Verbalization Of The Image Of Professional In Russian Artistic Occupational Discourse


The research is dedicated to the review of peculiarities of the image of the professional – medical specialist - that possesses professional conscience and corresponding conceptual system in Russian artistic occupational discourse on the material of the novel the choice of which has been made due to the fact that the author describes a very difficult work of the emergency paramedics. The definitions of “artistic discourse”, “artistic occupational discourse” and “professional” are given in the article. The notion of occupational discourse is being introduced here into scientific usage. It is understood as a multivariate communicative formation associated with people`s actions and communication. These people can be connected by professional interests or can have indirect relations. They may speak professional language but not necessarily. The indications of such discourse are the purpose and the participants which have universal or peculiar features related to specific nation. Lexemes that make the image of the professional, are grouped according to his education, qualification, work done by him and attitude towards him. The result of work is data about the fact that the notion of professional conscience is made not only by typical properties but also by special terminology and other special vocabulary.

Keywords: Artistic discourseartistic occupational discourseprofessionalprofessional communicationprofessional slangRussian linguoculture


Taking into account dividing all the approaches to the notion of “discourse” to three groups by M. Makarov (Makarov, 2003), we agree with the fact that while analyzing discourse, it is necessary to take into consideration all the factors such as social-cultural, psychological etc. In the center of attention of the research presented there are peculiarities of linguistic personality of the medical worker (emergency paramedic) through the analysis of its verbal representations in Russian artistic occupational discourse, the reference to which is explained by the fact that it possesses all the characteristics of the artistic discourse as a whole and, consequently, it can be the typical model.

Problem Statement

We have chosen the work of A.L. Shlyahov “Emergency. Usual horrors and unusual life of doctor Danilov” as an object of analysis which we consider to be an industrial novel as the author depicts a hard work of emergency paramedics and difficulties they have doing their job: lack of sleep, rest and false alarms. The author being a medical worker himself has the view and perception of the professional but not of the wing side spectator. The work of emergency paramedics has some restrictions: they should forget about their own needs, likes and desires for patients` sake and that’s not only because of Hippocratic Oath that states they have to be ready to render assistance, not only because of the fact that people`s health is a sign of social welfare, but because of empathy and seeing the world through the prism of willing to save lives, to sacrifice, enjoying this very much (Introduction into bioethics, 1998).

Research Questions

In the following article we are going to find out and analyze the peculiarities of verbalization of the image of the professional in Russian artistic occupational discourse and to prove the fact that medical professional is not only able to use medical terminology and a dialect in a proper way but the conception of his professional capacity is made up by his typical qualities connected with love to work, admiration of colleagues and trust of patients.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to give the review of peculiarities of the image of the professional – medical specialist - that possesses professional conscience and corresponding conceptual system in Russian artistic occupational discourse.

Research Methods

The research methods of the given article are the method of continuous sampling and descriptive method.


Taking into consideration some of the definitions of the artistic discourse given by E.N. Serdyuk (Serdjuk, 2012), V.V. Jurkevich (Jurkevich, 2014), A.N. Bezrukov (Bezrukov, 2015), V.A. Milovidov (Milovidov, 2016), we came to conclusion that artistic discourse is communication between the author and the reader which can be characterized by anthropocentrism, fiction, emotional coloring, which has an aim to transfer an artistic design, to make an influence on the reader and to create sense perception of reality with the help of figurative means.

As for occupational discourse, we consider it to be a communication of people united by professional relations, and this kind of communication connects people in their professional sphere and can be full of professional terms. These people can be connected by professional interests or can have indirect relations. They may speak professional language but not necessarily. The indications of such discourse are the purpose and the participants which have universal or peculiar features related to specific nation.

The necessity of division between occupational and medical discourse appeared due to medical orientation of the novel analyzed. Despite the similarity of occupational and medical discourse, as it may seem from the first sight, the author of the research thinks possible to differentiate them due to the aims and the participants. The aims of occupational discourse are wider and include except for medical assistance, also aims of every professional activity such as performance of duty, self-actualization and having material remuneration. As for the participants of this kind of discourse, they can be any personnel of medical institution, patients and people connected with them. Accordingly, these people may also be professionals in different spheres.

Occupational discourse correlates with institutional discourse and personal-oriented discourse but it is not possible to claim occupational discourse to be strictly institutional or personal-oriented one.

Artistic occupational discourse is communication between the author and the reader that is devoted to the sphere of some professional activity (we choose the sphere of medicine) which is characterized by anthropocentrism, fiction, emotional coloring, which has an aim to transfer an artistic design, to make an influence on the reader and to create sense perception of reality with the help of figurative means.

Lexemes and word combinations that reflect the image of the professional in Russian readers` minds are being specifically sorted from the analyzed novel. This image has specific structure that is connected with linguocultural peculiarities.

Under the notion of “professional” we understand a person who had made his profession one specific kind of activity that he does very qualitatively and at full stretch.

According to E.I. Golovanova, the basic structure of the language of professional communication is made up by terminology and professional substandard language (oral professional units) and also by collaborative dialect (words and word combinations typical for some staff) and dialect of peculiar trades and employments (Golovanova, 2013).

Analyzing the novel by A.L. Shlyahov “Emergency. Usual horrors and unusual life of doctor Danilov” we came to conclusion that emergency paramedics have a command of medical terminology: they use names of pharmaceuticals, medical instruments and medical apparatus such as intratracheal tube, artificial pulmonary ventilation and so on. We think that units that are typical for communication inside the group of emergency paramedics considered to be professional substandard language because of high percentage of words and word combinations belonging to this very group only, are often made artificially, for example: “Ivan Mikhailovich” - cardiac infarction (from Russian «инфаркт миокарда»), “sniffles” – cloth stretcher, “small pieces of coal” – patients with third-degree burns and so on. These slang words are used by emergency paramedics to save time, as a sign of membership in this group of people and as a display of empathy to their patients who shouldn`t be traumatized by hearing unknown professional vocabulary and not to make them nervous beforehand, before giving a diagnosis.

The professional`s image analyzed in the given article is made up by some lexemes that have been sorted out according to different criterion, the first of which is degree of scholarship and experience. This layer includes stylistically neutral representations and is characterized by using such notions as “experienced” and others. Specialist that is considered to be experienced has long standing and necessary abilities and skills. Resoluteness as a necessary quality belongs to abilities that describe the degree of qualification of emergency paramedic: «Гучков не пропал, напротив – решительно взялся за дело и вскоре навел в больнице порядок, надеясь, что его усилия не останутся неоцененными» (Shlyahov, 2011) - resoluteness is a very necessary quality not only for general practitioner but medical deskman also shouldn`t hesitate making decisions. Order in patient care institution is as important as high qualification of staff.

One of the valuation epithets that verbalize the image of the professional in Russian artistic discourse is “good” - «хороший» – «Он просто хороший человек и хороший врач» (Shlyahov, 2011). To our mind, only professional doctor treats his patients with care and a lot of attention, and in this case he can be respected. Despite the stylistic neutrality of this valuation epithet representation, the notion of “good doctor” is understood in a wide sense: unfortunately, people commonly have bad memories connected with sphere of health service than good ones which means that being doctor is honorable.

The attitude towards the professional is made up by the following: the doctor is trusted; his work is needed, respected, appreciated and admired. Real professional works in such way that everything what he does evokes admiration. His colleagues can`t imagine a hospital without him and his work as he arouses a lot of trust.

Actualization of such criterion as quality of the work the professional does, is made with the help of the lexeme «аккуратно» (from Russian “thoroughly, carefully”): «Закончив осмотр, Данилов запросил на Центре место в кардиологической реанимации, получил его в «родной» сто шестьдесят восьмой больнице, после чего с помощью Петровича, Веры и заведующей отделением аккуратно переложил мужчину на носилки» (Shlyahov, 2011) – the adverb «аккуратно» (“thoroughly, carefully”) characterizes the work of the professional in the affirmative way: he cares about his patients, trying not to do any harm to them. The fact that all the colleagues and even the ambulance driver help him is the indication of team spirit as professional-cultural value of Russian linguoculture and empathy of doctors. The epithet «родной» (“native, home”) which is used towards place of employment is the evidence of professionalism – only real specialist equates work with home.

These indicators conform to logic of real-life situations when energetic, goal-seeking skilled, trained and experienced doctor with positive attitude towards life and work specialist tries to make his work professionally spending an adequate amount of time and energy obtain a result that will be socially useful.

The use of figurative comparison «кудесник» (“magician, sorcerer”) is one of the ways of verbalization of linguocultural image of the professional: «Здорово! Вы доктор – кудесник! Спасибо вам!» (Shlyahov, 2011). Using this lexeme we can name in a figurative sense the doctor who can amaze people by his skills and ability to render assistance efficiently and quickly and to give a diagnosis.

Metaphorical interpretation of linguocultural image of the professional is represented by the following word combination: «на вес золота» (“extremely valuable (important)”; “worth its weight in gold”): «Хороший врач в наше время на вес золота» (Shlyahov, 2011). A good specialist was uncommon in all the times: combination of professionalism and personal qualities is highly appraised by colleagues, patients and their relatives.


So, analyzing peculiarities of verbalization of linguocultural image of the professional in Russian artistic discourse on the material of the novel “Emergency. Usual horrors and unusual life of doctor Danilov” by of A.L. Shlyahov we came to conclusion that the professional in the sphere of medicine is able to use medical terminology and dialect perfectly. The conception of his professional capacity is made up by his typical qualities such as love to work, experience, trust of patients, admiration of colleagues.


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Publication Date

30 April 2018

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Future Academy



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Sociolinguistics, linguistics, semantics, discourse analysis, translation, interpretation

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Kerer, K. (2018). Verbalization Of The Image Of Professional In Russian Artistic Occupational Discourse. In I. V. Denisova (Ed.), Word, Utterance, Text: Cognitive, Pragmatic and Cultural Aspects, vol 39. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 188-192). Future Academy.