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The Trend Of Corporate Water Reporting In Malaysia

Table 1:

No Disclosure Items Map to GRI Score
1 Strategic positioning [STR] G4-1, -2 0-1
2 Commitment to external initiatives [COM] G4-14, -15, -16 0-1
3 Stakeholder engagement [ENG] G4-24, -25, -26, -27 0-1
4 Governance and risks [GOV] G4-34, -35, -36, -37, -38, -40, -42, -43, -44, -45, -46, -47, -48, -51; G4-EN29 0-1
5 General policy statement, commitment, or concern [POL] DMA 0-1
6 Specific initiatives for mitigation [INI] DMA 0-1
7 Total water withdrawal [WIT] G4-EN8 0-1
8 Water recycled and reused [REC] G4-EN10 0-1
9 Water discharges and spills [DIS] G4-EN22, -EN24 0-1
10 Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal/discharge of water [SOU] G4-EN9, -EN26 0-1
11 Awards, dollar savings, or monetary benefits [AWA] G4-EC4 0-1
Total 11
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