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Characterization Of The Physical Activity Level In Portuguese Elderly

Table 1:

Scale/subscale Kind of support M Sd SS MS F p
LTS Long-Term institutions for the elderly .8464 .86803
Day Centres .9144 .81928
Home Assistance 1.3989 1.74454 BG 5.793 1.931 1.789 .155
Community 1.3890 .96821 WG 91.723 1.07
Total 1.0451 1.05268 Total 97.516
DAS Long-Term institutions for the elderly .3930 .30822
Day Centres 1.0857 .50514 BG 51.306 17.102 97.033 .000
Home assistance 1.2758 .57556 WG 29.081 .176
Community 1.8909 .52364 Total 80.387
Total .8178 .69173
HPAQ Long-Term institutions for the elderly .7255 .81791
Day Centres 1.8041 1.04274 BG 123.767 41.256 39.366 .000
Home assistance 1.7844 1.42839 WG 182.351 1.048
Community 3.1648 1.20864 Total 306.117
Total 1.3081 1.31510
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