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Social representations of safety by adolescents having intelligence disorders

Table 1:

Associations %
Emotional states (total) 9,3
Reliability 1,0
Confidence 4,1
Calmness 4,1
Ideal world (total) 16,5
Happiness 1,0
Hope 1,0
Kindness 2,1
Peace 8,2
Health 2,1
Freedom 2,1
Interaction with people (total) 6,2
Trust 4,1
Politeness 1,0
Friendship 1,0
Behaviour and personality traits (total) 21,6
Humility 1,0
Neatness 8,2
Strength, dexterity 1,0
Intelligence 1,0
Rule 2,1
To behave properly 3,1
Not to fight 3,1
Not to take alcohol, not to smoke 2,1
Protection from the outside (total) 46,4
Protection 18,6
Help 1,0
Home 5,2
Safe place 1,0
Rescuer 5,2
Police 7,2
Gun 7,2
Lock, fence 1,0
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