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Mental Health Of Teenagers Participating At School Bullying

Table 6:

Model and independent variables B S.E. Exp(B)=OR R2
Victimization 0,193
Gender(f)* -,522 ,236 ,593
Emotional problems* ,123 ,062 1,130
Behavior problems* ,228 ,085 1,257
Hyperactivity* -,154 ,071 ,858
Peer problems *** ,321 ,081 1,379
Prosocial** ,123 ,039 1,131
Intercept*** -2,473 ,353 ,084
Bullying 0,154
Gender(f)*** -1,287 ,319 ,276
Emotional problems -,063 ,081 ,939
Behavior problems ,125 ,096 1,134
Hyperactivity*** ,302 ,087 1,352
Peer problems ,010 ,093 1,010
Prosocial -,089 ,052 ,915
Intercept*** -2,488 ,392 ,083
Witnessing 0,043
Gender(f) ,009 ,230 1,009
Emotional problems -,011 ,063 ,989
Behavior problems -,100 ,087 ,905
Hyperactivity -,005 ,069 ,995
Peer problems -,142 ,082 ,868
Prosocial* ,088 ,038 1,092
Intercept* -,788 ,333 ,455
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