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Womens Weight Lifting As Sport Discriminated Against On Grounds Of Gender

Table 3:

Judgment Number of answers
1 Sport unsuitable for / incompatible with women 35
2 Mainly men’s sport 35
3 Unwomanly kind of sport 33
4 Dangerous for / harmful to health 16
5 Deleteriously affects woman’s reproductive function 12
6 Promotes the body’s excessive muscle growth 12
7 Excessive stress on the organism 12
8 Sophisticated kind of sport 11
9 Deteriorates female beauty 10
10 Spoils a woman’s body shape 8
11 Unsightly sport 6
12 I would never pursue it 6
13 Boring sport 6
14 Sport for manlike girls 5
15 Traumatic kind of sport 5
16 I am categorically against this sport 3
17 Sportsmen’s complaints of pains 2
18 Rough sport 2
19 Psychologically moulds a man in a woman 1
20 Provokes a hormone disturbance in a woman’s organism 1
21 Useless kind of sport 1
22 Drug-related scandals 1
23 Men dislike women pursuing weightlifting 1
Total number of negative statements 224
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