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Prevention Of School Anxiety Among First Graders Through Art Technology

Table 2:

Scale of apparent anxiety CMAS (adapted by Prihozhan) Anxiety test (Temmel, Dorky, Amen) Scale of anxiety levels
Walls Characteristic Note Characteristic Characteristic
1-2 The state of anxiety is not characteristic of the subject Such ‘excessive peace of mind’ may or may not have a protective nature Low anxiety level (IT from 0 to 20%). Low anxiety level (IT from 0 to 20%). Walls 1-2
3-6 Normal anxiety level Needed for adaptation and productive activities Average anxiety level (IT from 20% to 50%); Average anxiety level (IT from 20% to 50%); Walls 3-6
7-8 Somewhat elevated anxiety It is often connected with a limited range of situations, a certain sphere of life High anxiety level (IT above 50%); High anxiety level (IT from 50% to 80%); Walls 7-8
9 Obviously elevated level Usually it is ‘spilled’, generalized in nature Risk group (IT from 80% to 100%); Walls 9-10
10 Very high anxiety Risk group
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