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Opinions on the Development of Motor Abilities in Physical Education Lessons

Table 1:

Item no. Item name Questionnaire completion scale Arithmetic mean Cases(% of 313)
1 -To a very small extent 2 - To a small extent 3 -To some extent 4 - To a large extent 5 - To a very large extent
1 How much attention do you pay in the instructive-educational (teaching) process to the following components of motor ability in the physical education lesson for primary school pupils? Strength
6.7% 12.5% 36.4% 31.9% 12.5% 4.48 100%
1.0% 1.6% 13.1% 43.8% 40.6% 4.21 100%
2.9% 9.9% 29.7% 38.0% 19.5% 3.94 100%
Coordination abilities
1.0% 1.3% 6.4% 31.3% 60.1% 3.61 100%
1.9% 7.7% 16.3% 42.8% 31.3% 3.31 100%
2 To what extent do you prepare evaluation sheets for the following components of motor ability after the tests performed in the physical education lesson by primary school pupils? Strength
6.1% 11.2% 28.1% 32.6% 22.0% 3.53 100%
3.8% 6.1% 15.3% 38.3% 36.4% 3.97 100%
5.8% 9.3% 23.0% 38.7% 23.3% 3.65 100%
Coordination abilities
4.5% 8.9% 17.6% 32.6% 36.4% 3.88 100%
8.3% 12.1% 19.8% 36.7% 23.0% 3.54 100%
3 To what extent are the following categories of skills important, from your point of view, for the physical development, motor skill learning, exercise capacity development and facilitation of integration into the natural and social environments, in the physical education lesson for primary school pupils? Motor
1.3% 0.3% 5.1% 30.0% 63.3% 4.54 100%
1.9% 1.6% 7.0% 28.1% 61.3% 4.45 100%
1.9% 1.0% 12.1% 39.0% 46.0% 4.26 100%
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