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The Dark Triad Of Personality And Work Efficiency Of Kindergarten Teachers

Table 1:

Variable or group Description
Independent variables (traits of the Dark Triad)
Machiavellianism Trait «Machiavellianism » from the Dark Triad of personality
Narcissism Trait «narcissism» from the Dark Triad of personality
Psychopathy Trait «psychopathy» from the Dark Triad of personality
Groups divided by levels of each independent variable
Mac 1, Mac 2, Mac 3 corresponding to low, medium and high levels of Machiavellianism respectively
Nar 1, Nar 2, Nar 3 corresponding to low, medium and high levels of narcissism respectively
Psy 1, Psy 2, Psy 3 corresponding to low, medium and high levels of psychopathy respectively
Dependent variables (indicators of the work efficiency)
Ef1 Completeness – completeness of execution of functional responsibilities and job discipline
Ef2 Creativity – creativity at work
Ef3 Jointness – jointness of work, the effectiveness of professional interaction with colleagues and managers
Ef4 Competence – professional competence, the practical application of professional knowledge, skills and experience
Ef5 Motivation – internal work motivation, the practical expression of interest to the current work as a kindergarten teacher
TE Total efficiency – total work efficiency, defined as the arithmetic average of the five indicators (Ef1– Ef5)
Other controlled variables
Age Age (years)
WE Work experience – specific professional experience, i.e., work experience as a kindergarten teacher (years)
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