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Incorporating Technical Writing In Esp Classroom In Russian Higher Education Settings

Table 1:

Points Clarity Conciseness Accessibility Recognizing the audience Accuracy
1-2 Important points are absent;Some questions do not answer;Many vague and connotative words are used. Longer words are commonplace;sentences average is over 20 words;paragraphs often exceed six typed lines. Highlighting is not used;information is not accessible;highlighting is overused. Writer does not define high-tech terms;writer does not consider audience needs;writer never uses pronouns to involve audience. Punctuation often incorrect;spelling often incorrect;excessive grammar and usage errors distort the message.
3-4 Some important points are delayed;Some questions are assumed and understood;Some vague and connotative words are used. Longer words are used when shorter words exist;Sentences average is 15-20 words;Some paragraphs exceed six typed lines. Some main points are highlighted;Information is usually accessible. Writer usually defines high-tech terms;Writer usually considersaudience needs;Writer often involves audience throughpronouns. Punctuation is usually correct;Spelling is usually correct;Grammar and usage are somewhat flawed.
5 Important points come first;Questions are answered; Specific, denotative words are used. Words are generally oneor two syllables;sentences average is 10-12 words;Paragraphs do not exceed six typed lines. Highlighting techniquesemphasize main points tohelp access;Highlighting techniques arenot overused. Writer defines all high-techterms;Writer considers audience needs;Writer uses pronouns to involve audience. Correct punctuation;correct spelling;Correct grammar and usage.
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