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Determinants Of Breastfeeding Interruption At Six Months Of The Babys Life

Table 4:

Prates, L.A. & Schmalfuss (2015). Problemas e condutas adotadas por puérperas durante a lactação. Rev enferm UFPE online, Recife, 9(2), 500-508.
Type of study / population A descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, with the presuppositions of the participant research. Data were collected through an interview with puerperae and analyzed using the content analysis technique. The objective of the study was to know the problems and the behaviors adopted by a group of puerperal women during the breastfeeding period.
Results / outcomes Problems in breastfeeding were associated with complaints of poor milk, insufficient or weak milk, pain on breastfeeding, cracking, breast engorgement, maternal anxiety and crying of the child as aspects that interfere with breastfeeding.
Critical review of quality It was concluded that a large part of the problems in breastfeeding were due to inadequate positioning and handling, insufficient or weak milk complaints, pain on breastfeeding, cracking, breast engorgement, maternal anxiety and crying, which were the factors underlying the early interruption of breastfeeding.
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