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Creativity In Intellectually Gifted Primary School Children And Gifted Children In Art

Table 2:

“Guesses” Verbal subtest Measures AG - gifted in art (N=17) M (SD) IG - intellectually gifted (N=52) M (SD) t p
Fluency 4,25*(1,44) 5,98*(5,31) -2,096 0,04
Originality 5,50*(5,39) 12,55*(19,29) -2,335 0,02
Elaboration 1,50(1,15) 3,22(6,52) -1,792 0,08
Verbal Creativity (general) 13,12 *(8,39) 22,88*(30,86) -2,031 0,05
"Drawings" Figural subtest Fluency 8,56*(8,12) 5,67*(3,72) 1,987 0,05
Originality 30,31(29,22) 21,8(23,90) 1,059 0,30
Elaboration 15,81(15,12) 12,63(9,25) 1,020 0,31
Visual transformations 0,75(1,12) 0,94(1,67) -0,425 0,67
Figural Creativiy (general) 55,43(49,00) 41,03(30,40) 1,413 0,16
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