Creative Naming In The Aspect Of Teaching In The Informational Era


The article considers the field of commercial nomination, one of the modern discursive practices in the aspect of teaching the native language. Commercial names, whose wide spread is due to the market economy peculiarities and the dynamic development of megacities, are the object of the research. Urbanonyms of the largest Russian megacities serve as the research material. Names of commercial objects characterise the onomastic environment of a modern city, as they constitute its significant part. They have the linguistic and the cultural value because they demonstrate the national and cultural identity of a city or a region. The goal of the proposed description is to prove this value and offer concrete forms of work with this new and non-standard linguistic material. The article describes certain methods of using commercial urbanonyms in the practice of teaching Russian in secondary schools, as well as general philological and special speech-related disciplines in higher educational institutions. The work with such material promotes greater involvement of schoolchildren and students in the modern educational process and enables the formation of general cultural competencies in schoolchildren and that of professional competencies of the students, who have chosen naming examination as for their specialisation. The results of the research and the recommendations developed therein can be used by practical teachers in the project activities of schoolchildren, as well as in the development of courses and special courses on semiotics, a language of advertising, copywriting, naming, branding and creativity linguistics.

Keywords: Creative namingnamingmassive linguistic creativityteaching Russiannaming examination


The modern media environment, characterised by publicity, dialogicity, massive orientation and emotionality, includes not only the texts of the media and advertising slogans but also the field of commercial naming. The latter involves names of commercial objects – cafes, restaurants, shops, residential complexes, etc., denoted in the article by the general term "commercial urbanonym".

In Russian science, the study of commercial urbanonyms falls on the last two decades, which is due to the active development of this onomastic vocabulary layer over this period. However, Urbonimics as a science is in a stage of formation not only in Russia but also abroad. Separate publications in international onomastic journals (Onoma, Names), as well as materials of the 25th International Onomastic Congress Names and Their Environment in Glasgow (ICOS), confirmed this (Names and Their Environment, 2016).

In recent years, a new cycle of onomastic conferences Name and Naming with Romania as its centre (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center of Baia Mare) has emerged. Therefore, for the first time in the world science, the problems of naming began to be considered within the framework of onomastics, but primarily on the material of toponyms and anthroponyms (urbanonyms are still classified as "Toponyms" (toponyms, street names) or "Other names" (other) (Name and Naming: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives, 2012).

It should be noted that in foreign onomastics, it is common to take a pragmatic approach to proper names, including urbanonyms, regarding them as a source of information on history or business, and also to consider them in a functional and sociolinguistic aspect, without focusing on the properly linguistic one. This is evidenced by the materials of the international symposium Names in the Economy (held since 2006), where much attention is paid to the commercial characteristics of urbanonyms (Sjoblom, Ainiala, Hakala, 2013).

Russian researchers also study the field of the city nomination from a linguistic point of view. This interest is due to several factors:

  • this area is actively developing towards creativity, which allows us to consider naming as a zone of the namer's individual speech creativity;

  • the field of naming reflects modern language processes, in particular, word-formation processes, which is very important, since modern Russian language as a whole is characterised by active development of potential word-formation;

  • in connection with the active borrowing process from the English language in urban nomination, not only the Russian Cyrillic, but also the Latin alphabet is used, either alone or in combination with Cyrillic characters.

Creative processes in the commercial naming zone are taking place so actively that this zone has become one of the objects of a new area in Russian linguistics. It is "creativity linguistics" (Lingvistika kreativa, 2014).

Naming, in particular, the field of urban commercial nomination, is one of the zones of modern neology realisation. Names of commercial objects are a dynamically developing group of urbanonyms, characterising the onomastic space of the modern metropolis and having a linguacultural and a lingua creative value. They reflect active language processes, and it is the interaction of the lingua creative component of commercial urbanonyms with their linguacultural component that determines their lingua didactical value.

Commercial urbanonyms belong to the zone of the so-called "massive linguistic creativity", which plays an important not only linguistic but also social and a culturological role in the modern life of a Russian person. We use the term massive linguistic creativity to refer to the intense lingua creative activity of a Russian linguistic person outside the fictional text (Remchukova, 2013).

It is obvious that the specific weight of the massive linguistic creativity is quite large. It is the young generation that is actively developing the lingo-creative space: in network communication, on the one hand, and while mastering the professions of media text creators – journalists, copywriters, public relations specialists – which are in great demand today, on the other hand. The same row can also include a figure, whom we call "namer" – a person who creates a commercial name. Such modern fields of activity as naming, branding, copywriting are connected with this figure.

Research Questions

Commercial urbanonyms are one of the most important fields of a communicative urban environment, comprising both modern schoolchildren and students. Therefore, the analysis of this "living" language material in the classroom gives the teacher the opportunity to demonstrate the most active language processes. Discussing aesthetic and ethical drawbacks of the field of naming with schoolchildren and students contributes to the formation of a linguistic taste and interest in the study of philological subjects. Therefore, the research question was put as follows: what are the ways of introduction of the aspects mentioned above into the course of native language learning.

Purpose of the Study

The goal of the research is to prove the lingua didactical value of commercial urbanonyms and propose specific forms of using this material in the practice of teaching Russian in secondary schools, as well as general philological and special speech-related disciplines in higher educational institutions.

Research Methods

Along with the general research methods (comparison, generalisation, observation, commenting, etc.), general linguistic and special research methods include traditional methods of the lexico-semantic, lexicographical, onomastic and contextual analysis of urbanonyms; the method of semantic and pragmatic interpretation of the creative components of naming. Case method (Titscher et al., 2000) and the methodology of presenting onomastic vocabulary in the practice of teaching Russian in secondary schools (Bondaletov, 2012) were used in describing the didactic value of commercial urbanonyms. The method of linguistic study of onyms in the legal aspect was also used (Rossinskaya, Galyashina, Zinin, 2016).


In modern conditions, teachers specialising in Russian must organise the educational process in a new way: stimulate students to research activity, keep meta-subject links up-to-date, teach to correlate the received knowledge with real communicative situations. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to update the educational material by including examples from the field of naming.

Analysis of this material in a Russian class involves working with virtually all language levels, primarily with word formation, morphology and vocabulary. Despite the fact that the study of the relevant sections of linguistics begins already in elementary school, it seems logical to involve urbanonyms in secondary school, since the material in the Russian course program is based on the students' age opportunities.

In our opinion, working with linguistic and creative urbanonyms contributes to the formation of linguistic competence of students. Thus, a number of commercial names allow students to familiarise themselves with the features of the grammatical systems of other languages: the English article ‘the’ in the name of the restaurant The Веранда ("The Veranda"), the Spanish article ‘las’ and the imitation of the plural form in the name of the bookstore Лас Книгас /Las Knigas/ ("Las Books"), the Tatar formative affix with the meaning of plurality -лар /-lar/ in the name Сушилар ("Sushilar"). Discussion of this type of urbanonyms makes it possible to implement an interdisciplinary approach to the learning and to increase the general linguistic knowledge of students.

Names that were built on precedent phenomena are of the didactic value for a modern teacher. A significant part of them is borrowed from the field of literature and art, so the analysis of such urbanonyms contributes to the formation of the students' general cultural competence. Thus, the urbanonym Дворянское гнездо /Dvoryanskoe gnezdo/ ("The noble estate"), an elite residential complex in the center of Moscow, is based on the name of the classic novel I. Turgenev. The theme of the house, the nobility's nest, is one of the main ones in the literature of the 19th century ("War and Peace" by L. Tolstoy, "Cherry Orchard" by A. Chekhov, etc.). The noble estate in the Russian culture was associated with special attitude, however, the prevalence of this case name in the sphere of the city nomination is caused by updating defined connotations, belonging to the highest estate, an elitism. It seems that the discussion of this example could help students to bring their knowledge in the field of the 19th-century’s literature and culture up-to-date, and also allow them to see and evaluate the displacement of semantic and national cultural accents in the use of precedent onyms as commercial names.

It seems to us that examples from the field of naming should be used at the lessons of reviewing and generalisation as a "linguistic warm-up". Thus, students can be offered to analyse the name of the jewellery store Изумит ("Izumit"). Answering the teacher's question "What other nouns does this word resemble?", students will give examples of the names of jewelry stones: лазурит /lazurite/ (lazuli), хризолит /chrysolite/ (chrysolite), etc. Such an associative chain will help to activate knowledge about productive models of Russian word formation. The discussion of this example is relevant in the context studying occasionalism and omoforms (cf. the noun изумит /izumit/ and the same word as a finite verbal form of изумить /izumit'/ (to amaze)).

The systemic and activity approach, which is at the base of studying Russian, provides great opportunities for working on research projects: for example, "Urbanonyms of my city", "Ideal name for a store", "Latin alphabet on the city streets: for and against". It is also possible to conduct elective classes involving both cognitive (study and analysis of the illustrative material under discussion), and partner and career-oriented activities (e.g., a business game in which teams come up with a name of a restaurant, justify their choice, associate the name with the concept of the place, etc.) (Zamaletdinova, 2016).

We shall emphasise that the discussion of urbanonyms should be part of a free discussion, since it is this format that stimulates students to give their own assessment and, as a result, develops their linguistic taste and promotes the formation of speech culture, which is one of the primary tasks of philological education.


As already noted, the linguistic and creative tendencies of modern Russian speech are clearly manifested in the activation of certain orthographic, lexical and grammatical (primarily word-formation) processes in different fields of speech, which are characterised by a creative use of linguistic. First of all, this applies to the mini-genres that have developed in the modern media – newspaper headlines and advertising slogans that reveal a number of common features due to their specifics, as well as commercial names, in particular, commercial urbanonyms. The latter should be adequately informative (Bergien, 2013). In addition, their expressive component is due to "production necessity": it enables the implementation of those intentions that are necessary to form a positive image of the place. Attracting consumers amid tough competition is the main task of the owners of commercial establishments. That is why the onomastic space of modern cities is developing very actively, and "at present, the process of naming urban objects <...> is free, unregulated and is determined both by the productivity of models, and by fashion, the namers' taste preferences" (Rozanova et al., 2013, p. 441).

The analysis of linguistic and creative processes in the field of urban naming makes it possible to activate various phenomena of word formation, morphology, historical facts, and culture of language, etc. in a student environment. Thus, the name of the minimarket Продуктович /Produktovich/ can also be interpreted as a last name ending in -ич /-ich/, -ович (-евич) /-ovich (-evich)/, "characteristic of the western regions bordering on Belarusian and Polish territories" (Superanskaya, Suslova, 1991, p. 165), and as a patronymic: Продукт + -ович = Продуктович /Produkt + -ovich = Produktovich/ ("patronymics are formed from names ending in solid consonants, except sibilants and ц, by simply adding the suffixes -ович /-ovich/, -овна /-ovna/" (Superanskaya, Suslova, 1991, p. 190).

Precedent toponyms ¬– the restaurants Москва /Moskva/ ("Moscow"), Одесса ("Odessa"), Прованс /Provans/ ("Provence") (St. Petersburg), Капри /Kapri/ ("Capri"), Лондон ("London"), Сайгон ("Saigon") (Moscow), etc. – are widespread in the field of naming. This phenomenon is based on the laws of territory branding (Dinnie, 2010). Thus, Kapferer (2010). considers Paris as a brand, convincingly showing that cities can be conceived as brands, these are names that embody hidden and explicit spaces and values. However, according to our observations, it is not only the name of the city but also any toponym significant for the country that can act as a brand. Thus, the urbanonym Недальний Восток /Nedalnij Vostok/ ("The Non-Far East") (a fish restaurant in Moscow) plays on the name of the Russian region, the Far East, where people traditionally engage in fishing. Thanks to creative transformation, it is not only the establishment's specialisation that is foregrounded, but also its location (the Far East is on the Pacific coast, and Недальний Восток ("The Non-Far East") is in the center of Moscow). We consider that the analysis of this type of urbanonyms allows us to expand the students' outlook and thereby form their general cultural competence.

An example, which can be analysed for the benefit of students, is the creative name of the store saling cleaning equipment ТвойДоДыр /TvojDoDy`r/. From a pragmatic point of view, the namer's choice is quite obvious. It is perceived as a single whole, although it is divided graphically with capital letters. Here we see a transformed precedent only, well-known to every Russian person since childhood. The popular poem Moydodyr (literally translated as "Wash 'til Holes") by the children's poet K. Chukovsky features a mythological character bearing the same name – a revived washstand of the 1930s, familiar to every Russian person since childhood. The proper name foregrounds the homonymy of the imperative: мыть – мой! /my`t' – moy!/ (to wash – Wash!) and the possessive pronoun мой /moy/ (my or mine). Replacing the 1st person pronoun by the 2nd person pronoun твой /tvoy/ (your or yours) allows to deautomatise perception, revive the inner form of the word, from a pragmatic point of view – to emphasise the focus on the interests of the potential buyer.

In addition, the nomination realises topical language processes – adverbialization and phraseology. The adverbial combination of до дыр /do dy`r/ (lit. "into holes" – "to wear something out or do something thoroughly"), by analogy with the phraseological units до кончиков ногтей /do konchikov nogtey/ ("to the tips of the nails"), до корней волос /do korney volos/ ("to the roots of the hair"), i.e. "completely" can be interpreted as "entirely at the buyer's disposal" and are important not only for the thoroughness, but also for the duration of the action (cf. носить ботинки до дыр /nosit' botinki do dy`r/ – "wear boots to holes", i.e. for a very long time), which implicitly speaks about the service life of the cleaning equipment offered by the store.

In our opinion, all parts of the course "Modern Russian Language" ("Phonetics", "Word Formation", "Morphology", "Syntax", "Lexicology") need some illustrative updating and the attraction of "live" material that would reflect the novelties in language and in speech and allow to accentuate the most important laws of the language system development.

Besides, work with urbanonyms provides a lot of opportunities for the project activities of students, especially international ones: e.g., comparison of commercial names in Russia and abroad will allow identifying trends and specific features inherent in the field of naming in different countries. Thus, the comparison of the corpus of Russian urbanonyms with the names of the ships of the Italian fleet shows the functioning of the same naming models: precedent toponyms, mythonyms, acronyms, zoonyms, descriptive and allegorical names are used (Cacia, 2014, p. 484). However, a significant difference was revealed: literary names, which are widely represented in Russian urbanonyms, are hardly used for the naming of ships.

In accordance with the new federal state educational standard of higher education on the speciality 40.05.03 Forensic examination (specialist level) at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (Academy), experts are trained on the speciality 5, "Speech Examination". Those alumni who have mastered the specialist program are prepared for solving professional problems, including the application of examination methods and examination of speech recorded on any material medium in any form (handwritten, typewritten, electronic, sounding); the use of methods and means of speech examination for the purpose of the detecting, fixing, removing and preliminary examination of objects – works of speech – to establish factual data (case circumstances) in civil, administrative, criminal proceedings with participation in procedural and non-procedural actions. All this will allow the graduates to enter a broader information space of forensic linguistics, which is being developed in Europe and the United States, in particular, in the aspect of providing an evidence base in cases of challenging the authorship of texts (Coulthard, 2005; Dinnie, 2010).

In achieving educational goals, it is the students' acquisition of special knowledge, i.e. a complex of knowledge in the field of theory, methodology and practice of speech examinations, that plays the main role (Galyashina, 2015, p. 40). In the structure of special knowledge, a special place is given to the basics of informatization and computerization of forensic activity (Rossinskaya, Galyashina, Zinin, 2016, p. 323-359). In the age of information, the media space is increasingly becoming a criminal environment, and the results of creative naming are involved in the legal field and are turning into objects of forensic examination. Analysis of creative names (trademarks, service marks, brand names, commercial designations, urbanonyms) contributes to the formation of new linguistic competencies of students (Remchukova, Sokolova, 2016). In connection with the activation of linguistic and creative activity in the field of legally fixed naming (Sokolova, 2012), new sections and forms of studies were introduced into the teaching of speech disciplines.

Thus, the laboratory practice of the basic discipline "General Linguistics and Contemporary Russian Language" includes a written work on the topic "Problems of Language Norm and its Variations in Modern Russian Language", which helps students to develop the skill of analyzing products of creative speech activity, the ability to distinguish a language norm violation due to insufficient development of the author's speech skills from the conscious retreat of the nominator from the norm in order to create an original, unique name of the urban object. One of the tasks in the laboratory work contains creative names based on language game, and the student is supposed to describe the techniques of linguistic creativity and to evaluate its results (i.e., the name of the children's clothes store "Модагаскар" (Modagascar), based on the popular cartoon "Madagascar", formed from the toponym – the name of the island, – is associated with fashion; and the pet store "ЛапУсик" (LapUsik) – is, on the one hand, motivated by the word лапусик /lapusik/ (affectionate name of a pet), on the other hand, by the presence of paws (лапы /lapy`/) and whiskers (усы /usy`/) in animals; the signboard of the travel agency "Всё в ШИКоладе. Философия шикарного отдыха" /Vsyo v SHIKolade. Filosofiya shikarnogo otdy`ha/, the spelling Шиколад /Shikolad/ instead of Шоколад /Shokolad/ is not a mistake, but creativity). The laboratory work "Fundamentals of Morphemics and Word Formation" includes a task on Neology – to identify and describe the ways of creating commercial names (i.e. the jewelry store "ПРОмира 7" /PROMIRA 7/ (in Mira Prospekt); the maternity store «Беремка» (from the adjective беременная /beremennaya/ (pregnant), the café "Шаурмиttа" (Shaurmitta), formed from шаурма /shaurma/ – an oriental meat dish – with the help of a foreign formant -itta).

During the mastering of the course "Judicial Speech Studies," the formation of professional competencies continues, and Creative naming as part of the mastering of this discipline is studied at a new level – as the main way of creating trademarks and service marks (Sokolova, 2016). At this stage of learning, a legal comparative aspect is introduced, in particular, the study of forensic expert practice in Europe and the United States, where the same problem of collision of legal norms and freedom of verbal creativity is acute. Analysis of the works by Sakulin (2010), Shuy (2014), Yen (2015), and others also contributes to the development of linguistic competencies in the field of legal translation.

Much attention is paid to work with information systems and electronic databases, primarily with the open registries of the Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (FIPS). One of the mastered types of practice is the creation of a certain specific segment of the reference-and-information resource "Conflictogenic trademarks and service marks" by each student on the basis of the database of Rospatent, the Trademark registration agency Znakoved, etc. (e.g., trademarks containing euphemisms of obscene words and expressions, thus contradicting the principles of humanity and morality: "Ядрёна Матрёна" (Yadryona Matryona), "Ядрён бидон" (Yadryon Bidon), "Ёшкин кот" (Yoshkin kot), "ЁКЛМН" (YoKLMN).

In the process of mastering the course "Forensic Linguistic Examination", the formation of professional and special professional competencies is completed, the course program includes a special section "Naming Examination" – "a procedurally regulated linguistic examination of names as speech products, which ends in conclusions on the issues whose resolution requires the use of special knowledge in linguistics, onomastics, judicial speech studies and judicial expertology" (Sokolova, 2016, p. 32). It is during the mastering of this new type of linguistic examination that professional analysis of creative naming in linguistic and legal terms plays an important role. The naming examinaiton skills necessary for a speech scientist are formed in the course of the laboratory practice, independent work on the solving of cases placed in the university's SDO system on the MOODLE platform, interactive work in small groups, business games (including building a model of the Court of intellectual rights).

Special attention is paid to the ability to integrate into the global information space of forensic linguistics: to find, analyse, compare the results of the speech examination carried out by specialists from different countries, e.g., Linford (2015), Roger Shuy (2012) from the USA, Alonso-Cortés (2016) from Spain, Hu (2014) from Taiwan and others.


The tendency to use mass communication texts as teaching material is also explained by the fact that nowadays one cannot speak of the culture of speech in isolation from the language environment in which we exist ( a language of advertising and the media, brand names, urban street signs). Therefore, linguistic and creative material can safely be included not only in textbooks on the media language and in modern Russian textbooks on the specialty "Journalism", but also those on the specialty "Russian Language and Literature": in basic lecture courses on word formation, morphology, syntax, lexicology and phraseology, in textbooks on stylistics and culture of speech, as well as in other courses and electives.

In this regard, it is important to note the role played by the age differentiation of the modern "creative person". It is known that in the network communication, it is the young people who are mostly involved in the game element; in advertising, linguistic creativity is more often used in advertising slogans aimed at young consumers, since young people are more creative and often transfer advertising "innovations" into everyday speech. Considering the age of the student audience, teachers can confidently predict their interest in analysing such material.


The Russian Foundation for Humanities supported this work with grant 15-04-00282.


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Remchukova, E. N., Sokolova, T. P., & Zamaletdinova, L. R. (2017). Creative Naming In The Aspect Of Teaching In The Informational Era. In S. K. Lo (Ed.), Education Environment for the Information Age, vol 28. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 502-511). Future Academy.