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Proposing A Workplace Meditation Model Based On Evidence-Based Programs: An Integrative Review

Table 3:

WM Program Design Hours Content
Phase 1 7/8h(once a year) Presential workshop: Power point presentation on following themes: emotional intelligence and the use of emotions, stress management, coping strategies, somatic mind-body connection, yoga and relaxation techniques and mindfulness.Lunch should be included in mindful eating approach.Organizations could take advantage of this time to implement endo-marketing initiatives, branding, and view this as an opportunity to enhance team work development. Organizations could offer a small prize or token of appreciation to employees that follow through with the program.
Phase 2 2h per month(10 to 12 months) Presential sessions:Alternating the following techniques: body scan; yoga; breathing awareness; zen sitting and walking meditation; music; mindful eating, group dynamics (sharing thoughts), zen stories/storytelling; Observation of sensationsDiscuss statistics from the app and mindfulness journal (see next phase)
Phase 3 45min. per week MBI ONLINE sessions:Using dedicated mobile apps, participants can do the exercises on their own. For example, ‘Insight Timer App’ offers over 1 billion meditations and relaxation techniques in several languages for free. It is also possible to start a Meditation Group and keep activity records and statistics (parallel to meditation journal).
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