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Some Issues Associated With Strategy Formulation and Strategic Planning in a Contemporary University

Table 2:

Strategic Goal Area-Specific Strategies Quantitative Metrics Qualitative Indicators
Excellence in research, creativity and innovation - Strengthening the most effective institutional research centres - Fostering greater research collaborationacross the university- Fostering mutually beneficialstrategic alliances with local and international partners - University ranking scores- Number of national and international research grants- Number of scientific publications, awards, patents- Number of state and international research projects- Total expenditure on research infrastructure - National and international invitations for research papers, scientific conferences and seminars - Having state and internationally funded projects- International reputation of a research-intensive university- Media mentions
Excellence in education - Transforming undergraduatecurriculum- Transforming the learning (teaching)experience for teachers and students- Strengthening the university’s global and digital online presence - Number of popular programmes - Total university enrolment- Graduate degrees awarded - Number of internship and practicum experiences- Number of international students - Number of students learning online- Number of visiting international professors - Alumni surveys- Student surveys- Career Centres reports- Media mentions
Excellence in social responsibility and community engagement Fostering mutually beneficialcooperation with community partners Number of academic units or programs with advisory boards- Number of businesses from university research- Number of projects involving community partners - Engagement in continuous education activities (life-long learning)- Involvement in community activities- Media mentions
Excellence in staff and infrastructure Attracting diverse workforce with a variety of skills- Fostering a culture of performance- Developing advanced infrastructure and providing sustainable services - Number of academics and researchers with national (international) rewards and patents - Faculty and staff retention rates- Average employee satisfaction rating - Safe and motivating university environment- Increased responsibilityof staff- A climate of openness and trust in the organization- Media mentions
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