The main premise of this research is the importance of developing through training the motions specific to football. The basis for perfecting the other qualities that are part of sports practice (technical training, tactical training and psychological training) is physical training due to its complex array of actions that mostly involve striving toward perfecting oneself. It is also the main factor of performance progress even in the case of junior level football players (12-14 years old). The objective of the research is the evaluation of junior football players (12-14 years old) level of physical training. Methods: the study of specialized literature, mathematical and statistical methods, graphic representation. Results: After analyzing the results gathered from the measurement tests there can be noticed a range of low results. This is the main circumstance why football player training (aged 12-14 years old) needs to be restructured. Conclusions: The results of our experiment prove that achieving a good performance level in regards to a football team comprised of players between the ages of 12 and 14 depends on the physical training planned accordingly to the different levels of preparation.
Keywords: Footballphysical trainingmotion
Modern football along with the other sportive subjects requires a detailed knowledge of all the
components of sportive training.
Research plays the role of discovering new solutions in order to put in practice all the ideas that
are meant to be transferred on the players and to streamline the techniques in use.
A high- performance play may be reached in football only by the powerful players, skilled with
technical abilities and resistance during the competition. The effort on the field is tremendous, almost
double over the last years (11-13km) and, therefore also the physical preparation should be at the same
level. The same norms are required when it comes to the teams of women, where their physic-somatic
specificity represents a disadvantage.
The type of the football player is the factor that has to be the starting point for the basic elements
that will be used to create and undergo training. Based on the general type, there are some exceptions due
to the qualities and individual traits that recommend players for certain key positions on the team.
In football coaches have to keep in mind the characteristics of the overall and individual physical
training of the players, of the innovations in training methodology regarding the effort specific to this
Physical training contribute to the safety and efficiency of the defense, the speed of the offense,
also perfecting the precision and constancy of the defense and the offense thus leading to a speedy
improvement. The increase of technical and tactical knowledge as well as the increase in the probability
of using that knowledge in the game can be seen in the ratio between the ability of expression in the game
and the fast reaction of employing the overall and individual physical training coefficients.
It’s necessary that all the efforts and researches connected with the improvement of the physical
preparation to continue offering solutions and values which should lead to a high level of efficiency in
order to obtain performance at a raising level (2006).
players. (12-14 years old).
The study of specialized literature, mathematic and statistical methods, graphic representation.
Organizing the experiment
The research was done on a group of athletes with ages between 12 and 14 years and consisted of
applying some tests at the beginning of the competitive year (September 2015) and the results were
compared to the ratio established by the FRF (The Romanian Football Federation) for this age category.
The main focus of the overall motional tests applied, 7 in total, was evaluating the level of
development of the main motional properties required in the physical training of any future pro football
player: speed, strength during speed - expansion, endurance, the strength of the lower body and abdomen,
The results of the tests are lower than the optimal results for this age group.
For the speed test – 50 m flat, the average result of the experiment is 9.59 seconds, while the
optimal result for this age group is 8.3 seconds. The dispersal degree of the values of the line represented
by the standard deviation is 0.769, and the variability coefficient “VC” is 8.027% so the dispersion is low and homogeneity is high (figure no.1).

The long jump, that measures expansion (strength during speed) necessary to a future football
player, has an average result of 153 cm in the experiment, and the optimal results is 190 cm. The standard
deviation is 10.181 and the variability coefficient is 6.65 % so the dispersion is low and homogeneity is
high (figure no.2).

The 1000 m endurance running test average results during the experiment were 3 minutes 45
seconds, while the optimal results are 2 minutes and 20 seconds. The standard deviation is 0.319, and the VC is 9.23 % the dispersion is low and homogeneity is high (figure no.3).

Throwing a rounders ball has an average result of 31.2 m, while the optimal result is 34.3 m. The
dispersal degree of the values of the line represented by the standard deviation is 1.318, and the
variability coefficient is 3.84% so the dispersion is low and homogeneity is high (figure no.4).

The chin-up test results are an average of 4 chin-ups, and the optimal results are 8 chin-ups. The
dispersal degree of the values of the line represented by the standard deviation is 0.631, and the
variability coefficient is 7.88% so the dispersion is low and homogeneity is high (figure no.5).

The average number of crunches in 30
represented by the standard deviation is 1.521, and the variability coefficient is 7.24% so the dispersion is
low and homogeneity is high (figure no.6).

The results of our experiment prove that achieving a good performance level in regards to a
football team comprised of players between the ages of 12 and 14 depends on the physical training
planned accordingly to the different levels of preparation.
In order to create more chances of scoring, the speed of the match should be “
the opponents do it”.
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25 May 2017
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Future Academy
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Educational strategies, educational policy, organization of education, management of education, teacher, teacher training
Cite this article as:
Pîrvulescu, I. (2017). Study Regarding the General Level of Physical Training of Female Football Team. In E. Soare, & C. Langa (Eds.), Education Facing Contemporary World Issues, vol 23. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1493-1497). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2017.05.02.183