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Pedagogical Value Formation Of Students Future Teachers In New Socio-Cultural Conditions

Table 1:

Competences of FSES HE (Pedagogical Education: Bachelor's) [FSES HE 3+]. Pedagogical values formed in the process of mastering the relevant competencies [Isaev, 2002]
The ability to analyze the main stages and patterns of historical development for the formation of patriotism and citizen position Values-knowledge
Ability to work in a team, tolerantly perceiving social, ethnic, confessional and cultural differences Values-attitudes; Values-qualities
Ability for self-organization and self-education Values-qualities
Readiness to recognize the social importance of the future profession, have a motivation to carry out professional activities Values-goals
The ability to solve the problems of upbringing and spiritual and moral development of students in educational and extracurricular activities Values-goals, values-knowledge; Values-means
Ability to carry out pedagogical support socialization and professional self-determination of students Values-means; Values-qualities
The ability to design trajectories of their professional growth and personal development Values-knowledge, values-qualities
The ability to develop and implement cultural and educational programs Values-knowledge, values-means, values-qualities
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