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Proposing A Workplace Meditation Model Based On Evidence-Based Programs: An Integrative Review

Table 2:

Mindfulness Effects Physical Effects Psychological Effects Work related Effects
Increased:consciousnesslevel of mindfulnesslevels of mindfulness during work and improved mindfulness skills Increased:relaxationenergysleep qualityphysical health levels of vigoursleep durationmindfulness serves as a mediating factor in the respite process, in which the intensity of practicing mindfulness positively correlates with recovery and vigour levelDecreased:respiration rates fatigue exhaustionself-reported somatic distress Increased:self-perceptionempathyemotional regulationquality of life Decreased:psychological distressnegative affectlevels of anxietylevels of depressionfatigueemotional exhaustionstresspsychological distress, perceived stressmental illness risks self-reported anxiety self-reported depressionanxiety Increased:job satisfactionwork productivitywork engagementresiliency in workDecreased:occupational risks decreasedburnout levelssick leave daysperceived work pressuredemotivation at workscores in “coping poorly” with problems at work
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