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Woman On Board And Firm Performance: Evidence From Industrial Companies

Table 1:

Variables Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum
ROA 1.20 13.63 -71.00 71.00
ROE 0.25 31.05 -190.00 209.00
WOMANBOARD 0.38 0.591 0.00 3.00
CEOWOMAN 0.02 0.151 0.00 1.00
PWOMAN 0.06 0.082 0.00 0.33
BLAUGEND 0.41 0.177 -0.44 0.51
BREM 6.26 0.421 4.88 7.52
BOARDSIZE 7.26 1.688 4.00 13.00
BSIZE 0.85 0.100 0.60 1.11
DUALITY 0.88 0.322 0.00 1.00
BIND 0.48 0.117 0.22 0.80
FSIZE 8.49 0.602 4.71 10.62
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