from the stage of the initial sports training to the stage of higher sportsmanship), touching on the elements of the educational aspect of the individual and the development of the athlete's meta-training, such as teamwork, goal- communication, the ability to be creative (non-standard) approach, to respond quickly to complex situations, etc. -. all this, according to the proposed hypothesis of the authors must to lead to the development of entrepreneurial and innovative skills of the object of the coaching work.
So, at what stage and in what way, through the system of initial sports training can the "soft competencies" necessary for the development of entrepreneurial and innovative skills develop?
First of all, let's formulate the framework of the concept of "initial sports training". Initial sports training is a kind of preparatory sports activity, carried out, mainly at an early age (4-11 years), excluding a specific impact on a particular sporting quality, but aimed at developing coordination, general physical, functional, playful, health-improving training, the purpose of which is the training to the regular training process and its content structure (warm-up, general part, hitching), the formation of physical fitness and familiarity with the basic sports elements.
Then, the methods of developing "soft skills -competencies" in the framework of initial sports training can be represented as follows (Table
Expanding the contents of Table
Thus, the presentation of the basic methods of initial sports training shows its focus on the formation and development of the "soft skills" that are presented in Table
So, in this article, the authors reviewed sports training (in particular, initial sports training) as a way to develop entrepreneurial and innovative skills. For this purpose the following tasks were consistently solved:
A creative approach to solving problems within the framework of entrepreneurial and innovative activity was considered, based on the methodological basis of the theory of solving inventive problems of Altshuller (Altshuller & Shapiro, 1956). In the course of solving the first task, the stages of implementing the creative approach were briefly presented, as well as the basic types of "soft skills" that must be possessed at each of the stages. In conclusion, soft skills were identified, which could be developed through physical training and sports.
The second presented problem was the introduction of the coaching work as an integrated activity, combining categories: sport, work, education, mentoring, etc. In this part of the study authors were able to substantiate the thesis that the coaching activity undoubtedly belongs to the work and in this regard refers to sphere of interests of the labor economy due to its organization and the results of its activities.
In conclusion, the authors formulated recommendations for the promotion of initial sports training as one of the ways to develop entrepreneurial and innovative skills and described the principles and possibilities for implementing the system depending on the level of physical training.
Thus, the authors justified the hypothesis that physical training and sports, realized through initial sports training, are able to create a basis for the emergence of "soft skills" necessary for the development of entrepreneurial and innovative skills among stakeholders. Therefore, in order to increase the scale of development of entrepreneurial and innovative potential, the authors formulated a proposal to include initial sports training in the compulsory part of the educational process for children aged 4-11. At the same time, exclusively physical education within the framework of the school curriculum, according to the authors, the main functions for the development of metacompetence provide incapable. In this regard, the initial sports training should be carried out on the basis of existing sports complexes under the patronage of sports organizations that have the appropriate licenses, with the involvement of a coaching staff that meets all the requirements of the federal law "On Physical Culture and Sport in the Russian Federation". However, it is necessary to organize the possibility of implementing individual sports trajectories (with different levels of physical exertion and emphasis on the development of targeted physical qualities) for various categories of children, in particular:
Children with reduced physical abilities.
Children are focused on sports of high achievements.
Children not belonging to the first and second groups.
At the same time, the main characteristics of such a system of initial sports training, according to the authors should be:
free of charge for subjects of sports activities (financing from budgetary funds - municipal task);
the possibility of participation of private organizations on the principles of private – public partnerships or concession agreements;
ensuring equal access for all participants;
purposeful emphasis along with educational activities, along with the organization of physical activity;
compulsory for all in accordance with the level of physical development and selected preparatory trajectories.
In order to be able to control the results of the mandatory initial sports training system the authors consider it necessary to establish a regular (annual) monitoring of the competence state of formulated as "soft skills." At the initial stage, this should be done to reflect the dynamics of changes (to formulate a conclusion about the feasibility of implementing the system and continue its implementation), then, when comparing with the leading foreign benchmarks or scientifically based benchmarks, formulate directions for increasing the efficiency of the system's implementation or its intensification.
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30 December 2018
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Communication studies, educational equipment,educational technology, computer-aided learning (CAL), science, technology
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Viktorovich Bazhenov, O., Anatolyevna Evseeva, O., Anatolyevna Evseeva, S., & Alexandrovna Zilber, I. (2018). Sport Training As A Way Of Development Of Entrepreneurial And Innovative Skills. In V. Chernyavskaya, & H. Kuße (Eds.), Professional Сulture of the Specialist of the Future, vol 51. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1217-1227). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2018.12.02.131