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Family Members As Important Role Models Of Contemporary Adolescents

Table 6:

T- TestSig. Mann-Whitney TestSig.
Gender 0.000 0.000
School/study orientation 0.000 0.001
Admiration for a model appearance 0.001 0.001
Admiration for a model character 0.000 0.000
Admiration for a model skills and abilities 0.005 0.005
Admiration for a model ability to help others and his/her relationships 0.000 0.000
Respondent wants to be like him/her because of his behaviour 0.000 0.000
Respondent tries to look like him/her 0.020 0.038
Respondent tries to act like him/her 0.000 0.000
Respondent already has the same abilities as the model 0.000 0.000
Respondent believes he/she can have the same abilities and skills but still does not have them 0.000 0.000
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