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Psychosocial Risk Factors And Distress In Higher Education Teachers

Table 3:

COPSOQ Subscales K10 Total n of cumulative functions
Work demands Quantitative demands .368** .323**
Work pace .301** 0.018
Cognitive demands 0.160 0.073
Emotional demands .381** 0.035
Work organization and content Influence on Work ª -.314** -0.026
Opportunities for development ª -0.131 0.116
Meaning of work ª -.354** -0.155
Commitment to work ª -.208* 0.040
Social relations and leadership Rewards/recognition ª -.258* -0.131
Predictability ª -.287** -0.112
Transparency of labour played-role ª -.263** -.202*
Conflicts of labour played-role 0.183 0.144
Quality of leadership ª -0.149 -.201*
Social support from colleagues ª -.253* -0.179
Social support from supervisors ª -.275** -0.156
Interface work-individual Job insecurity .220* -.275**
Job satisfaction ª -.405** -0.171
Work-family conflict .432** .291**
Workplace values Vertical trust ª -0.131 -0.176
Horizontal trust 0.178 0.150
Justice and respect ª -0.17 -0.036
Social community at work ª -.245* -.200*
Personality - Self-efficacy ª -0.136 -0.103
Offensive behaviours .245* 0.100
Health/ well-being Overall health ª .466** 0.088
Sleeping problems .634** 0.047
Stress .727** 0.188
Depressive symptoms .704** 0.179
Burnout .689** ,205*
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