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Self-Esteem And Evaluation Of Future Math Teachers For Professional Development

Table 1:

Answers (%)
Can you…? 4 курсYes/ No 5 курсYes / No
formulate the objectives of the lesson 80 / 20 70 /30
choose teaching methods in accordance with the objectives of the lesson 70 / 30 60 / 40
plan the lesson 100 / 0 90 /10
choose forms of organization of teaching at a particular stage of the lesson 70 / 30 80 / 20
rationally distribute time during a lesson 80 / 20 95 /5
create a problem situation and organize its solution in a lesson 80 / 20 60 / 40
objectively control pupils’ knowledge and skills at different stages of the lesson 80 / 20 80 / 20
maintain discipline in the class 100 / 0 83 / 17
sum up results of the lesson 100 / 0 65 /35
formulate homework and explain it 100 / 0 90 / 10
Do you know how…?
to provide the stage for the actualization of a lesson 100 / 0 70 / 30
to move from previously studied material to new material 74 / 26 95 / 5
to choose tasks for learning new material 65 / 35 86 / 14
to choose tasks for learning new material 100 / 0 100 / 0
to choose tasks for concomitant repetition 80 / 20 80 / 20
to prepare a test (dictation) in order to test the understanding of a new concept (mode of action, theorem, rule, algorithm) 87 / 13 100 / 0
to analyze mistakes made in this test 80 / 20 90 / 10
to outline a plan for correcting mistakes made by pupils 80 / 20 75 / 25
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