Pairs |
Indicators |
Mean |
t |
p |
tested |
Pair 1 |
How much do you like Romanians? |
4.04 |
4.56 |
<.001 |
How much do you like Spaniards? |
3.54 |
Pair 2 |
How much do you like Romanian? |
4.37 |
5.47 |
<.001 |
How much do you like Spanish? |
3.74 |
Pair 3 |
How important a role do you think Romania plays in the world? |
2.97 |
-5.67 |
<.001 |
How important a role do you think Spain plays in the world? |
3.53 |
Pair 4 |
How rich and developed do you think Romania is? |
2.59 |
-12.53 |
<.001 |
How rich and developed do you think Spain is? |
3.85 |
Pair 5 |
How important do you think Romanian is in the world these days? |
2.25 |
-12.25 |
<.001 |
How important do you think Spanish is in the world these days? |
3.54 |
Pair 6 |
How much would you like to travel to Romania? |
4.02 |
-5.14 |
<.001 |
How much would you like to travel to Spain? |
4.58 |
Pair 7 |
How much do you think knowing Romanian would help you if you travelled |
1.93 |
-17.7 |
<.001 |
abroad? |
How much do you think knowing Spanish would help you if you travelled |
3.50 |
abroad? |
Pair 8 |
How important do you think learning Romanian is in order to learn more about |
3.81 |
-1.12 |
.268 |
the culture of its speakers? |
Pair 9 |
How important do you think learning Spanish is in order to learn more about the |
3.91 |
culture of its speakers? |
3.79 |
How much do you like Romanian TV programmes? |
Pair 10 |
How much do you like Spanish TV programmes? |
2.68 |
8.26 |
<.001 |
How much do you like Romanian films? |
3.39 |
Pair 11 |
How much do you like Spanish films? |
3.48 |
-.605 |
.546 |
How much do you like Romanian music? |
4.14 |
Pair 12 |
How much do you like Spanish music? |
3.71 |
3.19 |
.002 |
How much do you like Romanian magazines? |
3.29 |
How much do you like Spanish magazines? |
2.62 |
5.03 |
<.001 |
Pair 13 |
I like reading/speaking/writing in Romanian. |
4.36 |
7.17 |
<.001 |
I like reading/speaking/writing in Spanish. |
3.45 |
Pair 14 |
I like being taught in Romanian. |
4.13 |
5.18 |
<.001 |
I like being taught in Spanish. |
3.38 |
Pair 15 |
Romanian is a language easy to learn. |
3.69 |
.881 |
.380 |
Spanish is a language easy to learn. |
3.58 |
Pair 16 |
I identify myself only with Romanian culture. |
3.52 |
9.20 |
<.001 |
I identify myself only with Spanish culture. |
2.09 |