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Multi-Culturaltraining Of Future Preschool Teachers (Case- Study: Kazan Federal University)

Table 1:

Competence Low level Medium level High level
Demonstrate a clear understanding of the universality and national-cultural peculiarities of the language picture of the world. Future preschoolteachers possess only schematic non-defining knowledge about the children in preschool education al institutions. In preschool practice teaching the will-be teachers adopt the same program to all the children in the group. In the group of future preschool teachers there are only those students who are visibly willing to find other ways of raising and educating preschool children by applying different technologies and techniques. Among the group of future preschool teachers everyone knows that there are no identical preschoolers, so the approach should be different, so that the methods of upbringing and training should differ substantially.
In practice teaching future preschool teachers consider the children as a homogeneous group, having approximately the same knowledge and skills. In practice teaching future preschool teachers note the differences in academic performance of the group of preschool children In practice teaching future preschool teachers in teaching practice note that each pre-schooler is unique and is to receive knowledge appropriate to his level
Future preschool teachers in teaching practice develop only those skills that are prescribed by educational standards in preschool children In practice teaching some future preschool teachers try to adapt existing programs so that they meet the needs of most preschool children In practice teaching future preschool teachers educate and develop pre-schoolers with different needs, equally taking into account the individual needs and characteristics of every child.
Build communication skills and be able to use them when solving problems related to cross-cultural communication. Children’s parents are gathered at parents’ meetings to solve problematic issues and resolve negative situations. Parents meet to watch the children’s matinees as spectators. Parents meet and take an active part for holding joint traditional and national holidays (Health Day, Sports Day, Carnival, Pancake Week, Sabantui, Shabbat, etc.),
Consciously apply the acquired knowledge in a multi-ethnic education environment The future preschool teacher is reserved, he/she is sure that preschool educational institutions do not require help from outside. The staff working in a particular kindergarten is sufficient. The future preschool teacher is ready to cooperate with colleagues, but he/she is not ready to adopt the innovations offered by his colleagues. The future preschool teacher actively cooperates with colleagues, sharing his/her achievements; he/she willingly takes over their experience. Ready to receive assistance and advice from foreign colleagues as well as national minorities.
Interpret the peculiarities of communicative behavior of representatives of different ethnic groups based on cross-cultural studies. The future preschool teacher evaluates the behavior of the pre-schooler on the basis of the generally accepted rules of conduct prescribed by the majority. The future preschool teacher estimates the behavior of the pre-schooler on the basis of the differences from the norms of the behavior of the majority from the point of view of deviations. The future preschool teacher independently builds an individual behavior profile of forms for each pupil, not comparing the child with anyone except himself.
In practice teaching, future preschool teachers do not update the materials on cultural, ethnic, national differences and features available in the preschool educational institution, but consider the information sufficient. In practice teaching future preschool teachers introduce (not systematically) minor changes in play modules and Reader’s Corners to familiarize the children with other cultures and national minorities. In practice teaching future preschool teachers supplement the Reader’s Corner, play modules with national elements, objects belonging to other cultures, ethnic and national minorities.
Future preschool teachers consider unnecessary to help children from low-income families. Parents themselves are to solve such-like problems. Future preschool teachers favour voluntary support in helping children from low-income families. Future preschool teachers contribute to the maintaining of a support system for children from low-income families in the preschool educational institution, such as leisure and sport activities: excursions, out-of-school activities, extra social benefits, etc.
Research into the problems of cross-cultural communication and critically assess their knowledge in the field Future preschool teachers place emphasis on the mistakes of their pre-schoolers and criticize their parents/ Future preschool teachers place emphasis and develop a particular pre-schooler's skill. Future preschool teachers place emphasis on the comprehensive development of the pre-schoolers, helping them to reveal themselves in various fields, assuring the pre-schooler that despite his/her achievements in a particular sphere to try themselves in other spheres, too.
Apply theoretical and empirical knowledge in the field of cross-cultural communication for the generating and developing of original ideas in project activities In practice teaching future preschool teachers apply ‘neutral’ material, that mostly refers to the ethnic majority In practice teaching future preschool teachers apply what they think is the most significant material within the framework of one or two national minority cultures of the region In practice teaching future preschool teachers in addition to the basic applythe additional material that reflects the cultural and social diversity of the region
Students believe that the process of education is to function according to the scheme: preschool teacher – pre-schooler – parent, without any outside interference Students believe that in the process of education, parents, colleagues representatives and the community are to be involved Students believe that in the process of education, not only parents and colleagues can take part, but also specialists from various fields, making the process of education as open as possible
In practice teaching future preschool teachers design the Corner to celebrate the culture of the majority, without associating with the ethnic orientation. The results of the activity of the students are exhibited there. In practice teaching future preschool teachers design a preschool group room to celebrate the culture of the majority In practice teaching future preschool teachers, together with pupils and parents, are trying to contribute to the design of preschool educational institution to celebrate the ethnic diversity of the world
Future preschoolteachers induce on the preschoolers the knowledge about their culture, traditions. Other ethnic groups, cultural groups, national minorities are not considered as independent units, or are not considered at all Future preschoolteachers educate in preschoolers a sense of respect for some cultures of their choice. Future preschoolteachers educate in preschoolers a sense of respect, consideration to different cultures: their manners, clothes, cuisine, traditional holidays, etc
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