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Assessing A Measurement Instrument For Studying Student Spin-Off Process Development

Table 2:

Construct No. of items Source
Founders’ Characteristics. 20 Davidsson (1995); Dinis et al., (2013); Pihie & Bagheri, (2013).
University Roles. 7 Turker & Selcuk, (2009); Keat et al., (2011); Hofer et al., (2010); Goldstein et al., (2013).
Entrepreneurial Environments. 4 Turker & Selcuk, (2009).
Perception of Barriers. 8 Pruett et al., (2009).
SO Intentions. 6 Linan & Chen, (2009).
Entrepreneurial Capabilities. 16 Huynh & Patton, (2014).
SO Performance 10 Huynh & Patton, (2014).
Total items 71
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