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Particularities Of Prevention Programs Concerning Juvenile Delinquency

Table 1:

The goal of the intervention The functions of the intervention The pedagogical aim of the intervention
1 Society 1.1. Social defence model (retributive, repressive); Criminal responsibility.
1.2. Educational programs model (remedying, learning of pro-social behaviours). Responsibility approval and social responsibility of minors.
2 Minors Parental and clinical model (re-education). Responsibility approval.
3 Victims and their rights Participatory model of the social actor (rehabilitation). Responsibility approval and social responsibility of the minor and the victim.
4 Minors’ rights Legal guarantees model (correct and fair laws). Criminal responsibility and proportional responsibility.
5 Minors’ participation in the intervention process according to their needs, hopes and critiques. Participatory model, democracy of social actors (emancipation and autonomy). Social responsibility of minors.
6 Community participation in the intervention process concerning juvenile delinquency. Participatory model, democracy of social actors (backed by society). Social responsibility and group solidarity.
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