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Effective Tools To Integrate Chinese Students Into ESL Learning Process

Table 2:

Intelligence Learning activities
Verbal-Linguistic Make up a story or write an article/essay about the importance of reading; focus on the fact that reading is a key element in developing human individuality.
Logical-Mathematical Choose a problem (lack of reading skills, lack of interest in reading, etc.), give arguments and reasons for the problem; offer solutions to the problems.
Visual-Spatial Carry out a questionnaire among your classmates, friends on the role of books in their life. Make diagrams/charts describing the results of the questionnaire (preferences, genres, favourite authors, the approximate number of books they have read). Present the results of your project.
Bodily-Kinaesthetic Act out a dialogue in which 1) a student and a teacher, 2) a parent and a child, 3) friends discuss a book.
Musical Watch or listen to operas, musicals based on a literary work. Or find songs in which a main character of a story/novel is mentioned. Explain the reason for choosing this or that material and the fact of using a literary character in the song.
Interpersonal Work on your own plays or playscripts. Act out scenes from your plays or the ones of well-known British writers.
Intrapersonal Talk about yourself or your family/friends. What would you like to change in your/your friends’ attitude to reading? Prove that books may have either positive or negative influence on a reader as well as motivate or discourage people from reading.
Naturalistic Visit 2-3 bookshops and 2-3 internet bookshops, study the genres of books which are available for sale; find out the proportion of the genres presented in both types of shops. While travelling by bus/underground pay attention to people’s reading preferences according to their age.
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