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Psychosocial Risk Factors And Distress In Higher Education Teachers

Table 1:

Characteristics Total (n=97) Male (n=48) Female (n=49)
Age (in years) 30 - 40 18 7 11
41 - 50 41 18 23
51 - 60 32 18 14
61 - 70 6 5 1
Marital Status Single 15 9 6
Married 67 35 32
Divorced 14 4 10
Widower 1 - 1
Type of School Aveiro University Departments 46 27 19
Aveiro University Polytechnic Schools 51 21 30
Work years 0-5 9 4 5
6-10 10 4 6
11-15 18 7 11
16-20 29 20 9
21-25 9 3 6
26-30 9 3 6
31-35 10 6 4
36-40 3 1 2
Type of Contract Permanent 61 36 25
Temporary 36 12 24
Type of work schedule Full-time 71 38 33
Part-time 26 10 16
Percentage of work hours 100 % 75 41 34
80 % 1 - 1
60 % 8 - 6
50 % 3 2 1
40 % 2 2 2
30 % 7 3 4
20 % 1 - 1
Quality of life (Mean) 3.56 3.60 3.51
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