The continuous training is the spring of change, of the career progress, of a quality education at European standards. The concerns for the teaching career, determining the status, roles and skills associated with the teaching profession is a prerequisite for developing a coherent system of initial and continuous training of teachers, compatible with European and national requirements. In Romania, currently training system of teachers in secondary education is organized in accordance with European strategies. The basic features that it classifies as a competitive system are: accredited training programs, skills training according to the needs of training but also with the European demands, the current curricular construction, modular organization of training programs, allocation of transferable professional credit, international mobility equivalence, accreditation of training providers for a free, competitive market. So in 2016, the National Register of accredited providers, brings together a number of 154 accredited providers, both in public education and private sector. The main suppliers of continuing trainig for teachers are accredited teacher training institutes, the number of 38, 17 universities, and associations, NGOs, companies, 40 private sector. The accredited training providers offer various attractive programs in line with the training needs of teachers. Naturally the system involves adjustments in order to eliminate weaknesses, obsolete. Are considered, from this point of view, the evolution in the teaching career by teaching degrees, career advancement based on seniority criterion, the absence of flexible career progression routes or reconversion programs for the teaching career.
Keywords: Continuing educationteaching careercareer development
Education and training in Romania are under the sign of change, in relation to European strategies for
a better future, for an innovative Europe, balanced, sustainable, where the citizens participate in a
democratic and active way, people have the skills and knowledge to live and work healthy and
productive. The concerns for the teaching career, the determination of the status, roles and skills
associated with the teaching profession is a prerequisite for developing a coherent system of initial and
continuous training of teachers, compatible with the requirements of the European community and
national that are also submitted to this process of change.
The deciding factors that coordinates the continuing training in Romania, focuses its responsibilities so
finalities of the continuing training process, the competence profile of teachers to be in concordance with
the continuing training standards, but also with the quality ones. From the Ministry of National Education
and Scientific Research, through the Department of Continuing Education up to accredited training
providers, assuming responsibility is a build up type, in order to promote quality, at the system level. The
specialized Commission for accreditation (CSA), external body of Department for Continuing Education
by bringing together experts it ensures quality continuing training programs in the accreditation process.
There are proposed for accreditation, on the basis of scientific quality, only programs that meet standards.
Paper Rationale
2.1.The Actual Legislative and Ethnic Background for the Continuous Training in Romania
In Romania, currently, the continuous training system of teachers in secondary education is
organized in accordance with European strategies. The basic features that it classifies as a competitive
system are: the accredited training programs, skills training according to the needs of training but also
with the European demands, the current curricular construction, the modular organization of training
programs, the allocation of transferable professional credits, international mobility equivalence,
accreditation of training providers for a free, competitive market.
In Romania, the educational policies and teacher training have taken effect and significance from
2011, when the entire legal system was changed and resulted in a series of topical normative documents,
as follows:
a. Primary legislation:
-National Education Law no. 1/2011 amended and supplemented;
b. Secondary legislation:
-Methodology for the continous training of teaching staff, the management, guidance and control,
approved by OMECTS no. 5561/2011;
-Methodology for the accreditation and periodic evaluation of providers of training programs and the
programs they offer - OMECTS no. 5564/2011;
-Methodology for the system of accumulation, recognition and equivalence of transferable
professional credits - OMECTS no. 5562/2011;
-OMECTS no. 3130/2013 on the amendment OM 5564/2011;
-MEN Note no. 640/2013 on accreditation fee.
-OMECTS no. 5558/2015 regarding the programms approval for the definitivation in education;
-Order no. 5087/2016 approving the Methodology for organizing and conducting the national
examination for definitivatin in education
-MO no. 4476/2016 approving the professional standards of continous training for the teaching
profession, teaching in secondary education, by level of education - preschool, primary and secondary -
and on proffesional development stages for professional development in the teaching career - second
degree, First degree , training every five years;
-OM. no. 4477/2016 approving the professional standards of continous training for auxiliary teaching
positions in secondary education school- secretary, school laboratory, pedagogic school, accompanist, on
stages of continous training - beginner and older than 5 years / experienced.
The legislative documents mentioned above provides the statutory framework under which
teachers teaching career in Romania evolves, develops and improves the professional potential, towards
increasing the quality of education.
2.2. Organization Forms of Continuous Training of Teachers and Career Development
The Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research is the institution that sets the
objectives and coordinates the continuing education of teachers at pre-university education system, in
accordance with national policies and strategies. According to the current legal framework, the main ways
of organizing continuous training of teaching staff, the management, guidance and control in secondary
education include (OMECTS 5561/2011, art. 76(1)):
a) methodical-scientific and pedagogical activities conducted at school level or on groups of units or
departments, methodological commissions and pedagogical circles;
b) methodical and scientific sessions of communication, symposia, exchange of experience and
educational partnerships on specialty and psych pedagogical issues;
c) the periodic traineeships for specialized scientific information and science education;
d) courses organized by scientific societies and others professional organizations of the teaching staff;
e) specialized training courses methodological and pedagogical;
f) training to acquire new skills and quality/ features, according to specific training standards;
g) training courses for the preparation of the exams for teaching degrees;
h) training and development courses for management, guidance and control staff, according to specific
i) training scholarships and internships study and documentation, conducted in the country and abroad;
j) postgraduate specialization;
k) studies of master for the teachers who graduated with a bachelor's degree four years;
l) graduate programs;
m) doctoral studies;
n) the acquisition of new teaching specializations, different specialization/ specializations current
As main forms of organization of the training and development activities, flexible, subordinated to
the modalities presented above, teachers can choose (OMECTS 5561/2011, art. 77):
a) frequency courses, modular organized during school holidays, non-working days or weekdays after
agreement and trade unions;
b) distance education system using e-learning platforms and electronic media, combined with
orientation and assisting learning through tutoring procedures;
c) no frequency courses organized by institutions of higher education, combined with periodic
consultations, participants' choices;
d) other forms of organization that combines trainers assisted learning through courses, seminars,
laboratories and practical activities common to learning through independent study and independent work
of participants.
(2) Master's degree programs and doctoral graduate programs, the postgraduate programs of
continuous training and professional development are conducted in the educational forms for which the
higher education institution obtained accreditation.
The continuous training of teaching staff, the management, guidance and control and professional
retraining, based on professional standards for the teaching profession, quality standards and professional
skills, aims a continuous updating of the competence profile in line with systemic trends.
Continuous training has a dual role, being both a right and an obligation, both for teachers in
secondary education and for teachers, leadership, guidance and control.
2.3.The Evolution in the Teaching Career by Teaching Degrees
The career development of teachers is still carried through the teaching degrees II and I, regarded
certification exams of different levels of competence achieved in the teaching career. In accordance with
Article 242 (1) and (2) from the National Education Law 1/2011, as amended and supplemented, teacher
continuing education includes professional development and career progression. Career development is
achieved through second didactic grade and first didactic grade, certification exams of different levels of
Continuous training of the teacher’s staff is based on the model of the approach through skills and
on the cumulative development concept of the level of competence of teachers. The level of competence
targeted through the programs and activities of continuous training/ refresher is evaluated according to: a)
the teachers' capacity to mobilize, combine and use independently the capacities of knowledge, skills and
general skills and the professional ones in line with the national curriculum and educational needs; b) the
teachers' capacity to cope with change, complex situations and crisis situations.
2.4.Continuous Training Through Accredited Training Programs
According to the Law of Education no. 1/2011, as amended and supplemented, teachers and staff
management, guidance and control from the secondary education is required to undergo periodic training
programs so as to accumulate with every consecutive 5 years considered from the date of passing the
exam for definitivation in education, a minimum of 90 transferable professional credits. Recognition and
validation of transferable professional credits in Romanian educational system aim to ensure a set of
assessment criteria that is objective for teaching career evolution and its professionalization. (Păduraru,
Mircea, 2009, p. 175) According to art. 2, paragraph 2) of OMECTS 5564/2011 approving the
The continuous training of teachers in secondary education focuses on acquiring, developing and
updating skills profile. So, according to
are classified into four categories, and develop to their turn, different categories of skills.
The accredited training programs are designed by accredited providers, with an appropriate
curricular offer of the three categories presented. Equally, the training system is flexible for both
providers and beneficiaries, as the supplier can build diversified offer in terms of curriculum, based on an
analysis of needs and beneficiaries may opt, as training needs. Training programs addresses to all
categories of staff from the secondary education - teachers, staff management, guidance and control,
auxiliary teaching staff.
It is important for every teacher to be informed of its responsibility to a continuous training, to
accumulate 90 transferable professional credits following quality programs. Thus, if the beneficiaries are
directors, inspectors, personnel management, guidance and control, they will opt for an accredited
training program from the Category 1. Professional Development Programs, conf. Art. 244 paragraph (5),
points a), b) and c) of Law 1/2011, respectively subcategory 1c) to acquire or develop leadership skills,
guidance and control.
Teachers - teachers for primary, preschool teachers for different specializations can develop their
skills in a different way or in specialty, following a program of category 1) professional development
programs, conf. Art. 244 paragraph (5), points a), b) and c) of Law 1/2011 or subcategory a)updating and
development of skills in the specialization appropriate for the teaching position occupied, as well in
psycho-pedagogic and methodical domain; or complementary skills to be there programs in category; 2)
Professional development programs consistent with the policies and strategies of the Ministry of
Education, Research, Youth and Sport, conf. Art. 244 (5) letters e) and f) of Law 1/2011 a). a). The
acquisition of complementary skills which extends the range of activities that can be performed in the
current work, such as: computer assisted teaching, foreign language teaching, educational counseling and
career guidance, adult education and others and b) Development and upgrading of transversal
competences on the interaction and communication with the social environment and pedagogical
environment, taking responsibility for the organization, management and strategic performance
improvement of the professional groups, and self-control and reflective analysis of their own work and
The third category - Modular programs conducted through non-disciplinary internships represents
programs proposed by the continuing training providers that targets others types of skills than the ones
from first and second categories, with an inovative curriculum proposed by each provider of continous
Organised in four categories, the continuous training programs provide to the participants a
diversified curricular offer, which is actual and suitable to their training needs. For the period 2014-2016
(the first trimester), the specialized commission for accreditation has accredited a number of 336
programs of continuing training. It must be noted the fact that for the first trimester of the year 2016, the
number of continuing training programs (49) is significant in relation to the number of accredited
programs in 2014 (167) and in 2015 (120).
If a teacher evolves in his didactic career by taking the exams for the didactic grades then they can
follow the accredited programs of continuous training from the category 1-b
activities are conducted by experts in the education sciences or in speciality, are allocated transferable
professional credits, new skills are formed, and the premises for success are insured. In any stage of the
teaching career, from the internship to the experience assured by the first didactic grade, any teacher from
Romania can follow a flexible training system, diversified, adapted to their needs of training and
professional development.
The accredited continuous training programs are organized, at the proposal of the Specialized
Commission for Accreditation, on thematic domains in order to achieve a classification that
operationalize the training programs categories provided by
In Romania, the training market it has liberalized based on the principle of competition, but also of
equality of chances, so currently we record accredited providers both from public and private sector. The
Continuing Education Department manages the National Register of training providers in Romania, a
public document which brings together all accredited training providers. Thus, in 2016, the document
brings together a number of 154 accredited providers, both public education and private sector. The main
categories of accredited providers are teacher training institutes, the number of 38 universities, 17
associations, NGOs, companies, 40 private sectors. The accredited training providers offer various
attractive programs in line with the training needs of teachers.
The continuous training system from Romania meet quality requirements, ensuring internal
consistency on a national quality management system in terms of legal, institutional and operational
objectified in a series of principles aimed at:
- "Strategies and procedures for quality assurance;
- Procedures for initiating, monitoring and periodic review of programs and activities;
- Objective and transparent procedures for assessing learning outcomes;
- Procedures for periodic teaching staff evaluation;
- The accessibility at adequate learning resources;
- Regularly updated database systematically related to internal quality assurance;
- Transparency of public interest information on study programs and, where appropriate, certificates,
diplomas and qualifications;
- Functionality of education quality assurance structures, according to the law "(Government
Emergency Ordinance no. 75/2005 regarding the approval of the Law of quality education, art. 10).
Actually, in the case of performing the didactic action, a motivating factor for change is the range
of various education improvement activities for development of career of teacher (lectures, assistances,
seminars, discussions). Recent researches have demonstrated that the individualization of style represents
the most important step of the continuous formation process. This individualization has two phases, that
is: establishing a personal style and assessment of strengths and drawbacks deriving from using this style.
On grounds of this interpretative perspective we consider that every educator elaborates his educational
style according to a personal approach in interpreting information on what good teaching means. (Tudor,
And in the future tense, for the period 2030 - 2035, education will be a national priority. The priorities
of education and training are reflected in a number of strategic documents and operational measures to
structure a competitive, quality, relevant and functional system for its beneficiaries.
The strategy "Romania educated" national project of the Romanian President, consisted of three stages for the period 2016 - 2018, the Presidential Administration and the Ministry of National
Education and Scientific Research, as well as public institutions under the coordination or
subordinated to it, but also with educational institutions in private sector in Romania, aims "relocation
of the society values, developing a culture of success based on performance, labor, talent, honesty and
integrity" (http://www.presidency.ro/ro / commitments / Romania-educated) converted subsequently
into country targets for 2030;
The strategy "Development of Romania in the next 20 years" initiated by the Romanian Academy, proposes building an performant education system internationally recognized for 2035, based
axiological on "trust, flexibility, diversity, excellence, fairness, transparency, wellbeing / welfare
(well-being) "(Vlad IV, eds., 2015, p. 19). "The teaching profession will become one of the most
popular and respected on the labor market and will be in the top three as attractive professions in the
public sector" (Ibid, p. 25).
Operational measures for 2016-2020, the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research, through the Department of Continuing Education:
-Revision of the legal framework for training system of teachers in secondary education;
-Approving professional standards of training for staff through OM 4476/2016 and by the OM.
4477/2016 for the auxiliary teachers, aimed at training and developing professional skills on categories,
units and levels of competence;
-The experience into the teaching profession, the development and completion of professional
portfolio, according to art. 10 of finalizing the methodology of education, by OM. no. 5087/2016;
-Development of complementary and transversal skills for the teaching career;
-Diversification of the thematic areas of training programs for the integrated learning, creative,
personal development, new education, equal opportunities etc.;
-Expanding retraining programs for the teaching career, in the training offer as many universities and
-Approving flexible evolutionary routes for the teaching career.
The transformation of the educational system and training to performance standards and
international demands, regaining the prestige of the teaching profession, investment in human resources
in education are strategic goals of a sustainable and educated Romania for 2030-2035.
The mainspring is the continuing training system. Imperfect currently adjusted and improved for
the future and implemented step by step, will ensure the success of Romanian education and society.
- Eurydice. (2015). The teaching profession in Europe practices, perceptions and policies. Eurydice report.
- Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
- Government Emergency Ordinance no. Law 75/2005 approving the quality of education.
- Law no. 1/2011 as amended and supplemented.
- MAN. no. 4477/2016 approving the professional standards of training for auxiliary teaching positions in secondary education school secretary, school laboratory, pedagogic school, accompanist, phased training - beginner and older than 5 years / experienced.
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- OM no. 4476/2016 approving the professional standards of training for the teaching profession teaching in secondary education, by level of education - preschool, primary and secondary - and pee tape for professional development of the teaching career - second degree, teaching degree I, training every five years.
- OM no. 5087/2016 approving the Methodology for organizing and conducting the national examination for completion in education.
- OMEN 5564/2011 approving the Methodology for accreditation and periodic evaluation of training providers and the programs they offer, as amended and supplemented.
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- Romanian Academy Press
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Publication Date
25 May 2017
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Future Academy
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Educational strategies, educational policy, organization of education, management of education, teacher, teacher training
Cite this article as:
Mircea, N. E. (2017). The Continuing Education of Teachers - Present And Perspectives in Romania. In E. Soare, & C. Langa (Eds.), Education Facing Contemporary World Issues, vol 23. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 737-745). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2017.05.02.90