Continuous Pedagogical Education: Some Digital Accents


The problem of continuous pedagogical education in the modern university cluster, representing now theoretical and practical interest for involved communities, is actualized in the article. The necessity of cardinal renewal of organizational, content and technological components of the university education, dictated by the digital economy, is grounded. The possible reasons for the failures of Russian education, influenced by the crisis in the world educational trends, are revealed. The difficulties for the implementation of professional educational activities, associated with the socio-economic uncertainty of the teacher's professional status, the high probability of unpredictable situations, the contradictions between public needs, time challenges and educational activities, are determined. The authors present the implementation experience of the practice-oriented model of teacher's continuous education, actualizing such aspects as professional selection of school graduates showing an inclination for teaching in pedagogical universities; updating the system of pedagogical vocational education in accordance with the personal, social and state requirements; young teacher’s multi-faceted accompaniment in the postgraduate period. The results of the project "Continuous pedagogical education: from vocational guidance to postgraduate support" at State University of Humanities and Technology (GGTU) are summarized: pedagogical classes as a component of the system service and tools of future applicants’ pedagogical motivation; innovative competence-oriented model of continuous pedagogical practice using the digital environment capabilities; the development of psychological, pedagogical and methodological support system for young teachers -graduates from GGTU - at the professionalization stage. The authors focus on the modern university educational space digitalization, which gives new opportunities for continuous pedagogical education.

Keywords: Functional teacherdigitalizationpedagogical classpedagogical practice


A prerequisite for the Russian education system modernization is the solution of the primary task –to improve the staff qualification, to prepare and form a teaching staff that meets the social needs (Noskova, 2015). A new, highly-qualified generation of teachers may appear in the Russian school, provided that the choice is set for the professional selection of those school graduates who have shown an inclination for pedagogical activity at the pre-university stage (Yusupova, 2014). Further, a cardinal updating of the pedagogical vocational education system is necessary in accordance with personal, social and state requirements. Hence, a successful graduate from a teacher training university being motivated at the appropriate period continues to need a multidimensional accompaniment at the stage of professionalization. Apparently, there is a logically grounded line of continuous pedagogical education, during which a modern teacher that is able to meet the time challenges is being trained.

Modern challenges to the education formulate its goal: a student’s personality development that comprises a well-formed system of values, accepted in the society, high personal qualities, critical thinking skills, cooperation and joint activities, creativity, communication and working with information and technological skills. So the renewal of today’s higher education technological component is one of the most important areas in the educational process modernization (Izmailova, 2017).

Problem Statement

The modern school urgently needs young teachers who are capable to respond adequately to changes in the educational situation, peculiarities of pedagogical systems, new conditions in the professional activity dictated by the modernization processes in the education (Brown, Lauder & Ashton, 2011; Gert & Biesta, 2010; Olson & Presley, 2010). The permanent modernization of the Russian pedagogy, unfortunately, did not bring the expected results in the last decade yet. The reasons are as follows: "the lack of a clear state policy", hypertrophied bureaucracy and excessive commercialization of the higher education system, mechanical tracking of foreign experience, ... devaluation of education " (Orlov & Kolishev, 2017).

In addition, the professional educational activities are characterized by complicated conditions for its implementation: the socio-economic uncertainty of the professional status (bachelor's, university graduate’s, secondary professional education graduate’s salaries), a high probability of unpredictable situations (psychological, social, professional ones, etc.). At present, the gap between public needs, the time challenges and the pedagogical education activities has reached a maximum (Osinina, 2015; Skudareva, 2014).

As never before, the use of external and internal resources for teacher’s growth and the new technological organization of professional training for the future teacher are relevant today (Aldoshina & Grishina, 2017).

Research Questions

the article presents the experience of implementing a practice-oriented model of continuous teacher education, which updates the following aspects:

  • organization of pedagogical classes as a pedagogical motivation instrument;

  • development and approbation of competence-oriented model of continuous pedagogical practice in the conditions of education subjects network interaction ;

  • psychological, pedagogical and methodological support of young specialists - graduates from GGTU in the post-graduate period.

Purpose of the Study

Theoretical substantiation of the problem and practical experience in the implementation of continuous pedagogical education in conditions of digitalization.

Research Methods

Analytical, sociometric ones, an experiment upon the implementation of the intra-university project "Continuous pedagogical education: from vocational guidance to postgraduate support", modeling of the continuous pedagogical education process.

The goal of the project

"Continuous pedagogical education: from vocational guidance to postgraduate support" is the creation of a multi-level developmental system for the maintenance of continuous pedagogical education based on the principles of unity, continuity, integration, humanization, digitalization as well as the selection of various structural components: mastering the pedagogical profession at the stages of the professional self-determination, the acquisition of professional teacher education, professional adaptation in the postgraduate period.

5.2. Objectives of the project:

1. Renaissance, raising the social prestige of the teacher's profession as a condition for the professional and personal competences formation in schoolchildren:

  • vocational guidance organization among students, aimed at developing the basic and key competences necessary for pedagogical activities;

  • the development of students' sustainable interest in the teaching profession, organizational and communicative skills, professionally significant qualities, i.е. "Flexible" competences;

  • creation of conditions for students’ professional self-determination.

2. Formation of students' readiness for professional and pedagogical activity on the basis of the implementation of a competence-oriented model of continuous pedagogical practice:

  • creation of a common educational space in the system of integrative practices that set a new format for interaction between education subjects ;

  • optimization of approaches to the organization and content of continuous student pedagogical practice;

  • designing a competence model of the future teacher in order to prepare a new education implementation .

3. Organization and implementation of young specialists from GGTU’s graduate support on the basis of innovative technologies as a strategic direction of a modern teacher’s professional and personal formation :

  • creation of an information database of young specialists - GGTU graduates;

  • the organization of GGTU graduates’ professional skills improvement;

  • diagnostics of the young specialists’ professional competence level;

  • identification of psychological and pedagogical difficulties during the professional adaptation;

  • providing methodological support for young teachers;

  • creating conditions for a young teacher’s continuous professional education;

  • satisfaction of the informed need for the implementation of innovative approaches to the pedagogical activity organization;

  • provision of methodological support in the experimental work organization , expert evaluation of author's programs and manuals;

  • identification, study and dissemination of innovative pedagogical experience;

  • creation of conditions for meeting young teachers’ various needs ;

  • creation of a monitoring system for the effectiveness of young specialists’ multidimensional support ;

  • the creation of a young teachers’ professional association in Moscow region.

The practical significance of the research

The practical significance of the research is the possibility of applying the project results in the professional, pedagogical and social spheres of activity in accordance with the needs of the education subjects and the community concerned.


Pedagogical classes serve as a component of the system service and a vocational guidance tool for prospective students at State University of Humanities and Technology (Skudareva & Osinina, 2017). Currently, pedagogical classes are organized in 10 municipal districts (Pavlovsky Posad, Elektrostal, Elektrogorsk, Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Klin, Dmitrov, Shakhovskaya, Volokolamsk, Istra, Mozhaisk) on the basis of internal and external integration with the implementation of off-hour activities and pedagogical workshops. The unique project "10U" is a pedagogical class in the city of Elektrostal, whose work experience is presented in Teacher's Newspaper No. 50 of December 12, 2017 in the article "In Search of the Perfect Teacher".

In the conditions of digital education, an information site has been created on the basis of GGTU, which allows to work with potential applicants in a remote format: audio- and video conferences, webinars, discussions in the mode of various types of teleconferences: web forum, e-mail - conferences and chat discussions, seminars , on-line discussions with students from remote educational territories. The subject schools for applicants functioning at all the faculties of the university significantly increase the level of professional orientation.

Training a new formation is impossible without a fundamentally new approach to the organization and content of pedagogical practices. This thesis initiates the development of an innovative competence-oriented model of continuous pedagogical practice, which has a modular structure.

This model focuses on the organization and content of the training (1st-2nd courses) and professional student practices (3rd-5th courses), which contributes to the understanding of continuous and systematic pedagogical activity, its characteristics in modern conditions, its various contexts, and promotes development motivation for future pedagogical activity. In accordance with the strategic goals of education modernization, it is important to innovate the forms, methods, technologies and content of training and professional student practices, as a pedagogical tool for improving the quality of education.

The model includes the following components:

  • social order for education as a set of educational (related) requests and requirements;

  • requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard as a social contract between a person, the society and the state as the subjects of social order for education;

  • the digital space of the school as an objective reality and a genuine resource for enhancing the competitiveness of the individual in today's changing conditions;

  • socio-cultural space of the class as a structural component of the the school socio-cultural space, determined by the level of interaction between subjects of educational relations;

  • organization of children’s health recreation as a component of extracurricular practical pedagogical activity;

  • subject profile pedagogical activity as a condition for the professional competences formation during professional (pedagogical) practice in the educational organization;

  • scientific research activity as a condition of forming readiness for solving research problems and guiding the educational and research activities of students in the field of education.

The competence model of a pedagogical university graduate is presented as a result of mastering general cultural and professional competences in the process of all kinds of continuous pedagogical practice.

Obviously, the young teachers’ graduate support is undoubtedly necessary, since the teacher, especially at the beginning of his professional activity, underestimates the risks and is not ready to formulate a strategy for overcoming them, which can lead to a change in the young teacher’s professional development trajectories (Harland & Kinder, 2014; Kovalchuck & Vorotnykova, 2017).

Therefore, a special role is assigned to the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for young teachers at the beginning of their professional activity, when the process of professional development is inextricably linked with personal changes, normative regulation of activities (Klieger & Oster Levinz, 2015).

The main tasks of the system of methodological work with young teachers are: to overcome formalism in work through practical measures; to detect pedagogical difficulties and assist in their resolution; to increase the mentor’s personal responsibility; to form a system of moral and material incentives; create a system of advanced and assisted in-school supervision.

The implementation of the project in the field of postgraduate support involves the development and implementation of the program of accompanying the graduates from GGTU "Professional and pedagogical navigator", carrying out activities aimed at creating a regional system for supporting the development of the professional career of young teachers (with a professional experience of 0-3 years).

As expected results of the introduction of the program for accompanying young teachers, we should note: "retention in the profession"; creation of an effective model of methodological support and professional competence development; successful adaptation to the profession, professional communities; the formation of a conscious need for continuous professional education; development of professional competence and pedagogical skills.

The active implementation of the Program for accompanying young teachers being graduates from GGTU "Professional and pedagogical navigator" includes the following stages and forms of work with a beginner teacher:

Diagnostic stage - monitoring: employment of graduates, fastening in the profession, professional difficulties, educational needs of young teachers ("Education through life").

Practical-oriented stage. Directions:

1. Research support of young specialists:

publishing materials,

participation in scientific and practical conferences, seminars, round tables (remote access),

project activities,

support of the scientific community of students, preparation for participation in the movement,

support and guidance of the pilot activities of the educational organizations,

creation of a bank of innovative ideas,

attracting young specialists to the students’ final qualification works management if there is a request for research of problems on behalf of employers,

scientific examination of targeted programs.

2. Methodological support of young specialists:


Young Teacher’s Day ,

master classes,

self-presentation of the young teacher's own experience in the pedagogical movement "Young People for Young People",

Individualization and differentiation of support,

School for a young teacher,

“a coin box” of pedagogical skills,


Discussion clubs.

3. Legal support: "Legal clinic":

legal advice (remote access);

legal protection.

4. Psychological support using the capabilities of the digital environment:

psychological and pedagogical coaching,



consultations in the mode of electronic conferences, as well as in the mode of "real time" in ICQ mode,

chat conferences.

5. Educational and organizational support of young specialists:

consulting services,


creative competitions and laboratories,

"Map - forecast" of career prospects,

time management.

The expected result in the implementation of the multifactorial model of accompanying young teachers is the promotion of the formation of young teachers’ basic professional and "flexible" competences, the growth of professional self-awareness, positive self-esteem, the expression of an active life position, readiness for lifelong learning (Dave, 1973).


Practical experience of implementing the continuous pedagogical education model in conditions of digitalization makes it possible to distinguish the advantages of the project in comparison with the known analogues:

  • the organization of pedagogical classes as a component of the system service of vocational guidance for prospective applicants;

  • provision of a variable entrance to the pedagogical profession;

  • use of new methodological tools while working with virtual pedagogical classes: the Virtual Tutor project, Virtual Consultant, Virtual Expert.

  • improvement of methodological approaches to the organization and conduct of continuous pedagogical practice for students in GGTU using the digital environment capabilities;

  • creation of a "simulator schools" network, a base for "teacher-trainers", a system of integrative practices;

  • the formation of target settings that reflect the personal sense of involving pedagogical university graduates into professional and pedagogical activities for enriching them with "pedagogical capital";

  • •determination of value means in professional competences forming for realizing a "short career line".

  • To implement the project "Continuous pedagogical education: from vocational guidance to postgraduate support", the following resources are used on the basis of GGTU:

  • personnel (education workers, social partners, academic communities of educators, society);

  • information (Internet, information educational environment of GGTU, library resources of GGTU, Electronic Library System of GGTU, resources of school libraries);

  • • educational and methodological (educational, methodological and diagnostic materials, materials designed by teachers, working programs);

  • material and technical (necessary equipment, fully equipped classrooms and laboratories).

Besides, GGTU has a software that allows the teachers to organize the work with disabled students: a program for reading from the computer screen, designed for people with impaired vision. JAWS for Windows version 16.0 Pro provides the possibility of voice access to the various content, allows to present information on a constantly updated Braille display; the screen magnifier MAGic 13.0 Pro with the voice support - the program of screen magnification - helps blind and visually impaired people to master the computer, use various office applications, navigate the Internet; NVDA is a free screen access program for Windows operating systems that allows blind and visually impaired users to work at the computer.

In the mobile application of Electronic Library System “Lan” they integrated a service for blind students - a speech synthesizer, which allows them to work effectively with the system. Using this service, blind students can:

  • carry out navigation both in the catalogue and in the text of the book;

  • listen to sounded books on your mobile device;

  • adjust the speed of speech playback;

  • move on the sentences, paragraphs or chapters of the book.

Thus, returning to the articulated problem, it can be stated that in the process of research its essence is exposed in different ways and comprehensively: the necessity of updating the polycomponent higher education in the conditions of the digital economy is justified; the possible causes of failures in the modernization processes in the Russian education are outlined; the complex conditions for a young teacher’s training and his professionalization are defined; the results of approbation and introduction of the intra-university project “Continuous pedagogical education: from vocational guidance to postgraduate support”, implemented at State University of Humanities and Technology(Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Moscow region), are summarized. At the same time, our attention is focused on the digitalization of the modern educational space at the university, which opens up new opportunities and perspectives for continuous pedagogical education (Morze, 2013).


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21 September 2018

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Future Academy



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Education, educational equipment, educational technology, computer-aided learning (CAL), Study skills, learning skills, ICT

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Skudareva, G. N., Osinina, T. N., & Izmailova, R. G. (2018). Continuous Pedagogical Education: Some Digital Accents. In S. K. Lo (Ed.), Education Environment for the Information Age, vol 46. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 701-709). Future Academy.