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Woman On Board And Firm Performance: Evidence From Industrial Companies

Table 4:

Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
CEOWOMAN 0.074 (0.600)
PWOMAN -0.151(0.564)
BLAUGENDER 0.094(0.577)
BREM -0.068(0.267) -0.073(0.233) -0.073(0.235)
BSIZE 0.329(0.194) 0.304(0.234) 0.444(0.182)
BIND -0.034 (0.866) -0.049(0.805) -0.033(0.867)
DUALITY 0.136**(0.042) 0.133**(0.049) 0.136**(0.042)
FSIZE 0.088**(0.034) 0.093**(0.027) 0.089**(0.032)
Constant -0.701*(0.073) -0.672*(0.083) -0.816*(0.080)
F -Stat 2.578**(0.028) 2.596**(0.027) 2.585**(0.027)
Adjusted R 2 0.033**(0.043) 0.033**(0.042) 0.033**(0.043)
R 2 Change 0.059 0.059 0.059
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