Theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of the educational system in the Russian scientific knowledge are developed from a complex position, reflecting the characteristic feature - the convergence of national systems of education based on the multiple modes of interaction in education. The article deals with the actual aspect of the theory and methodology of education, consistent with the deepening of theoretical ideas about the structure of a multi-component system of continuous education from the perspective of improving its social function. The social significance of the development of forms of educational system based on the principles of accessibility, equal opportunities, continuity, consistency, complementarity, flexibility of training programs makes consistent with the formation of the organizational structure of the national education system from the standpoint of increasing the role of its social and institutionalized component. The author suggested the concept of "form" as a semantic and structuring expression of the essence of the educational system, aimed at ensuring the continuity and continuity of personality education.
Keywords: Continuous educationformthe social function of educationnon-institutional educationintegration processeslife and professional adaptation of personality
The development of an educational system of continuous education in the contemporary educational theory and practice is consistent with the deepening of ideas about increasing its social function.
As the theoretical basis of this study as a multidimensional phenomenon of pedagogical educational system of continuous education relevant approach, integrating historical and philosophical background of the formation of non-institutional education, which have found their expression in the domestic educational tradition; results of international researches in education, conceptual statements about the essence of the post-industrial education and continuous education as a historical and theoretical phenomenon; ideas about the integrity of the organizational and semantic structure of continuous education system in unity strengthen the functions of its institutional and non-institutional component; ideas of the social space of continuous education system as a unified educational system, a considerable impact on the social and professional adaptation of personality in the new conditions of social and cultural transformation.
Theory and Methodology of the development of the educational system in the domestic scientific knowledge are developed from a position complex in nature, but united by the targeting of global processes in education, reflecting the characteristic feature - the convergence of national systems of education based on the multiple modes of interaction in education.
The foreign science has accumulated experience in the development of generic research world educational processes carried out in the integrated educational system: Arenus, Perri, Hyusen, Torres, Rouds (USA); Fernandes (Spain); Adikl (Germany); Brown (United Kingdom); Vinzer, Mazurek (Canada) and others. A number of Russian scientists′ studies are explored the integration processes in education at the individual levels of development of national systems and their integration into the European educational system. The directions of theoretical research on the strategy and methodology of social and cultural modernization of education are deepened (Asmolov, and others.), the development of integration processes in the contemporary European educational system (Brazhnik, and others.), the models′ establishment in different forms of integration within the Bologna Process (Kasevich, Svetlov, Petrov, and others.), the functioning of the scientific and pedagogical centers, governmental and non-governmental organizations of continuous education system (Liferov, and others.).
The growing research interest to the problems of globalization, prognostic context which was introduced in the 90 years of the 20th century by academician RAE Vulfsonom, expanded areas of research on the formation and development of a common educational system of the CIS countries (Myasnikov, Hutorskoy , and others.), supranational education in the conditions of world globalization process (Tagunova, and others.), educational system and the educational environment (Ivanova, and others.), the problems of the quality of education in the countries of the former Soviet Union (Marinosyan, and others.), essential and structuring characteristics of educational space as an integrated system, developing on the basis of the relationship of education, culture and the social environment, the problems of multicultural education system (Gukalenko, Suprunova, and others.). These issues are important for understanding the structure of a multi-component system of continuous education from the perspective of improving its social function.
Research Questions
What concept may structurally and semantically express the essence of the educational system, aimed at ensuring the continuity and continuity of personality education?
Purpose of the Study
Describing focus research on the formation and development of an educational system of continuous education, we note a significant contribution of academic specialists to the reform of
Research Methods
The following research methods have been used: analysis, generalisation, comparison, interpretation.
Describing focus research on the formation and development of an educational system of continuous education, we note a significant contribution of academic specialists to the reform of individual national education systems (Dzhurinsky, Borisenkov, Darmodehin, Lysova, Dolgaya, Batyukova, Voskresenskaya, Savina, and others.).
Educational space defined "as all subjects directly or indirectly involved in the educational process, or an interest in them or affect them", emerging from the standpoint of the principles of accessibility and equal opportunities, ensures not only compensate for the lack of a stationary general and vocational education, how much is directed to the possibility of achieving the individual objectives to supplement the previously acquired knowledge, developing skills, expanding cultural level (Aksenova, 2015; Zubova, Nechaev, 2016; Godunov, Larionov, 2017). Thus, it is an obvious socially significant function of the educational system, which allows a certain part of social groups to master the necessary basic, claimed by the person in order to successfully her life and professional adaptation of educational level. This category of social groups with disabilities, children and young people without parental care, school children and youth at risk, people with low material income, the elderly, migrants, a small population of remote regions of Russia.
For a complete disclosure of the problem considered by us, we note that in the modern pedagogical theory new pedagogical concepts are actively introduced that reflect the essence of the processes. The development the methodological foundations and basic humanitarian approaches to the problem of the integration processes becomes a special prognostic tendency, as the basis of the multidimensional expanding educational system, in which one of the basic concepts becomes the concept of "form" (Novikov, 2011).
Taking into account the definition of "form" as "a standard form of something, make arrangements for anything specific shape, the aggregate assets" (Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1983), it is advisable to form an idea of the educational space of continuous education system, ensuring the continuity of education activities and involvement of the individual in the continuity of the educational process throughout its life. This strategy is achieved by the emergence of new mechanisms of formation of the organisational structure of the system of continuous education - integration of components of its institutional and non-institutional components that create a multi-dimensional educational system and the integrity of its various levels of the state, regional, municipal, educational level of the organisation.
As one of the conditions for the development of an effective educational system that provides personal space and socially significant activities of students in the conditions of continuity of the educational process, we consider the totality of its forms:
Public education provided by such educational institutions as "Education of the child development support centre", "Early intervention services to students," "Centre, with infringement of the prerequisites to the educational activity", etc.
The system of psychological support in the education provided in educational practice by "Center of psychological examination of security of the educational environment", "Psycho-pedagogical laboratory for students and their parents", etc.
The project of scientific and social and educational programs such as municipal and regional levels ensured the incorporation process of creating structures of research-oriented activities for the gifted and talented. The project is represented by such organizational structures as "The scientific community of researchers", "Youth Scientific and Methodological Center", "Scientific Society of students", "Academic complex for gifted" and others that are created when a general educational institutions of the system, the higher and further education; institutionalized models of social and educational structures All-Russian project for small towns "Public school of the young family", etc.
Leisure education, providing employment aspect of the activity of the individual and the ways of its fulfilment in such educational institutions as "Creative studio for adults", "House of Scientists" created during research and production structures for persons of retirement age, others.
Social protection of persons in need of social support and maintenance carried out in educational and charitable organisations implementing social investments, such as "Centre for the poor and the disabled", "Rehabilitation Centre for the elderly, young people and children", etc.
Integration of science, education and industry, as the organisation of educational structures which serve research and innovation systems innovation development areas: "Scientific and industrial training and production centres", "Complexes of high technologies", etc.
An integrated model of additional education for leisure and self-education of adults, which is realised in such educational structures as "House of studying youth", "Youth Consortium" Association of various kinds, etc.);
The form for socially disadvantaged individuals "at risk", implemented by the way of creating such organisational structures of education as "Center of Rehabilitation and Adaptation," "Center of social adaptation of teenagers and youth", etc.
The form for the gifted and talented takes the extensive development, combining educational, professional, artistic and aesthetic orientation of the individual, which is implemented in a variety of state and non-state actors of the educational system.
Presented set of forms can be considered as a basis for predicting the multidimensional scope of the educational system, integrated with social space, as a holistic space of human activity on the stages of his life and professional transformation.
As a result, the increasingly complex structure of society, which is characterised as a post-industrial society of a new stage of human civilisation, is a unique social, cultural, educational diversity, the diversity of social groups with the differentiation of educational needs. Features of the educational environment levels and stages of continuous education and the social environment, because of unsolved own educational and social environment of integrity mechanisms, creating a single multi-dimensional educational space of continuous education on the basis of their integration, actualize the theoretical and methodological basis of educational system, its purpose, content, organization forms (and structures) of education, forms, methods, means continuity of education.
In determining the value of education and vital importance for the individual functions presented forms of education about space we mention the function of psychological and pedagogical support (maintenance) and rehabilitation, and social and life adaptation, family rehabilitation leisure, social protection "at risk" individuals - people who find themselves without parental care or in conflict with the law.
Improved approaches for the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of the system of forms of educational space development is suitable in terms of their differentiation by 1.subject creating forms (public, private, non-profit community organizations, business structures); 2.subjects' categories mastering educational programs (children, students, young people, adults and the elderly of different areas of professional activity); 3.methods of development (asynchronous development of educational programs and projects - the place, time, cooperation); 4.aspects and methods of integration of institutional and socio-institutionalized structures (integration of non-governmental organizations, university educational institutions of different levels and stages of continuous education system with enterprises, production); 5.financial and material support (public social investment, charity, sponsorship, private investment); 6.forms combined development and further education of educational programs (changeable, summer health campaign - rallies, competitions, festivals, competitions, evening, combined, collective projects) (Grementier, 1998; IFELONG, 2011; Novikov, 2006; Oreshkina, 2008; Coles, Werquin, 2008; Oreshkina, Sergeeva, 2015; Pischulin et al., 2015; Pulliam, Patten, Van, 2009; Terziev, 2016; Terziev, 2015).
The social significance of the development of forms of educational system based on the principles of accessibility, equal opportunities, continuity, consistency, complementarity, flexibility training programs (basic and additional), makes consistent with the formation of the organizational structure of the national education system from the standpoint of increasing the role of its social and institutionalized component. It should be noted that the social demand for forms of educational system, expanding methods of educational activity of the person, causes the creation of an educational practice such organizational structures as the "Centre for the disabled, the poor and the youth," "Community Centre of adults", "Centre of family entertainment", "Children's Charity Centre "and etc., compensating goals and objectives of education from the perspective of non-traditional approaches. As a consequence of the process in modern educational practice, the development trend of social innovations advocates, relating to social investment. It aims to increase the social and personal importance of social and institutionalized structures of continuous education system in terms of support: social projects of scientific research focus for pupils and young people, gifted; support projects asocial families "at risk" individuals, the elderly, today typical processes in the transition to a post-industrial phase of social development.
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21 August 2017
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Education, educational equipment, educational technology, computer-aided learning (CAL), study skills, learning skills, ICT
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Oreshkina, A. K. (2017). Development Of Educational System Of Continuous Education: Theoretical And Methodological Aspects. In S. K. Lo (Ed.), Education Environment for the Information Age, vol 28. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 495-501). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2017.08.58