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Perceived Parental Authority And Self-Esteem Among Young Adults

Table 2:

N Min Max Mean Std. Devi Vari Skew Kurt
Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Std. Err Stat Std. Er
SE 234 4.00 24 14.8831 3.7380 13.973 -.426 .274 .569 .541
Mother Version
PR 233 11.00 62 30.3947 7.9633 63.145 .689 .276 3.036 .545
AR 233 16.00 50 30.4211 6.4997 42.247 .368 ..276 .749 .545
AT 233 12.00 82 35.8816 9.1228 83.226 1.378 .276 7.938 .545
Father Version
PR 231 12.00 46 30.8378 6.9203 47.891 -.286 .279 .002 .552
AR 232 12.00 50 29.7733 7.77135 60.394 .307 .277 .635 .548
AT 232 13.00 50 35.1876 7.70520 59.370 -.767 .277 1.205 .548
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