Formation Of Readiness For Professional Communication Of A Modern Specialist


This work assumes a solution of the problem of a research of essence of professional communication, ways of its effective formation. On the basis of the carried-out analysis methodological bases of a research are defined, the authors’ definitions of concepts are given: "education paradigm", "professional communication", "readiness for professional communication". Proceeding from the theoretical positions considered in the work, the conclusion is drawn that the personally oriented approach is one of the significant pedagogical concepts of training a modern specialist. Taking into account the fact that in recent years there has been growing uncertainty in the activity of specialists and the possibility of accurate forecasting of situations is declining, a person-oriented approach should be methodologically and practically "supported" by a synergistic approach. Since synergetics is a synthetic science, the application of the synergetic approach will allow to organize a person-oriented approach more effectively in the formation of readiness of a modern specialist to professional communication, therefore, they should be applied in a complex. It is reasonable and proved that formation of readiness of the modern expert for professional communication on the basis of complex use of person-oriented and synergetic approaches, the personalized training, synergy of forms, methods and teaching tools, provides integrity and systematic approach of preparation, achievement of high-level competence in the field of professional communication.

Keywords: Education paradigmprofessional communicationreadiness for professional communication


The relevance of a study of a problem of formation of readiness for professional communication of the modern expert is caused by global trends in development of Russian and world education:

  • transition to a humanitarian educational paradigm aimed at developing the personal qualities of students, abilities for self-development, self-learning, dialogic interaction with people, culture, civilization;

  • academic mobility and migration processes leading to the growth of students and workers who are poorly acquainted with the language and culture of the host country, capable of conducting a dialogue;

  • development of information and communication technologies that increase the opportunities for professional communication;

  • solution of the problem of improving the quality of training of specialists, through the search for ways to effectively develop skills in dialogue, professional communication skills.

Problem Statement

To solve the urgent problem of forming readiness for professional communication of a modern specialist, it is required to specify the scientific definition of the concepts "professional communication" and "readiness for professional communication", the essence of these phenomena, the rationale for pedagogical approaches and methods of effective readiness formation in the aspect of the humanitarian educational paradigm.

Research Questions

Modern education is focused on the development of the personal qualities of students. Increased attention to the characteristics of the personality, which are manifested in various activities, determines the success of the individual in professional activity. Solving the problem of improving the quality of professional training of specialists, in conditions of an ever-changing society, poses a number of specific tasks for graduates of higher educational institutions. One of such tasks is the ability to conduct a dialogue, mastering the skills of professional communication at the proper level.

The problem of professional communication occupies one of the leading places in the life of each specialist. The phenomenon of communication is revealed in the works of Abolina and Akimova (Abolina & Akimova, 2013), Ananiev (Ananiev, 1950, 2010), Vygotsky (Vygotsky, 2016), Leontiev (Leontiev, 1979) Rubinstein (Rubinstein, 1997), Beaugrande and Dressler (Beaugrande & Dressler, 1981), Stocklmayer (Stocklmayer, 2001) etc. In these authors’ works, readiness for communication is considered as the most important condition for the development of a person, his or her socialization and individualization, the integral formation of the personality. The definition of professional dialogue components in the aspect of communicative functionality is an important problem for psychologists, linguists and methodologists. Professional communication is included in the context of professional activity, which is characterized by focus, effectiveness and social significance.

We consider professional communication as a specially organized interpersonal interaction, taking place in the process of professional activity and aimed at organizing and optimizing people's cooperation.

Based on the analysis of scientific works on professional communication, speech communication Zelezovskaya, Abramova and Gudkova (Zelezovskaya, Abramova, & Gudkova, 2016), Kibrik (Kibrik, 2005), Klyuyeva (Klyuyeva, 2000), Krasnykh (Krasnykh, 2013), Leontiev (Leontiev, 1979), Mazar (Mazar, 2016), Rubinstein (Rubinstein, 1997), Krakowska (Krakowska, 2008), Almazova, Khalyapina, Popova (Almazova, Khalyapina, & Popova, 2017; Popova, Almazova, Khalyapina, & Tret'jakova, 2017), Krieger-Knieja and Paprocka-Piotrowska (Krieger-Knieja, & Paprocka-Piotrowska, 2006), Eco (Eco, 1992, 1996) and situations of professional communication, we determined that professional interpersonal interaction includes:

  • participants of the interaction (employees of the organization, colleagues, bosses, representatives of the media or other organizations, etc.). Participants of professional communication depend on each other their collaboration is aimed at achieving a specific goal.

  • Cognitive aspect (provides the presence of meaning in the statement through the interaction of individual cognitive spaces of communicants). It is determined by the availability of professional knowledge and professional speech culture. Professional speech culture is the mastery of terminology, the ability to build speeches on professional topics, the ability to communicate with non-specialists on professional topics, the ability to organize professional dialogue and manage it.

  • The professional situation of communication (any problematic situation in communication is associated with incomplete knowledge of the situation of communication - lack of awareness about the content of the issue, the use of not entirely clear concepts, hypotheses, notions, the lack of logic of an utterance).

  • the communicative environment - the substantive environment of participants in professional interpersonal interaction in time and space (language tools, sociolinguistic competence, and others).

  • the psychological aspect (moral and psychological climate in communication, identification, projection, social perception, empathy, attraction, stereotyping, intuition, insight).

Special skills of professional communication are acquired in the process of training and education. To succeed in professional activities, a modern specialist needs to master the skills of speech culture, to master the style of professional speech, to possess linguistic, communicative and behavioral competence in professional communication.

Dialogue is one of the most important types of professional communication. The formation of skills in the conduct of professional dialogue involves the acquisition of knowledge that develops communicative competence, as well as skills and abilities that promote work and self-development.

The most important categorical sign of professional activity is its purposeful character, effectiveness and social significance. Parameters of the dialogue are the purpose and motives of communication.

The problem of the formation of readiness for professional dialogue is far from being solved. The culture of dialogue acts as a value-semantic basis of professional activity; an indicator of a high level of professionalism.

In order to successfully form a readiness for professional dialogue, it is necessary for a person to develop the necessary knowledge and skills, orientation to professional activity, a positive attitude towards its success and the social and psychological approval of its targets.

Dictionaries define "readiness" as the consent to do something, the desire to promote something. (Ozegov, 2013).

Most researchers consider professional readiness as a complex changing integrative education, consisting of a complex of diverse, interrelated elements that provide the capacity for professional activity.

We understand readiness for professional communication as the integrative quality of the personality, represented by a combination of cognitive, communicative, psycho-adaptive, culturological components that ensures the person's ability to communicate in order to achieve its goals in professional activities.

Formation of readiness for professional communication will be more effective if it is based on the ideas of the humanitarian educational paradigm. The large soviet encyclopedic dictionary gives the following definition of the paradigm: "in philosophy, sociology, the initial conceptual scheme, the model of problem formulation and their solutions, research methods dominant during a certain historical period in the scientific community" (Prohorov, et al., 1982, p. 977).

Each paradigm is based on a certain concept - the leading idea of the synthesis or development of an object, a process from which it would be possible to deduce those activities that will contribute to the implementation of this idea. The researcher of social sciences Baily (Baily, 1982) noted that "the paradigm, as used in social science, is a perspective or frame of reference for viewing the social world, consisting of a set of concepts and assumptions" (Baily, 1982, p.25) and further: "The paradigm is the mental window through which the researcher views the world" (Baily, 1982, p.25).

The educational paradigm is treated in the scientific and pedagogical literature as "foundations, ideas, approaches to the design of educational systems, as basic models or educational strategies" (Lyz, 2005, p. 16) or as "a set of philosophical and theoretical assumptions adopted in the pedagogical community that determine concrete approaches to the design of the educational process and the very educational practice itself" (Lyz, 2005, p. 19).

The education paradigm historically changes under the influence of new values of society and the personality, accumulation of contradictions in the pedagogical science itself.

Based on the above, we will give the following definition: an educational paradigm is the initial conceptual scheme, model of statement of problems and their solution accepted during the certain historical period in scientific and pedagogical community and defining basic elements of pedagogical system.

At each stage of its development, society was looking for a new paradigm of education. The current stage of development in many countries of the world realized the need to reform national education systems. The strategic direction of this process lies in the way of solving the problem of personally oriented education, in which the personality of the learner becomes the center of the educational process. The new, developing, humanitarian educational paradigm has replaced the traditional, pedagogical paradigm.

The humanitarian paradigm regards a person and his health as a self-developing heterostatic humanitarian system (Baykova, Bogomolova, & Jeremenko, 2018, p. 15).

Reliance on the ideas of the humanistic education paradigm has allowed to determine that in the process of forming readiness for professional communication, it is necessary to apply personally oriented and synergetic approaches, personalized instruction.

The application of a person-oriented approach as a methodological basis for training specialists for professional communication will ensure personal orientation and variability in the educational process, will create conditions for the personal importance of training, and ensure continuity of preparation. This approach will help to adjust the content of training in accordance with the needs of trainees, their interests, subjective experience, provide the most appropriate ways to organize its assimilation; to create effective conditions for the development of the personal qualities of students, mastering of professional and super-subjective intellectual, creative, reflective, communicative, socio-cultural abilities; to form the ability to self-education, self-development, self-actualization based on the development of their cognitive activity, the ability to solve new problems; to provide methods of independent discoveries; to develop creative knowledge (Bogomolova, 2016, p. 96).

An important external factor of the development of the training system for modern specialists is also the growing uncertainty in activities, the reduction in the ability to accurately predict professional situations. Therefore, a person-oriented approach should be methodologically and practically "supported" by a synergistic approach.

Based on the analysis of ideas and laws of synergetics, the use of the synergetic approach in pedagogy, we have singled out the principles and rules for pedagogy that should be taken into account in the process of training a modern specialist:

  • society and its subsystems, including personality and education, are complex, non-linear, open systems, in which there may be several alternative ways of development;

  • the present state of the system is determined not only by its past, its history, but also built, formed from the future in accordance with the future order;

  • the actions of each person can influence macrosocial processes in the special states of instability of the social environment;

  • changes in the individual and / or the team can lead to a change in the system of teaching, education, or even in the whole of society (the principle of linking micro- and macro-levels);

  • collective actions are not reduced to a simple sum of individual independent actions; consideration of collective interactions leads to nonlinear responses to administrative influences (the principle of nonlinearity);

  • points of instability of systems, including educational ones, are the most effective states for managing them (the principle of instability);

  • Harmonization of the elements of the pedagogical system into a structural whole, proceeds through a mutual combination, mutual agreement, mutual complementation of the elements of the system;

  • in the oncoming processes of upbringing and self-development, education and self-education, learning and self-learning, there is a synthesis of multifactorial interactions (Bogomolova, 2016, p. 98).

The synergetic approach will allow providing the future specialists with a variety of sustainable ways of professional and personal development (attractors) in the process of preparation and the opportunity to choose the best of them. The mechanism of the fastest way out to the desired attractor should be some uncertainty, an accident occurring at the branching point of the paths of development (bifurcations).

Consideration of the trainee's personality as a synergetic system allows us to draw conclusions according to which the synergy of methods, receptions of means and forms of training should be carried out during preparation. This will make it possible to optimally move from the traditional educational paradigm to a humanitarian paradigm, to provide conditions for intensification of the processes of self-organization and self-development of the trainee's personality, to create the best conditions for the development of the personality of future specialists.

The synergetic approach will also ensure the openness of the goals and content of the training system (filling content depending on the pace of study, the trajectory of development of future teachers, etc.); optimal combination of invariant and variational modules of programs; the complexity of the modules, depending on the interests and positions of the instructors and students; the process of harmonization of the elements of the training system into a structural whole, the unification of the processes of upbringing and self-development, education and self-education, learning and self-education (Bogomolova, 2016, p. 99).

Since synergetics is a synthetic science, the application of the synergetic approach will allow more effectively organizing of a person-oriented approach in teaching. Therefore, these approaches should be applied in a complex. This will make it possible to create an educational space in which conditions the synthesis of multifactor interactions occurs in the oncoming processes of upbringing and self-development, education and self-education; to form the students’ ability to reflective self-organization. The synergetic approach, thus, includes the internal factor of self-organization and self-development of the individual in the educational space.

Therefore, it is the complex application of personality-oriented and synergistic approaches that will allow creating conditions for more effective formation of readiness for professional communication of a modern specialist.

A person-oriented approach which is the basis for implementing the ideas of the person-oriented education should be used at the stages of analysis of the training system as an object of research; structuring training; clarification and specific filling of the methodical system of training, taking into account the stages of preparation; selection of content components, selection of priority forms, methods and means of training.

The synergetic approach brings us closer to an understanding of the behavior and development of such a complex system as the personality of a specialist, broadens our understanding of the possibilities of managing its development, allows us to view professional activity as a process of continuous improvement. It is used to regulate the process of preparation, intensification of the processes of self-education, self-organization and self-development of specialists; integration of heterogeneous components of the training system; expansion and generalization of the achievements of the personality-oriented approach.

In the process of forming the readiness of a modern specialist for professional communication within the framework of personally oriented and synergistic approaches, in our opinion, personalized training should be used. Personalized learning does not only include active learning methods, various practical-oriented and developing forms and methods of teaching (trainings, modeling, role games, various types of seminars, including student-led seminars, buzzing groups, brainstorming sessions, "Aquarium" and others, but also supplements them with new methods aimed at developing students.

Personalized training is understood as learning in the process of which the personalization of trainees and educators is carried out both in the community of trainees and in the generality of the trainees, which mutually enriches them. The training system has a focus on personalization if its component-structural composition, functioning and development create opportunities for personalized learning. In accordance with the three attributes of the personality, personalized learning can be considered as an integral set of three interrelated types of learning: individualized, interindividualized and metaindividualized.

Individualized education is viewed from the perspective of the andragogical approach, according to which the trainee is an independent self-governing person with a certain social experience that can be used by other students and teachers, a person with his/her own life goals and projects, cognitive and educational needs. From the perspective of the andragogical approach, the teacher in the learning process acts as a mentor, consultant, expert, organizer, source of knowledge. At the student's age, the processes of integrating the personality in the community prevail, therefore, developing his/her individuality, the student enriches his or her individual characteristics of the personality of other participants in the pedagogical process.

Interindividualized training is understood as learning, in the course of which the person is striving for establishing, developing, improving and expanding relationships with students and trainees. Personality appears here in the space of connections between participants of the learning process. The main goal of interindividualized training is a person who actively participates in joint activities, knows how to organize it, is capable of interacting.

Metaindividualized training is considered as such training, in the process of which the aspirations of trainees and educators are realized to contribute to the development of the individuality of the other, to the development of communities emerging in the learning process. Here the personality acts in the space of being of the individual in other people, therefore the training under consideration appears as an integral part of personalized learning.

Purpose of the Study

Our work assumes a solution of the problem of a research of essence of professional communication, ways of its effective formation.

Research Methods

The proposed research methods are determined by the integration of methodological approaches: holistic, metasystem, humanitarian, person-oriented, synergistic. The complex of methods of research includes general scientific (theoretical analysis of sources, theoretical modeling, study and generalization of experience in solving the problem of forming readiness for professional communication); empirical methods (complex of sociometric diagnostic techniques, testing, questioning, organizational methods (complex, comparative), methods of mathematical statistics.


The research showed that the formation of readiness of a modern specialist to professional communication on the basis of the integrated use of personally oriented and synergistic approaches, personalized education, the synergy of forms, methods and means of training ensures the integrity and systematic nature of training, achieving a high-level competence in the sphere of professional communication.

In order for the results of the research to be introduced into the practice of education, we have developed methodological recommendations:

  • the readiness of a modern specialist for professional communication should be formed on the basis of the principles of openness, continuity, developing capacity, coherence of training components;

  • the content of training should include invariant and variable components, and the share of the latter should significantly increase. Variability is also provided by modular content building, while modules need to be distinguished not only in content of training (content modules), but also in core professional activities, as well as in the increase of profile and elective courses;

  • the methods and organizational forms of the formation of readiness of a modern specialist to professional communication should provide the most appropriate ways to assimilate the content, create effective conditions for the development of the personal qualities of students which are necessary for professional communication, mastering them with professional and supra-subjective abilities (thinking, creative, reflexive, communicative, socio-cultural). In the process of training specialists the synergy of personalized and modular training, educational information environment should be realized.


The development of Russian and world education, the changing educational paradigm actualize the problem of forming the readiness of modern specialists for professional communication.

Today, modern specialists face the challenges of creative and professional development, a problematic vision of the world, the implementation of professional communication in conditions of some uncertainty and incomplete predictability of situations.

Analysis and generalization of these requirements have allowed us to assert that in the process of forming the readiness of a modern specialist for professional communication it is necessary to apply the personality-oriented and synergetic approaches in a complex manner.

Based on the retrospective analysis and modern theories of professional communication, the methodological bases of research are defined and the authors’ definitions of the following concepts are given: "education paradigm", "professional communication", "readiness for professional communication".

Proceeding from the theoretical positions considered in the work, the conclusion is drawn that the personally oriented approach is one of the significant pedagogical concepts of training a modern specialist.

Taking into account the fact that in recent years there has been growing uncertainty in the activity of specialists and the possibility of accurate forecasting of situations is declining, a person-oriented approach should be methodologically and practically "supported" by a synergistic approach.

Since synergetics is a synthetic science, the application of the synergetic approach will allow to organize a person-oriented approach more effectively in the formation of readiness of a modern specialist to professional communication, therefore, they should be applied in a complex.

It has been theoretically justified and proved that the coordinated use of personalized and modular training, educational information environment creates the best conditions for the development of personal qualities among specialists: openness to innovative processes, the ability to work together and interact with representatives of other cultures within the global information space; ability to implement effective professional communication in conditions of some uncertainty and incomplete predictability of situations.


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30 December 2018

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Communication studies, educational equipment,educational technology, computer-aided learning (CAL), science, technology

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Bogomolova, E. V., & Ananeva, O. I. (2018). Formation Of Readiness For Professional Communication Of A Modern Specialist. In V. Chernyavskaya, & H. Kuße (Eds.), Professional Сulture of the Specialist of the Future, vol 51. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1173-1182). Future Academy.