The increasing prevalence of coronary heart disease and heart failure, as well as their multiple consequences on individual level, in terms of functional limitations and occupational participation restrictions, including socio-economic challenges, impose the implementation of new effective methods and strategies for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. More studies revealed that a comprehensive therapeutic approach of coronary patient, which includes also disease’s self-management through counselling and therapeutic education interventions, contributes significantly to reducing morbidity and mortality of this type and the risk of sub-optimal patients’ recovery. The aim of this study was to present a strategy for increasing self-efficacy of therapeutic management interventions based on the patient's occupational needs in the context of his living environment. Thus, we proposed, implemented and validated a six weeks intervention plan for the clinical case of a 54 years old man with post myocardial infarction status. Our strategy consisted in teaching the patient how to identify and solve the various occupational problems he is facing, by using a problem solving process approach. In order to evaluate the results, a series of assessments were conducted: self-perception of occupational performance (using COPM), heart rate, level of perceived intensity during physical activity (Borg RPE Scale) and anxiety level. In conclusion, the favourable evolution of the patient, as a result of our proposed therapeutic intervention, provides clinical evidence supporting the idea that the principle of client-centred practice in the context of occupational therapy is a reliable resource for promoting and improving disease selfmanagement in cardiac rehabilitation.
Keywords: Case studyoccupational therapymyocardial infarction
The increasing prevalence of coronary heart disease and heart failure, as well as their multiple
consequences on individual level, in terms of functional limitations and occupational participation
restrictions, including socio-economic challenges, impose the implementation of new effective methods
and strategies for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.
Cardiovascular diseases remain a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, despite improvements
in outcomes (European Society of Cardiology, 2016) and many survivors suffer lasting disabilities and
medical complications, having at least one comorbidity (Mampuya, 2012).
The survivors of myocardial infarction usually experience serious deficiencies of motor, cognitive
and sensory functions, causing a decreased quality of life and life expectancy, and in addition, a
substantial burden on national economies (Drosselmeyer et al., 2014). Cardiac rehabilitation is a
necessity, especially when it comes to providing appropriate and affordable health services, to assist the
patients’ specific needs during the transition period between the end of hospitalization and reintegration
in their home environment (Aronsson et al., 2009).
Considering the epidemiology of CVDs and also the outcomes from the specialty literature, it is
estimated that the necessity for tangible programs of secondary prevention and cardiac rehabilitation will
increase in the future because people with chronic illnesses are especially vulnerable, requiring
continuing recovery assistance (Savage et. al., 2011; Wang, Zhao & Zang, 2014; Lay et al., 2015).
Theoretical Foundation and Related Literature
A lot of recommendations on lifestyle changing and limiting risk factors are gathered in the
clinical guidelines for cardiac patients, but we found a considerable oversight of the references on how
the patient can continue with the meaningful activities he had before the myocardial infarction (Tooth &
McKenna, 1996; Servey & Stephens, 2016). Particularly, the indications are vague and inconsistent with
the stage of recovery, thereby restricting a timely return of the person to earlier occupational routines
(Désiron et al., 2011).
Consequently, more studies revealed that a comprehensive therapeutic approach of coronary
patient, which includes also disease’s self-management through counselling and therapeutic education
interventions, contributes significantly to reducing morbidity and mortality of this type and the risk of
sub-optimal patients’ recovery (Piepoli et al., 2014, 2016). The emphasis in this type of approach is on
increasing self-efficacy and his confidence in solving problems and making decisions. It is encouraged
the partnership between the patient and the therapist and also patient’s access to relevant information that
can empower him to take the necessary steps in supporting recovery (Aghakhani et al., 2011).
Fear, anxiety and depression may accompany the physical symptoms, making thus difficult the
patient’s optimal recovery (Watkins et al., 2013;Kala et al., 2016). In such cases, disease self-
management approaches are especially relevant to the particular needs of cardiac patients who need to
adapt to disease restrictions.
When their health status changes, patients are facing with disruption of daily routines and they
need a transition period toward rebuilding professional self. Occupational therapists can respond best at
these transitions and, recognizing the key role of occupations as facilitator, are very suitable for the whole
team of cardiac rehabilitation (Feroni & Thielke, 2010). Despite proven positive effects of occupational
therapy, there are still little referral in the rehabilitation practice after myocardial infarction (Wells, 2007;
Drosselmeyer et al., 2014; Che Daud et al., 2016).
A classic cardiac rehabilitation program involves monitored physical activity and therapeutic
education for lifestyle changes. In addition to this, occupational therapy can maximize the benefits of
cardiac patient’s recovery, especially through supervised occupational engagement (Proudfoot, 2006).
The occupational therapist focuses on the impact of the physical activity restrictions on significant
occupations for the patient, such as work, self-care and leisure. In the same time he brings guidance,
reassurance and practical options for the patient to resume his valuable occupations and to implement the
physical activity prescriptions at home.
Our research was based on the case study on a man aged 54 years, who recently suffered a
myocardial infarction. For a logical and coherent working approach, we used the Canadian Practice
Process Framework (CPPF), which provides a helpful framework for developing and implementing
effective occupational therapy interventions (Cole & Tufano, 2008).
Designed to be used by occupational therapists, COMP questionnaire helps to identify the
occupational problems of the client and to detect changes in self-perception of occupational performance
and satisfaction scores, using a 10-point rating scale, where 1 equals poor performance and low
satisfaction, while 10 means very good performance and high satisfaction (Law et al., 1990).
The Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale is a valid and frequently used instrument for
subjective evaluation of exercise intensity, recommended especially to elderly and cardio-pulmonary
patients in the first weeks of resuming physical activity (Borg, 1982; Buckley, Sim & Eston, 2009).
Individuals are first thought to identify their body sensations and reactions during physical effort and then
to associate its value. Borg proposes a grading scale effort from 6 to 20, respectively from very, very light
to very, very hard.
We wanted to measure also the presence of general symptoms of anxiety commonly occurring in
cardiac disease. For this reaseon we esed the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS), which was
developed by researchers at the University of New South Wales and it provides a broad coverage of
general symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress (UNSW, 1995). We used the short form (DASS 21),
which is a 21 item (from 42) self-report questionnaire, where individual is required to indicate the
presence of a symptom over the previous week.
DASS-anxiety focuses on physiological arousal, perceived panic, and fear. Each item is scored
from 0 (did not apply to me at all over the last week) to 3 (applied to me very much or most of the time
over the past week), in the end resulting five intervals of outcome interpretation: 0-7 normal level of
anxiety, 8-9 mild anxiety, 10-14 moderate, 15-19 severe and over 20 extremely severe anxiety (Lovibond
& Lovibond, 1995).
The DASS has excellent psychometric properties (reliability, validity and specificity) and few
limitations, however clinicians should be aware that certain patient groups (eg. children, developmentally
delayed, or those who are taking certain medications) may have difficulty understanding the questionnaire
items (Buckley, Sim & Eston, 2009).
Our research is based on the case study of a man, aged 54 years, who suffered an acute myocardial
infarction three weeks ago. From his medical history we found that he was diagnosed with chronic
ischemic cardiopathy, ten years ago. He also suffers from hypercholesterolemia and grade I obesity, but
he is normotensive. The myocardial infarction occurred during his working program and the prompt
reaction of his colleagues has enabled the emergency measures of paramedics’ team. He was diagnosed
with acute anteroseptal myocardial infarction, for which he received emergency treatment in the intensive
care unit. He was discharged from hospital after two weeks with a relative good general health. The
results after performing coronary angiography were also good. Following the positive evolution of initial
diagnosis, the cardiologist recommended a conservative approach, meaning ambulatory pharmacological
treatment (coronary vasodilators, lipid-lowering drugs and anticoagulants) and also medical leave for
three months.
Our patient had history of hypertension on maternal side and he used to smoke more than one
package of cigarettes in a day, for twenty years, but he quit six years ago. Occasionally he drinks any
alcoholic beverage. He works as electrician in a car factory, one of the most important in the town where
he lives and in the country as well. The patient is proud been doing this job for more than 20 years and he
feels very attached to his team and to the working environment in general, which he considers as the
second home. His wife is now working overtime to meet the family economic needs, and after discharge
he must do alone with household chores and everything else needed. He likes to be involved in household
maintenance and to help his wife, but the greatest wish is to regain his physical fittness as soon as
possible and to return to work. However, he is aware that although independent in all occupations, he gets
tired very quickly and even fears of the possibility of a new cardiac episode, triggered by too intense
effort or emotional stress.
The patient had marked limitation in physical activity and proved an appropriate understanding of
the cardiac event he suffered, and also of the secondary prevention measures that must be taken, in order
to reduce his comorbid risk factors (obesity and high blood cholesterol).
Considering all these aspects and the time elapsed from hospital discharge, we created a six weeks
out-patient program that adopts a self-management approach for the phase II of cardiac rehabilitation.
Physical activity and education components were supplemented with opportunities for supervised
occupational engagement within the patient’s home environment.
Our patient participated in therapeutic education sessions focused on such things as improving
dietary habits, motivation, reconditioning the cardiovascular system and safely regaining functional
Since the occupation plays a critical role in patient’s recovery and wellbeing on multiple levels, it
is important to determine the fit between the person, the environment and meaningful occupations by the
extent of how patient’s functional capacity match his environment and specific occupation requirements.
As the patient expressed concerns with respect to a wide range of occupations, the COPM was
applied to determine their hierarchy in influencing the patient’s wellbeing. He identified that mobility
outside the home (performance score 2, satisfaction score 2), being able to participate in discussions on a
social network (performance score 1, satisfaction score 1) and participating in housekeeping
(performance score 3, satisfaction score 4) are the main occupational issues that he would like to improve.
Together, we established these as goals for the occupational therapy intervention.
The Person-Environment-Occupation (PEO) practice model was used as intervention tool for
guiding us in establishing the SMART objectives of our intervention plan. They are the result of the
extent in which the patient’s functional capacity and environment characteristics fit the selected
occupations’ requirements. Thus, we agreed that after six weeks, the patient will be able to accompany
his wife to shopping in the neighbourhood,he will daily show interest and motivationto check his new
social network account and he will be able to perform housekeeping tasks for more than half hour/day,
without feeling physical exertion.
The occupational therapy program focused on daily engaging the patient in functional activities
(walking, dressing, cleaning the house) starting with 15 minutes sessions initially, then progressively
rising them to 30 minutes by the end of the intervention period. For each session we recommended 5
minutes of warming up and then 5 minutes of cooling down, in order to satisfy the physiological bases for
functional adaptations. At the end of each occupational therapy session, we had included 10-15 minutes
of therapeutic education (free discussions, information, presentation of didactic materials, brochures,
flyers, therapeutic guides, videos etc.). Considering the fact that the patient had a good level of
understanding and also a high motivation for change, we set a frequency of three therapeutic sessions/
week in his home environment.
Also, to enhance self-efficacy, we assisted the patient to monitor his heart rate (HR) and rate of
perceived exertion (RPE) following each task of the occupations needs to perform, and record the
outcomes at the beginning and at the end of the activity, in a structured way, which then formed the basis
for discussions. All demanding activities were graded and monitored according to patient’s RPE and he
was taught how to incorporate them into his daily occupations. The presence of emotions associated with
anxiety were assessed too, using DASS 21 self-questionnaire, initially and then at the end of the OT
intervention program.
After six weeks, the improvement of performance and satisfaction of the identified problems was
significant for all three items, the patient reporting higher scores at final administration of COPM
questionnaire, as shown in table
There is an overall change of 3.3 points for performance and 5.3points for satisfaction. It is
obvious that the most important contribution to these positive results is due to the increase in ambulatory
performance, which, not surprisingly, gives also the highest satisfaction to our patient.
Also the patient’s functional progress is reflected by the improvements of RPE and anxiety level
after the final evaluation (Table
activity demanding tasks (walking outside the home and housekeeping) was of 5 points decrease, which
actually reflects a 25% progress of the patients’ physical capacity to maintain a dynamic occupation.
The results of our intervention reflected positively not only on occupations engagement of the
patient, but also in his healthy dietary habits, weight control and decreased level of anxiety.
The current trend of cardiovascular rehabilitation is to include comprehensive, evidence-based
interventions and to influence health behaviour changes. Most often, patients who have suffered a cardiac
episode, and generally, those with chronic diseases would like the most to resume their professional
activity in the shortest time (Servey & Stephens, 2016). However, there are other more important areas
that contribute to functional independence (self-care, physical endurance, lifestyle changes, energy
conservation, and stress management) and which further can sustain their socio-professional
Male participation in family life seems to depend on holding a job, succeeding in work, conferring
a sense of protection and safety, and uncertainty of maintain these roles after illnesses can induce and
maintain anxiety (Mampuya, 2012). For our patient, marriage seems to provide the necessary social
support that enhances his sense of control, which in turn helps him to deal with the disease.
Overall, more evidence supports the useof physical activity and occupation engagement in
reducing stress, with a tendency for improvements in social and emotional aspects for those who practice
it regularly (Taheri & Irandoust, 2014). Also, emerging evidence from preliminary studies has supported
that attendance in secondary prevention programs is a safe method to increasing a patient’s functional
capacity (Rogers et al. 2016).
The results that we obtained confirm the validity of the proposed occupational therapy program in
the clinical context which we presented, providing thus the evidence of outpatient applicability of this
type of intervention in cardiac patient with a recent history of myocardial infarction.
After the end of the acute phase, all cardiac patients should be able to follow a multidisciplinary
rehabilitation program. Many barriers affect the adherence to secondary preventive measures. Gender,
age, socio-economic status, and ethnic minorities are all some of the factors related to lack of
participation. The strategies based on home interventions can remove these barriers, so that all patients
can benefit from equal opportunities in getting the best care possible. These programs aim to maintain the
patient’s motivation for lifestyle change, while the application of occupational therapy services can
amplify the benefits of modern healthcare interventions. Moreover, occupational therapy in cardiac
rehabilitation addresses to development of life-skills in order to improve an individual’s recovery after a
life altering cardiac event. Nutrition counselling and therapeutic education are also keys to improving a
cardiac patient’s health.
The patient needs constantly renewed attention to his emotional, social and professional problems
and to develop his motivation towards the effort required during recovery. The entire process is carried
out respecting the principles of client-cantered practice, which means developing a partnership between
the patient and therapist to facilitate the participation, satisfaction and sense of self-efficacy from the
patient. The expanding of clinical research on occupational therapy utility in post myocardial infarction
patient represents an important research direction in this domain, considering the possibility of providing
to patients reliable alternatives for early recovery through accessible, non-pharmacological methods.
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25 May 2017
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Future Academy
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Educational strategies, educational policy, organization of education, management of education, teacher, teacher training
Cite this article as:
Tudor, M., Iconaru, E. I., Ciucurel, M., & Ciucurel, C. (2017). A Case Study of Occupational Therapy in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patient. In E. Soare, & C. Langa (Eds.), Education Facing Contemporary World Issues, vol 23. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1686-1693). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2017.05.02.206