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Against Discrimination: Equality Act 2010 (UK)

Table 1:

Reasonable adjustment Impairment Concrete solution
Making adjustments to premises Wheelchair user Widening a doorway; providing a ramp; moving furniture
Difficulty in reaching Relocating light switches, door handles and shelves
Visual impairment Providing appropriate contrast in decor
Allocating some duties to another person. Vertigo If the job involves working on the open roof, asking someone else to do it.
Internal transfer A person who has become disabled Retraining; acquiring equipment for a new post; promotion
Altering working hours  Fatigue, difficulty to travel in the rush hour Allowing flexible hours; allowing extra breaks; a phased return to work
Assigning the person to a different place of work Wheelchair user Relocating the work station to the ground floor or to a different building
Allowing absence during working hours for rehabilitation, assessment, treatment A disabled person who needs rehabilitation or treatment Allowing more time off work than would be allowed to non-disabled employees
Arranging training for the disabled person and/or other workers Restricted hand or arm movements Longer or different training relating to the use of equipment
Visual impairment Training in additional software using a computer with speech output
Deafness Training staff on conducting meetings in a way that allows a deaf person to take an active part
Loss of confidence due to a stroke Hiring a work mentor and allowing the worker time off to see the mentor
Acquiring or modifying equipment Arthritis An adapted keyboard
Visual impairment A large screen
Hearing impairment An adapted telephone
Modifying instructions or reference manuals Visual impairment Texts being produced in Braille or on audio CD
Learning disabilities Conveying instructions in Easy Read or orally with individual demonstration
Restricted manual dexterity Replace a written test by an oral test
Providing a reader or interpreter Visual impairment Arranging another worker to read hard copy post at particular times; hiring a reader
Providing supervision or other support Lack of confidence due to a disability Providing a support worker or arranging help from a colleague
Allowing a disabled worker to take a period of disability leave Cancer Allowing a disability leave to undergo treatment and rehabilitation
Participating in supported employment schemes, such as Work step Recovering from depression Allowing the employee to call their support worker
Employing a support worker to assist a disabled worker Visual impairment Employing a support worker to accompany a disabled advisor during home visits to clients.
Modifying disciplinary or grievance procedures Learning disability Allowing a worker to bring a friend to a meeting with the employer about a grievance.
Adjusting redundancy selection criteria Autoimmune disease Taking absences into account whilst selecting people for redundancy, periods of disability-related absence must be disregarded.
Modifying performance-related pay arrangements Unspecified disability If an employer pays a worker on their output, they must pay additional hourly rate for the breaks that the employee may need to take during the day.
A combination of steps Visual impairment Arranging facilities for the assistance dog; providing instructions in Braille; providing disability equality training to all staff
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