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Woman On Board And Firm Performance: Evidence From Industrial Companies

Table 2:

Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. ROA 1
2. ROE 0.482*** 1
3. CEOWOMAN 0.065 0.042 1
4. PWOMAN 0.017 -0.041 0.197*** 1
5. BLAUGEND -0.044 -0.042 0.052 0.187*** 1
6. BREM 0.092 0.029 -0.138** 0.027 -0.299*** 1
7. BSIZE 0.114* 0.103 -0.064 -0.076 -0.704*** 0.428*** 1
8. BIND -0.105 -0.026 -0.060 0.006 0.223*** -0.172** -0.406*** 1
9. DUALITY 0.046 0.151** 0.056 -0.105 0.112 -0.041 -0.115* 0.119* 1
10. FSIZE -0.018 0.169** -0.050 0.133* -0.215*** 0.498*** 0.293*** -0.006 0.105 1
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