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 Connecting Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement in Adolescence: A Systematic Review

Table 1:

Examine the relationship between EI and academic achievement
Assess the relationship between different academic levels and EI
Investigate the role of various demographics on EI and academic achievement
Examine if EI moderate the relationship between cognitive ability and academic performance
Investigate the relationship between EI and students’ socio-economic adjustment to school
Examine the role of fluid intelligence, personality traits and EI in predicting scholastic success
Determine if differences in scholastic performance are related to differences in personality or EI
Examine the relationship between EI and negative affect towards school tasks and academic achievement
Investigate the influence of EI and self efficacy beliefs on academic achievement
Explore the predictive influence of EI, peer social support and family social support on GPA
Assess the influence of EI and mindfulness on how adolescents cope with academic difficulties and stress
Test a model that depicts coping as a mediator of EI-academic achievement relationship
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