Pedagogical Normativity


Our study addresses to the issue of pedagogical normativity from an epistemological perspective, but also at the level of educational policy. From the epistemological perspective, normative support is a prerequisite for pedagogy as a science. It involves a set of axioms, laws (statistical probability), principles (design, implementation), rules that orders the subject specific pedagogy (education) in the context of a research methodology specific sciences social and human (and therefore pedagogy) - we mean the historical research and hermeneutics (for education at macro level analysis) and experimental research (for empirical analysis at micro level). We take into account the pre-modern pedagogy paradigm (magistro-centrism), paradigms of modern pedagogy (psychocentrism, sociocentrism), postmodern pedagogy paradigm- curriculum paradigm focused on the education purposes (education ideals, general educational goals; overall, specific and practical education objectives), built, in any context (of the educational system and process) at the interdependence level between psychological requirements towards education and educated (expressed in terms of competences)-sociological requirements towards education and educated (expressed in terms of basic knowledge, legitimated or validated by the society, from time to time).

Keywords: Pedagogical normativityaxiomeducation


The issue of normativity is defined at the level of Philosophy. It is used extensively, at the

theoretical, methodological and practical levels, within the context of the socio-human sciences, of the

undertaken value guidelines. The basic meaning of normativity is fixed axiomatically, binding and in

principled terms, in both ethical and also praxeological terms. In procedural terms, "it aims to establish a

standard of fairness through prescribing rules" (Antony Flew, 1999, p. 240). It is a necessary action to be

taken in any socio-human context. Thus, non-compliance with normativity generates the anomy

phenomenon that defines a negative psychosocial situation, characterized by confusion, inefficiency,

conflict, randomness and lack of sense" (Mack Gordon, edit, 2003, p. 45).

Pedagogical normativity represents a specific dimension of social normativity, studied at the level of

sociology. It characterizes the "consonance" required in pedagogical relationships in any context "which

reveals a proper dynamic and an accurate operation in the society".” (Dictionnaire actuel de l’education,

3-e edition, direction editoriale, Legendre, Renald, 2005, p.938).

At the level of Pedagogy, normativity is expressed at the macrostructural level (through axioms and

laws) and microstructural (through principles of design and implementation and through implementing

rules). (Sorin Cristea, 2015, pp.121-124).

2.Pedagogical Normativity

Specifics of pedagogical normativity tested to macro level by affirming axioms underlying

fundamental pedagogical sciences building: general theory of education, the general theory of training,

the general theory of curriculum. We highlight in particular the axioms developed the theory of general

education: the axiom defining education; axiom basic function and structure of education axiom of

'education; axiom general contents and forms of education, education axiom context (system and the

educational process).

These axioms evolving paradigm report asserted historically. In the context of curriculum

paradigm, affirmed in the second half of the twentieth century to the present, as a paradigm of

postmodern pedagogy (in postmodern society, postindustrial, information, knowledge), we highlight the

following axioms:

a) axiom defining education as psychosocial activities;

b) axiom interdependence of objective dimension of education (basic function and structure of

education) subjective dimension of education (aims of education);

c) axiom use of all forms of content and general education

d) axiom education achievement and development in open environment for the permanent

education and self-education.

Based on these axioms can be constructed laws of probability, statistics, education defining general

connections needed between different aspects of education. From the perspective of education policy,

normative teaching needed to ensure correct design Conde main documents curricular engaged Level: 1)

education system: a) draft education reform; b) teaching fundamental research projects; 2) educational

process: a) curriculum, b) curricula; c) school textbooks; d) auxiliary materials; e) the teacher's curricular


Pedagogical normativity defines all of axioms, laws, principles, rules that arranges educational

activity. It has an essential role in the foundation of epistemological pedagogy / educational science /

science education, according to a specific research methodology.

I) Axioms of education provides specific pedagogical foundations of normativity. Defined and

promoted within the general theory of education as fundamental truths: a) are well known, being

determined by the internal logic of education; b) reinforce the basic matrix of pedagogy, sustained the

correlations between fundamental pedagogical concepts.

Education axioms are, by default, axioms of pedagogy. Epistemological concepts are constructed by

linking pedagogical principles. Provides normative pedagogy / pedagogical sciences / sciences of

education at higher level:

A) The axiom defining education as a psychosocial activity. Highlights the interdependence of

individual psychological and social needs requirements necessary in any educational activities.

B) Axiom interdependence of objective dimension of education (provided by function central and

basic structure of education) and the subjective dimension of education (supported by the aims of


C) Axiom use of all forms of content and general education in the permanent education and self-


D) Axiom realization and development of education in open environment for the permanent education

and of auto-education.

The report axioms education / pedagogy can be constructed:

a) Axioms training, curriculum design axioms of education and training, research pedagogical axioms

- defined and promoted by general pedagogical theories: the general theory of training (general teaching),

the general theory of curriculum, the general theory of pedagogical research;

b) Laws pedagogy - education laws, laws instruction, curricular design education laws and instruction

laws pedagogical research - identifiable on the upper level of pedagogical normativity.

II) Laws of pedagogy / education

They can be identified at higher normative, macro structural. They can be constructed according to

the axioms of education. Expresses a specific normativity social and human sciences (history and

hermeneutics), special normative fundamental de typical natural sciences (descriptive and experimental).

Social and human sciences laws define a connection generally conducted at the size interdependence

between objective - subjective specific activity (economics, politics, history, social research, education,

etc.). This interdependence mediated through finalities, confirms the complex, non-linear, cause and

effect, at tangentially, probabilistic, statistical. From this perspective, social and human sciences law - so

in pedagogy / educational science / science education - laws are probabilistic, statistical. They are the

expression of a teleological determinism that mediate the relationship between cause and effect through

finalities, relative to the central function of the business that has a career goal.

Laws education / pedagogy laws are probabilistic, statistical (probabilistic, statistical). They can be

developed as "probabilistic assumptions law" defining general connections necessary in the higher

education normative level, macro structural (see Sorin Cristea, 2010, p.63):

-Law positive orientation towards vocational education and development permanent student


-Law specific weight of cultural function by function civic and economic, political and

professional training to the educated personality.

  • Law functional correlation between educator and educated.

  • Law of the objective, consistent and open content and forms of general education.

  • Law of integrating all forms of content and general education at the ongoing education and self education.

-Law optimal development of personality education by harnessing the pedagogical relationship

between heredity - environment - education.

-Law curricular design education at optimal relations between objectives - basic contents -

methodology of teaching - learning - evaluation.

An ideal model of pedagogical normativity, practiced pedagogical literature in recent decades

include (see IV Podlasîi 1996, Sorin Cristea, 2010, pp.65-67) identifies three categories of Probabilistic

laws of pedagogy, determined the structure of operation education / training:

1) General laws - covering basic components of education / training: a) the law of optimizing

relationships between macro-structural general functions and purposes of education; b) the law of

optimizing relationships between objectives - basic contents - methodology - evaluating education /

training; c) the law of optimizing relationships between actors at all levels of education and teaching; d)

the law of optimizing relationships between internal conditions - external business education training and

capitalized on the action learning; e) optimizing the relationship between law and information at any

message pedagogical training / teaching; f) the law of optimizing relationships between objectives and

contents and results achieved by education / training, continually evaluated.

2) Specific Laws basic components of education / training: a) specific weight of the law cultural

function of education; b) the law permanent correlation between educator and educated, between teacher

and student; c) education law aims to design navel interdependence between psychological requirements -

social requirements towards education and educated; d) the law of the unity of content and general forms

of education / training); e) organization law education / training level education system and process; f)

methodology law openness of education / training in relation to the specific conditions existing resources;

g) the law need ongoing evaluation of education / training; h) the law of the goals of optimizing

relationships - the basic content - methods - wide assessment conducted any pedagogical project

developed and open environment.

3) Laws specific to particular components of education / training: a) laws of learning - learning

efficient management law; enhancing learning law by optimizing the relationship between external

motivation - internal learning; law increasing the quality of learning in terms of efficiency, effectiveness

and progress; b) the law operational objectives at the optimal correlation between specific tasks proposed

and actual teaching resources available; c) the law in relation to the content selection formative positive

effects achievable in each psychological and school age; d) permanent law to adapt teaching methods and

assessment techniques to the concrete situation existing in the context of this training.

Epistemological normativity teaching promoted at higher fixed by axioms and laws of education /

training stimulates the development of models-ideal, built at the fundamental pedagogical research,

models, ideal aimed at: a) the operating structure of education; b) aims of education; c) general education

content; d) general forms of education; e) the general context of education; f) operational training

structure (see Sorin Cristea, Cojocaru-Borozan Maia, Larisa Sadovei, Ludmila Papuc, 2016 pp.94-101).

III) Pedagogical principles

Define a set of design and operational requirements which must be met in the design and

implementation of any activity education / training (Sorin Cristea, 2015, p.123). They provide normative

shift from higher-level macro structural expressed by axioms and laws pedagogical, didactic to

normativity initiated pre-modern history of pedagogy (see J. A. Comenius), citing modern pedagogy by

affirmation of more didactic principles

Curriculum paradigm, historically affirmed postmodern pedagogy, pedagogical principles identifies

two categories:

A) General principles of design pedagogical education / training

Epistemological principles are built according to the operating structure of education, respectively of

instruction securing necessary regulatory milestones in any pedagogical design work:

a) The principle of pedagogical knowledge. It is committed to building the educational message /

teaching. Also consider the need of transformation knowingly expertise with positive pedagogical value

(see training-priority development of thinking in rapport with memory, internal motivation, relative to

external motivation).

b) The principle of pedagogical communication. It is committed to building the repertoire common

necesary between educator and educated, between teacher and student (classroom) to be conducted at a

cognitive level, but also non-cognitive (emotional, motivational).

c) The principle of pedagogical creativity. It is committed to the construction of circuit’s external

connection (through continuous assessment, conducted by teacher) and internal connection (done by

student self-assessment) with the purpose of correction, adjustment, advanced business education /

training in question.

B) operational principles for achieving education / training.

3. Conclusion

Teaching principles that are promoted as particularly training activities. They are built by deploying

regulatory requirements imposed by the general design principles. Covers all components of business

education / training: goals (specific, concrete) - basic contents - teaching methods - assessment (The

initial, continuous, final) - forms of organization which provides individualization differentiation et

business education / training:

a) The principle of positive business orientation formative education / training;

b) The principle of essential knowledge in the course of education / training;

c) The principle of systematization of knowledge in the course of education / training;

d) The principle of effective participation in the work of education / training;

e) The principle of accessibility of business education / training;

f) The principle of interdependence between intuitive knowledge and logical knowledge in the course

of education / training;

g) The principle of interdependence between theory and practice in the course of education / training;

h) The principle of regulation, self-regulation of the activity of permanent education / training

IV) Pedagogical rules

It is a set of simple procedures, operative, instrumental, used in applying the principles of design and

implementation of concrete activities of education / training. Intervene at: a) general as general

pedagogical rules b) particularly as specific pedagogical rules, which work with a specific design

principle or principle of achieving certain business education / training.


  1. Cristea, Sorin, (2010), Fundamentele pedagogiei, Iași: Editura Polirom; Cristea, Sorin, (2015), Axiomatica în pedagogie; Axiomatizarea în pedagogie, Axiomele pedagogiei, în Dicționar Enciclopedic de Pedagogie, A-C, București: Didactica Publshing House.
  2. Dictionnaire actuel de l’education, 3-e edition, direction editoriale, Legendre, Renald (2005) ; Guerin, MontrealFlew, Antony, (1999) Dicţionar de filozofie şi logică, Bucureşti: Editura Humanitas.
  3. Marshal, Gordon, edit.(2003), Oxford. Dicţionar de sociologie, Bucureşti: Editura Univers Enciclopedic

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25 May 2017

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Educational strategies, educational policy, organization of education, management of education, teacher, teacher training

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Cristea, S. (2017). Pedagogical Normativity. In E. Soare, & C. Langa (Eds.), Education Facing Contemporary World Issues, vol 23. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 151-156). Future Academy.