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A Study On Internal Control Of Firms In Thai Nguyen, Vietnam

Table 3:

Item Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation
Risk identification
The company has a well-documented policy on risk management 2.98 N
The company regularly updates the risk register 3.11 N
The company management encourages reporting of events in order to identify the risks 3.57 A
The company has a monitoring system that identifies potential risks 3.63 A
Risk evaluation
There is adequate capacity to perform risk assessment in the company 3.29 N
The company has a risk review process after implementation of the mitigation measures/control for identification of risks 3.33 N
The company management effectively communicate risks to the employees and the stakeholders 3.23 N
The management adequately evaluates and records the risk when making important decisions (launch of projects or new products) 3.44 A
Risk mitigation
The company has adequately implemented any inspection plans to reduce the inherent risks which are periodically revised. 3.46 A
Their exists a risk management committee in the company 3.22 N
Risks identified are reviewed and decisions taken on the same by a risk management committee. 3.26 N
Recommendations by the risk management committee are reported directly to top management and the audit and risk sub-committee of the board 3.27 N
Management uses instruments for risk transfer or sharing with other organizations 3.02 N
Average Weighted Mean 3.29 N
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