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The Mediating Effect Of Employee Compensation On Integrity And Corruption Risk

Table 2:

Construct Items Corruption Risk Composite reliability Average Variance Extracted
Integrity QInt_1 0.456 0.945 0.637
QInt_10 0.431
QInt_2 0.305
QInt_3 0.455
QInt_4 0.563
QInt_5 0.526
QInt_6 0.367
QInt_7 0.461
QInt_8 0.443
QInt_9 0.455
Employee Compensation S3Q1 0.373 0.877 0.509
S3Q10 0.498
S3Q2 0.561
S3Q3 0.557
S3Q4 0.646
S3Q6 0.284
S3Q8 0.484
Corruption Risk QCR_10 0.781 0.925 0.580
QCR_2 0.764
QCR_3 0.752
QCR_4 0.802
QCR_5 0.855
QCR_6 0.752
QCR_7 0.758
QCR_8 0.583
QCR_9 0.779
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