Currently, the accumulated experience can be used in thinking about how to design a humanitarian educational paradigm of the future specialist. All components of the paradigm, including axiological and ethical issues of activity in any profession, can be represented more adequately through the use of instrumental achievements of modern logic. It is necessary to pay attention to the "elective affinity", i.e. the close unity of the tools of logic and the tools of probability theory. The integrated educational paradigm must take into account the role of "all - pervasive", - everywhere and always present, - chance. In order to trace the "channels" through which chance affects our thinking, we can use some topological concepts and, above all, "manifold". Accordingly, the interaction of objects is a mapping of one "manifold" to another. Our mind is "multidimensional" ("multiple"), i.e. a manifold. The principles of "dimensional ontology", according to which the object and the subject matter of our thinking do not coincide, point to another possibility for the manifestation of the "ubiquitous" chance. The hypothetical-deductive method in conjunction with the method of diagnosis according to the Bayes is the most important metric tool in assessing the role of chance in cognitive and practical activities of any kind.
Keywords: Bayes' formulachancedimensional ontologylogicparadigmprobability theory
It is obvious that the humanitarian educational paradigm of a specialist in any field represents a certain
First of all, the level of meta-competence includes mastering by students the concept of "paradigm". Kuhn (1962, pp. 182-191), the founder of the idea of introducing the concept of paradigm into the philosophy of science, agreed that this concept is "fuzzy". The authors of the report use the concept of paradigm as "
One important sort of components Kuhn labels “
The second type of components (Kuhn, 1962) calls them "
The third component is “
The fourth component is "
Problem Statement
2.1. Since the establishment of the concept of paradigm by Kuhn, many concepts and statements relating to the process of obtaining and applying knowledge in
2.2. It is obvious that at the level of meta-competence, the prepared specialist should clearly understand
2.3. And every science deals with quite specific questions, which can be given quite specific answers. However, the solution of specific scientific problems by scientists essentially depends on the influence of philosophical ideas. And vice versa: it is easy to give an example of how important can be a scientific result not only for science but also for philosophy. So, in the "theory of optimal allocation of resources" of Kantorovich (2012) the concept "resource" is very close in content to philosophical concepts.
2.4. One of the biggest philosophers of the twentieth century (also having significant results in science – in mathematical logic), van Quine (1953, p.445) said: "… philosophy of science is philosophy enough". He meant that philosophers interested in ontological problems may well "find themselves" in the study of ontological problems of development and functioning of science; philosophers, gravitating to the development of ethical problems, will, apparently, interested in the problem of responsibility of the scientist, etc.
2.5. When constructing a humanitarian educational paradigm of the future specialist, taking into account the achievements of various sciences, philosophy and methodology of science, logic and mathematics, we should try to constantly improve its various components.
Research Questions
3.1. In the component formed by symbolic generalizations, it is now possible to use the achievements of modern non-classical logic: modal, temporal, epistemic, deontic, erotetic (logic of questions). Bearing in mind, for example, values and ethical issues, one can try to represent more adequately the subtleties of the axiological complexities of activity in
3.2. To explore further the possibilities of interaction of different sciences. After all, the known complex of knowledge (mathematics, logic, programming, physics, chemistry, materials science, etc.) now allows you to have a method of information modeling. In improving nuclear weapons, this method avoids so-called" field experiments", i.e. real nuclear explosions.
3.3. Belonging to the modern humanitarian educational paradigm should be "
3.4. According to the authors of the report, the integrated educational paradigm should more adequately represent the "
3.5. According to the authors of the report, the integrated educational paradigm must take into account the well-defined interest of the modern methodology of social sciences and Humanities (in particular, historical science and historiography), to the role of "all - pervasive", that is, everywhere and always present, -
Purpose of the Study
Basing on the compilation of relevant results (including those obtained by the authors of the report) and their philosophical, methodological and mathematical and logical analysis, to assess the current state and some issues of construction of the humanitarian educational paradigm of the future specialist.
Research Methods
5.1. Systematization of the relevant results (including the results obtained by the authors of the report) in the philosophy and methodology of science.
5.2. Construction and semantic validation of calculi of modal, temporal, deontic logic.
5.3. Construction of plausible reasonings.
5.4. Cognitive-psychological studies of people's perception of chance and its relation to causality.
5.5. Topological modeling of cognitive processes.
5.6. Bayesian diagnosis of the viability of the hypothesis.
6.1. It has been shown that that at least some of the difficulties in constructing deontic logic can be overcome by means of temporal qualification of the so-called “standard” model; all details are given in the publication (Karavaev, 2006).
The basic relation of temporal precedence is defined as a degree of an
The definition of the degree of the relation <′ is the following:
(1) x <1 y if and only if (iff ) x <′ y(2) x <n y iff ∃v1∃v2 … ∃vn–1 (x <′ v1 & v1 <′ v1 & … & vn–1 <′ y)
We introduce a
The described tools allow us to consider even some delicate issues. For example, we can strictly prove such a rule: “Obligations imposed and accepted at present and pertinent to past events do not have any normative meaning”. So, “You ought (today) to present at yesterday’s meeting” does not mean much more than “May be, you presented at yesterday’s meeting”.
6.2. In the implementation of the "elective affinity" of logic and probability theory, we rely on G. Pólya’ pattern of
We can get a general pattern of plausible inference (Pólya, 1954, pp.8-9):
A implies B
B very improbable in itself
B true
A very much more credible
Also this pattern appears as a modification of the fundamental inductive pattern; indeed, from the reverse side:
A implies B
B quite probable in itself
B true
A just a little more credible
6.3. E.T. Jaynes (2003) put forward the idea of “
6.4; The concept of the "
Let us recall one historical episode. In 1958 in New York at the Symposium on the theory of elementary particles after the speech of W. Pauli, in which he explained the new ideas formulated by him and W. Heisenberg, N. Bohr said something like the following:
"We all agree that your theory is crazy. The question that separates us is whether she is crazy enough to have any chance of being right. I have a feeling it is not enough crazy” (Dyson Freeman, p.80).
Some of the authors interpreted this figurative statement that the theory “does not seem right, if it is not "crazy enough", as a speech
6.5. An extremely important place in the design of the humanitarian educational paradigm of the future specialist belongs to accounting the role of "all - pervasive", - everywhere and always present, -
Scientists face this kind of situation in social philosophy when thinking about the sciences of management and planning. And this is natural: "designing the future" is based on our understanding of the present and the past, which were once the future. Accordingly, in the processes of thinking (including imagination) and in its results there is a chance that "adds up" with a chance that is present in all events reflected by our thinking. From the very beginning of the "construction of the future" (forecasting, strategic planning, design, scenario analysis, evaluation of long-term prospects of the actions taken, "foresight"), we must take into account the difficulties of statistical thinking.
In cognitive-psychological studies of people's perception of chance and its relation to causality fundamental results are obtained by jointly worked for over two decades (1972-1995) Kahneman and Tverski (Kahneman, 2011), and the results obtained by Taleb (the first decade of this century) (Taleb, 2004; 2007; 2012). These scientists have shown the amazing limitations of our minds: the over-confidence that we seem to know, and the apparent inability to adequately appreciate the "volume" of our ignorance.
Our natural and justifiable predilection for causal reasoning exposes us to serious mistakes in evaluating the randomness of truly chance events (Kahneman, p. 115).
From time to time, realizing
From the point of view of the topic of the report and meta-competence issues, the authors appreciate the following statement made by Taleb. We do not spontaneously learn that
6.6. The authors of the report, specifying the "channels" through which chance affects our thinking, turned to the topological concept of "
In considering the possibilities of the most systematic and complete account of the randomness present in the world and in our thinking, the authors of the report propose to use the concept of "manifold" as a common scientific concept. Any real object - both material and ideal nature - can be considered as "manifold", and, accordingly, the interaction of objects - as a
Further, according to the concept of Gardner (Gardner, 2004), our mind is "
Further, we turn to the principles of Frankl's "
They allow us to trace the mapping of one manifold to another.
Obviously, analyzing both the content of the thinking process and its results, in terms of the manifestation of "ubiquitous" chance in both of them, one should consider the principles of Frankl. And this is true - and equally obviously - of the components of any paradigm, and not just belongs to their integration, but contributes to it.
6.7. According to the authors of the report, the integrated educational paradigm - especially in the components of "values" and "samples" - is based on the hypothetical-deductive method in conjunction with the
It is
Let us have a set of hypotheses:
here with
However, returning to the above about the "Black Swans", we keep ourselves from the absolutization of the Bayesian method for the reason that here we are not dealing with objective uncertainty, but with our
Thus, the concept of "paradigm" proposed by T. Kuhn about 60 years ago remains useful and productive for understanding the process of development of the philosophy of science and training of scientists. Currently, the accumulated experience and many philosophical and methodological results can be used in thinking about how to design a humanitarian educational paradigm of the future specialist.
All components of the paradigm, including axiological and ethical issues of activity in any profession, can be represented more adequately through the use of instrumental achievements of modern logic and also the idea of "elective affinity" (a close unity of the tools of logic and the tools of probability theory). The integrated educational paradigm must take into account the well-defined interest of the modern methodology of social sciences and Humanities (in particular, historical science and historiography), to the role of "all - pervasive", - that is, everywhere and always present, - chance. In order to trace the "channels" through which chance affects our thinking, we can use some
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30 December 2018
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Communication studies, educational equipment,educational technology, computer-aided learning (CAL), science, technology
Cite this article as:
Karavaev, E. F., & Nikitin, V. E. (2018). On The Construction Of The Humanitarian Educational Paradigm Of The Future Specialist. In V. Chernyavskaya, & H. Kuße (Eds.), Professional Сulture of the Specialist of the Future, vol 51. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1123-1130). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2018.12.02.121