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Risk Management In The Human Resources Department Of A Romanian Electricity Company

Table 3:

Risk Mitigation actions
R1. Insufficient knowledge of HR legislation • Constantly informing the employees on newly issued legislative acts; • Analysing the flow of information.
R2. Lack of staff and salary documents • Reanalysing the archiving procedure; • Reviewing the back-up strategy; • Updating the work files of the archivers.
R3. Delays in reporting deadlines, or reporting errors • Acquisition of a specific IT program; • Optimizing the current databases.
R4. Slow updating of system data regarding personnel • Verifying the correlation between the job title list (staff establishment) and the salary system; • Immediate transmission of the documents that modify the payroll system (individual labour contracts, additional acts etc.).
R5. Incorrect record of presence and leaves • Elaborating a procedure for the preparation, recording and handing over of collective attendance sheets; • Developing a procedure for granting the holidays leave, sick leave, study leave, unpaid leave; • Modifying the payroll IT system to compute, record, manage and monitor the vacation periods by employee/ department.
R6. Incorrect record of suspension periods or individual labour contracts • Elaborating a procedure for the efficient recording of suspension periods and labour contracts.
R7. Incorrect filling and recording of the social contributions/ income taxes/ insurance statements. • Continuous monitoring of the specific legislation.
R8. Lack of documents in the personnel file • Table of Contents for each personnel file; • Paging the documents
R9. Failure to establish the responsible persons for different errors Elaborating a procedure for identifying work duties per employee; Updating the work specifications.
R10. Failure to properly fulfil the work attributions • Updating the job specifications and presenting them to the employees upon hiring.
R11. The job title list (staff establishment) is not regularly updated • Establishing and updating the organizational structure of the company (organigram) and the job title list.
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