In conducting Communication in Romanian/Romanian Language and Literature activities we cannot say that there is a universally valid method to ensure success. Therefore, the crucial role that accrues the Romanian language and communication teacher is to choose and adapt to the contents and to the classroom, suitable methods of teaching, learning and assessment to enable all actors of education to ability to communicate, collaborate and connect with each other, thereby contributing to school success. As can be seen from both the reality of activities that take place in the classroom, and the results of studies in recent years, the strategies based on multimedia means increases students' motivation gives them the opportunity to interact with other students or with the teacher, to take advantage of the experience and knowledge of others, in order to correct/ optimize certain knowledge or to build its own code of values and attitudes. So, to the three elements of traditional pedagogical act - student, teacher and learning content - we might add the learning situation, the resources and the technology. Virtual environments designed in this perspective will allow an individualized, interactive focused on complex activities education system. Through the use of multimedia, Romanian language activities become equal opportunities with other disciplines, allowing this field of study to enrol in the complex paradigm of education virtualization. The present study aims to draw attention to the attitude that manifests both pupils and teachers by implementing the e-learning means in the hours for the consolidation of the noun.
Keywords: Romanian language communicatione-learningmultimedia systeme-learning tools
1. Introduction
Using with priority the active student-centred methods and techniques, that contribute to the
formation of the intellectual potential of students, implies the involvement of the child in the act of
learning, for providing the optimum conditions for the development of thought, intellect in the direction
of flexibility, creativity, inventiveness and for developing their interest in their own training, meaning his
training as an active participant in the education process. Reason for which it must consider an exceeded
of formal learning strategies and the introduction of new technologies to make the most of the educational
How the computer science has the role of creating that subtle bridge between science and art and
how the Romanian language teacher role is to form the desire to read, the competence to communicate
and write correctly, the creation of some modern means which is part of the overall trends in the use of
new information technologies, becomes for the teacher a true challenge.
Therefore it must reflect seriously on words of Lucian Ciolan who considers that
of an individual can be the cumulative result of a series of experiences of formal education and training,
by combining the school valences, as an traditional institution of education, and other environments in
support thereof. It's rather a necessary revision of the traditional role of the school and of classical vision
that institutions have of the educational offer. (...) (Ciolan, 2008, p. 65).
2. E-learning Integration in the Romanian Language Lessons
in which modern information technologies may penetrate the education system, Ioan Cerghit believed that
multimedia systems focus on creating a complete educational environment as efficiently (Cerghit, 2008,
p. 93). Their inclusion in the educational activity creates a
2009, p. 369), It is based on a complex combination of image, sound, word and colour.
All elements of multimedia in education have a substantial formative value as presented by Joița
Elena (2006, pp. 204-206): they ensure authenticity context of learning because involve a diversification
of multimedia sources as information sources. Learning activities are authentic, and the emphasis is
always on solving various learning problems emerged through collaboration through joint consultations
and debates. They involve consultation of various sources of information and facilitating the completion
of knowledge through collaboration, by using the techniques of teamwork.
Using strategies based on multimedia stimulates cognitive confrontations, determines active and
interactive training and gives the learner cognitive and informational autonomy. The student has an active
attitude, continuously stimulating personal reflection capacities, critical thinking, imagination, creativity,
but also an interactive one, being forced to interact with other to solve teaching tasks. Combinations
between traditional strategies with multimedia strategies can be beneficial in terms of interpreting
capacity; they have shown a better ability to interpret when traditional strategies combine with the media
ones and when they are combined with group strategies, comparing to the traditional types of activity
(Tudor, 2013, pp. 682-686).
We are witnessing an act of comparing ideas, which means implicitly using reflection to achieve
generalization. We are therefore facing a genuine assessment, continuous, focused on optimizing the use
of different assessment criteria on valuing learning by seeking solutions. Multimedia means
possible to manage your own learning after your own act, rhythm, style, and according to specific needs,
skill development, promotion or retraining. The ludic aspect, inevitably, can play a primary participatory
role for the user (favourable motivation for acquiring knowledge) (Iucu, 2007, p. 104).
This level requires disclosure of the concept of e-learning. According to Cucoș (2006, p. 133),
term e-learning it is taken from the Anglo-Saxon literature and is about learning facilitated by electronic
education by teaching requires consideration of several factors. It's about the way it is designed, as a
whole, the process of teaching and learning, the educational aims of learning motivation, the
methodology and teaching style, the social context and personal issues (Glava, 2009).
For there to be a real learning process is not enough to spend time in virtual universes, to use
multimedia CDs or to communicate with intelligent software. It is necessary that these instruments are
implemented by a subject, a dynamic agent of education in order to achieve objectives and to engage the
students more and more to the work of knowledge assimilation and consolidation. The task of learning
that is developed by the teacher must consider: the operational objectives, the initial situation, the type of
activity, the participation (roles) of student and teacher and the device to be used. We also need to call on
activities involving problem-situations, creativity, and interaction with various factors, both during and
after the execution of the task.
Like other disciplines, also the Romanian language (referring here mainly to lessons dealing with
construction elements of communication).It is a continuous process of development and adaptation to the
requirements of the society of knowledge. From here the need to improve the quality of teaching and
learning, to increase the knowledge and information level, to introduce a greater degree of flexibility in
response to social needs by introducing a new vision of teaching act. In Romanian Language lessons it
may signal, lately, a significant increase in interest in using new information and communication
technologies of implementation of the e-Learning in teaching - learning – evaluation process, which led
to a rethinking of the teaching process, facilitating the transition from teacher-centred learning to student-
centred learning.
In the lessons that involve the adoption and strengthening of construction elements of
communication are used increasingly more often, PowerPoint presentations as teaching material,
educational software adapted to different learning styles, simulation programs. We find that using these
new means to increase access to educational resources for teaching - learning - assessment determines the
changing role of the teacher and the student in a training environment network.
We are witnessing a change in the traditional roles of teacher and student held in mainstream
education. Thus, the teacher is no longer the main communicator, but becomes a designer of experimental
training environment and an expert in formulating questions. He encourages customized targeting,
offering only the original student work and ensures that the presentation of topics for study to be made
from multiple perspectives, adapted to different learning styles (Adăscăliţei, 2007, pp.14-15). On the
other hand, the student will not have the role of spectator, but will be in a position to seek by himself the
right answers, interact, collaborate and learn in groups, sharing to the other actors in the act of learning
his own experience. The student gets to become the manager of their independent learning tasks drafted
by the professor, being this way motivated by the learning process. Today's student is oriented by our
society, especially towards learning by computer. Therefore, the use of educational software in the act of
teaching will be more motivating and will increase thus their interest to solve the teaching loads by
harnessing new technologies. The Computer as a multimedia environment has became active learning
vector, a simulator which allows to acquire professional gestures, it doesn’t teach you only knowledge
3. Methodology of Research
3.1 The Objectives of the Study:
identifying student's attitude in class III (3 classes) to the consolidation of the noun lessons that
use multimedia;
identifying the attitudes of teachers for primary education regarding how e-learning means
influences the consolidation of the noun lessons;
analyze the advantages and disadvantages expressed by students and teachers from the
perspective of e-learning in the Romanian language classes, particularly consolidating. the noun
The general hypothesis of this research starts on the assumption that the perception that students of
class-III, and equally certain teachers in primary, have in terms of integrating e-learning into lessons for
strengthening the construction elements of the communication is extremely favourable. Differences are
based on the age, ability to use computer and ICT resources to be involved in the educational process.
3.2. Subjects
To prove the hypothesis from which the present research starts and also the proposed objectives,
were targeted three classes-III and a group of 10 subjects - teachers in primary education. The mentioned
classrooms were set between 25 and 30 pupils, aged between 8-9 years old and 9-10 years old. Primary
teachers who were part of the group of subjects aged between 35 -40 years.
3.3 The Organization of Research
The research was conducted in the first semester of school year 2015-2016, at the end of the unit
noun as a construction element of communication, in which they were used mainly traditional methods,
followed the lessons to strengthen the notion of a noun with all grammatical categories studied at this
level (Nouns or own, categories which are called by the nouns, nouns number: singular-plural).During the
lessons of consolidation it was tried in addition to traditional strategies, introducing a more pronounced
elements of e-learning (Internet as a source for providing information in preparation of materials for the
lessons, power-point presentations, listening fragments, educational software, educational CDs).
They used several activities in these lessons of consolidating the noun, all from the idea of the
game by means of e-learning. So, after the students are divided into teams, they come to the laptop one by
one and solve the game on Edu CD’s that has the requirement: group the nouns in the table, depending on
what you call being, things and events. If the answer is correct, the student is congratulated:
watch the board in class with the exercises solved by the team.
Another game, all used in order to stimulate teaching, has the duty "to target" with snowballs the
banners that are written with words, but in order to select nouns of them. Mention of the series used:
One projecting text in PowerPoint whiteboard, and representatives of each team should emphasize
a common nouns with one line and with two the ones own. In situations of deadlock, students must
consult with the teams they belong. They are heard stories in which nouns are listed in their plural forms.
The team that quickly identifies the incorrect form, have to shout BINGO, and thus will be dotted
Are just some of the activities used in the lessons of the noun consolidation aiming the level that
children have in the acquisition of knowledge about the part of speech taught, but also their attitude to the
use of multimedia in designing activities.
4. Results
After analyzing the responses that students were given at the applied questionnaires on introducing
modern technologies like e-learning in the consolidation of the noun lessons, it has been found a
favourable attitude to organizing this type of lessons. So, the students expressed their responsiveness and
preference for the lessons that involve interactivity determined by the using of learning systems
mentioned. It was confirmed, that multimedia elements influence positively, how each student is able to
charge didactic information. Children assimilate / correct knowledge they have much easier and perceive
these activities that go beyond the traditional, as a permanent play that allows them to correct hesitation
more easily. The pleasures with which children participate in these educational activities illustrate
therefore their willingness to use elements of e-learning in all lessons of Romanian language and
In the case of teachers, the interpretation on the questionnaire responses results show that they
appreciate positively the implementation of multimedia in Romanian language lessons. Moreover,
teachers enjoy that lessons menus dynamically and that students are more motivated to respond. The
teachers retention comes from the complexity and diversity of the materials to be prepared for this lesson,
registering visible perception differences. Those who have greater experience in the use of computers and
the Internet as an information source feel comfortable in this type of preparation of materials for lessons.
They show more easily in using these means, being less stressed by the possible technical
However, teachers considerate that the use of e-learning in the lessons of consolidation the
communication construction elements improve students communication with the colleges and with the
teacher, accepting more easily the desire to correct any wrong answers by students. Moreover, it was
found that also the shy students felt more at ease during these lessons and participated in solving tasks
much more active than usual.
5. Conclusions
Using multimedia technology in communication lessons in Romanian language and literature in
primary education is a general trend in recent years. This is determined not only by active and motivating
nature of the developed lessons through the inclusion of these elements, but also by the studies on
integration of e-learning in education in recent years.
The differences between lessons that uses mostly traditional strategies and the ones in which are
integrated multimedia means are evident both in the students' attitude and at the ease with which they
assimilate and consolidate knowledge. We believe, therefore, that the e-learning resources are factors that
come obviously in support of teaching. Of course, their use must be done correctly and their joints must
be harmoniously to achieve that ideal combination to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge or express
the idea in various ways (Cerghit, 2008).
Not so the audiovisual message is beneficial, as its effective integration into a strategy for training
and self-learning, by the teacher, whose presence is required. It is not about a technical formulation of the
educational process, but about ensuring unity between the technical and didactic aspects of the
educational activity (Ionescu, &Bocoş, 2009, p. 375).
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Publication Date
25 May 2017
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Future Academy
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Educational strategies, educational policy, organization of education, management of education, teacher, teacher training
Cite this article as:
Bloju, C. L. (2017). The Utilization Of E-Learning Instruments In Consolidation Activities Of The Grammar Elements. In E. Soare, & C. Langa (Eds.), Education Facing Contemporary World Issues, vol 23. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 400-405). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2017.05.02.49