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E-Government In Mauritius: A Principal Component Analysis

Table 2:

Items on Questionnaire Rotated Factor Loadings
Website Quality Democratic Channel Cyber Trust E-Interaction
Information displayed on the government portal is easy to understand 0.78
It is easy to find information on government websites 0.75
Information on the government portal is useful to me 0.70
The government portal is user-friendly 0.66
There is adequate information on government websites 0.57
Government websites are well-designed 0.41
I have my say in the decision making process through e-government -0.86
With the use of government portal I help make decisions -0.83
With e-government I feel that my opinions matter -0.77
I feel I am being consulted through the government e-portal -0.73
The government takes feedback from citizens through its websites -0.61
My information will be kept confidential on the government websites 0.84
I trust government websites 0.76
Laws against cybercrimes encourage me to use e-government 0.71
It is safe to disclose my personal details on government websites 0.64
Government employees answer my online queries 0.78
I can communicate effectively with the government 0.72
Government websites provide support whenever I am stuck 0.62
Online communication with the government is efficient 0.50
High quality e-services are offered on the government e-portal 0.47
EigenvaluesPercentage of varianceCronbach alpha 5.8129.00.80 2.2711.40.84 1.708.500.75 1.346.720.73
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