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Jordanian Health Employees’ Job Satisfaction. A Vroom Theory Investigation

Table 3:

Coefficients a
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) .500 .502 .997 .320
expectancy .209 .065 .160 3.229 .001
extrinsic_instrum -.112 .069 -.116 -1.632 .104
intrinsic_instrum -.037 .073 -.033 -.506 .613
extrinsic_valence .067 .071 .065 .934 .351
intrinsic_valence .643 .065 .598 9.936 .000
Type of hospital .357 .108 .151 3.322 .001
GENDER .029 .091 .013 .312 .755
AGE -.043 .053 -.036 -.802 .423
Graduation degree -.065 .035 -.084 -1.872 .062
TIME WORKING IN HOSPITAL .013 .042 .015 .315 .753
Years in the same position .099 .042 .113 2.348 .019
MARITAL STATUS -.121 .100 -.055 -1.209 .228
POSITION .025 .030 .039 .833 .406
Area of work -.104 .056 -.090 -1.850 .065
MANAG.POSITION -.009 .114 -.004 -.076 .939
INTENTION_LEAVE .003 .098 .001 .026 .980
ORGANIS_STRUCTURE .044 .039 .052 1.125 .261
CHANGES AFFECT HOSPITAL .017 .039 .019 .438 .662
a. Dependent Variable: work_motivation
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